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"Admit it, you don't know what the hell is going on and now that your precious godly life is also in danger you want the human, as you have so adeptly called me multiple times, to help you?"



He crossed his arms and glared down at me and all I could do was stare back at him incredously.

Clearly he had no intention of elaborating any further; it was like last night all over again.

"Well, Why?!"

"Because-," he stopped, for the first time in his life probably at a loss for words. He clearly had some sort of reservations about telling me and it just made me more suspicious, "Because-" he started again, "I just need your help right now!" Anubis declared, "This is your time, your era and under these circumstances my matters should also be your priority!"

The feeling of disbelief that washed over me was otherworldly. How even was I meant to take this?

"You're kidding right? My priority?! Didn't you claim last night..."

He averted his eyes before interrupting me,

"Apart from a couple of things and some TV shows this place is considered pretty much the worst, it's avoided by everyone. Therefore I'm not familiar enough with this time and place, hence I need you to help me. Urgently."

Discomfort was obvious on Anubis's face and it seemed spelling it out for me like this had been something he hadn't really wanted to do. However that kind of concession not enough for me. My life was on the line here!
"And why should I just help you like that?" I questioned him, in an albeit, accusing tone, "You already made it clear you don't care if I live or die!"

Noticing that I had no intention on moving even an inch, whatever kind of vulnerability had just shown through vanished instantly. He stood up straight, clearly trying to use his height to seem more imposing. It bugged me that it instinctively made me take a step back.

"This whole discussion is based on the idea you have a choice," he once again grabbed my elbow, "you don't have a choice."

Sadly for him, it was not quite imposing enough.

"Do you treat people like this all the time?" I asked him, "Like shit?" lifting my chin in his direction, trying to show I wasn't going to fall for his cheap methods.

"Yes." came the instant reply.

My mouth dropped open on its own. That baby face of his made you think he'd be a completely different person than he actually was. He looked so harmless with his dishelved hair and light blue hoodie, shorts and sandals. And yet he was such a poisonous asshole.

Nevertheless I tried to stand my ground, "You said before that the worst thing that could happen is that I would die. Why do I think that no matter if I help you or not, my ending won't change?"

Anubis simply smiled at me.

"Easy because it won't." he said, "You're human, so you'll die eventually. If all fails the godly tether terminates upon your fated death anyway."

He was a really mean poisonous asshole.

"However for me it will still make a difference." he added completely oblivious too the rather terrible expression on my face, "If I break the tether now or later, if my powers disappear, if the curse remains or not; it is more important."

Rage once again churned in the pit of my stomach,

"So in all of this I'm not important? You've were just going to use me until you managed to save yourself?"
I tried to get my elbow free again but he didn't flinch. This time his grip felt different. Tighter. Almost like a shackle.

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