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Nothing in the world could have prepared me for the sight that awaited me at the end of this cave.

Three dirty hags taped to the wall, in some kind of makeshift cocoon of dark fabric, weaving around them as if itself were alive.

It was a scene of nightmares.

And that giant fire pit in the middle of the room, casting everything in the ominous glow of a medieval dungeon, didn't make it any better.

"Why would you look at that!" one of three cocoon beings greeted us as we stepped into the large cavern the corridor eventually had led us too,  "Look my dear sisters, look at who has come to visit us!"

As we came to a stop a good amount of feet away them, the other two chimed in,

"Why didn't Anubis cross the road?" the one on the far left asked.

"Because he's already on the other side!" the third answered back, before all three of them cackled in unison.

I heard Anubis huff beside me,

"That was low ladies, even for you."

The wall hags didn't seem to feel particularly guilty,

"Oh, come now Anubis," one chided. "Just show what wonderful thing you have brought us today?"

As she spoke, a proper face began to form in between the dark folds of fabric. Skin almost as grey as the rock she hung from, with wrinkles as deep as the great Mariana trench, her eyes were closed but I somehow felt like she was looking straight at me.

"Child," she said and it was clear she didn't mean Anubis, because suddenly she voice sounded much kinder than before, "Come closer, don't be afraid, let us see you better."

Since Anubis never gave me a directive on how to interact with the fates, I figured there would be no harm done if I just did as they asked.

I took a couple of steps forward, trying my best to focus on the leathery face in the middle as it shifted beneath itself. There was no way to tell the three fates apart, but it didn't stop me from wondering if this one happened to be the past, present or the future that I was talking too.

Almost immediately, all three of them exclaimed in unison, "No! No we changed our minds, go back!" their shrill voices echoed through the cave, "Quickly!"

Taken by surprise, I staggered backwards,

"What- Why?" I asked.

At my question, the two fates on the outside shook their heads. Only the one in the middle regarded me once again, her expression pained.

"My child," she began, "My dear child..."

Uneasiness prickled my skin. I stole a glance at Anubis, but he just stood there with his arms crossed, his handsome face marred by an obvious frown.

"Please work on yourself," the fate continued before also beckoning over to the god's direction, "Death may be lonely but he is not that lonely."

My voice dropped,

"Excuse me!?"

"His first female companion in 6000 years and she looks like that! Hah!"

Their evil cackles once again filled the cave and I suddenly understood Anubis's frown. I'd come down here thinking I was about to learn earth's greatest secrets not get insulted by a bunch of omnipresent grandmas. And in all honesty, if I wanted to have my confidence battered viciously at every given opportunity, my own grandmas would do the job just fine.

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