strip. (Story 4)

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Description: nick has a crush on the cute librarian that is charlie, but never made a move on them. One day, nick is dragged into a strip club. nick is whining about being there until their eyes lock on the best stripper in the club, who happens to be charlie.
Btw these aren't my prompts! I get these from a generator!!
3rd person pov:
Nick has never liked reading but "somehow" ends up in the library in the same spot, with the same book, what book? He couldn't tell you. He only ever went for the cute librarian. Charlie spring. Nick didn't ever go to read, but to see him. He just had the most gorgeous eyes, perfect figure, and just everything was so perfect about him. He knew his entire schedule so he only showed up on the days that he was there.

He checked the time and realized that he was gonna be late to hanging out with his friend harry. Ugh he hates harry so much. He was just a snobby homophobic guy who thinks he's the kind of the world. He didn't know exactly where they were going but he knew it was somewhere in town. He peeked around to see if charlie was there but to his surprise he wasn't. Not anymore at least. He checked the time again and squinted his eyes. "6:45.. he never leaves this early."

He sounded like such a creep but luckily it was only him around.He packed up his things and ran out to his car. He was gonna be super late. His directions didn't specify the place but he didn't care he just followed where it took him. As he pulled up he saw harry's car. A white rolls royce. Harry, excuse me, harry's parents were super rich so that's why he had that car.

He didn't recognize where he was but he just assumed they just had to walk to get to all of the restaurants in the core of town. "Nicolas Nelson!! Is that you mate?!" Harry screeched. "Yup it's me" Nick replied shoving his hands in his pockets. "Aye you've lost that bell from high school havent you?" Harry asked jokingly. "Yeah well i took up surfing and went to the gym more." Harry laughed. "Let's go the place opens soon" Harry rushed

"Hey where are we going anyways?" nick questions. "Oh trust me, you'll definitely like it" Harry smirked. "ok??". As soon as they arrived nick knew exactly what this place was even before he walked in. "Uh harry why are we here? Again..?" Nick said with an unsure voice. "Well cuz last time we couldn't find you anyone to date, here we are again!" harry smiled "harry i'm ok on my own. we can just go to the bar and get drinks or something. Im not even into girls like that and yk that." harry squinted his face "so ur a f@g?"

Nick turned red "YOU can't say that. Whatever let's just get this over with" harry smirked. "If it makes u feel better there's a guy section!! but mainly old geeters go to fuck some youngin. Mainly against their will 🤷🏼" Nick stopped walking. "so basically they're getting raped?" harry nodded while smirking. "harry u little snake ur lying. ur a terrible liar." harry laughed. "im just messing with you nicky😹 only the last part was a lie though" he said walking away."

Nick rolled his eyes and walked in his sight dimming cuz of how dark the place is. "Hey! Welcome in!" Nick looked up and noticed a short guy with a tag saying 'Aled :) been with superb strippers since 2019!' "Are you going for guys or girls tonight? You can get the combo if you choose either!" nick was puzzled "what's the combo?" aled smiled, "You aren't one of our usuals i see.. well if you tell what gender u prefer i can tell u the combo for each!" nick panicked "uh guys?" aled smile "great! Choosing the guys gets you: a lap dance,  private dance, and one sex session with any worker of your choice! But since you're new we will pick based on how u rate each person!" Aled grabbed a tablet that had a screen with stars out of 10. "just follow me you're right in time for our first dancers!"

After a few dances

Nick hadn't rated any of the dancers to high. The next dancer had come into stage but nick couldn't really see his face cuz the lights were dimmed but as soon as the music started they switched to a lighter red color. The old men sitting  were wild at this point cuz they knew who this was. They started cheering his name "CHAR!!! CHAR!!! CHAR!!!" it was like they were broken records. He finally got a good look at the mysterious dancer and his jaw dropped when he realized who it was. Charlie Spring. His librarian crush. Is this why he left early? How long has this been happening? He was surprised but he leaned forward and watched closely as charlie's hips swayed to the beat of the song, 'Streets by Doja Cat' he thought.

nick and charlie one-shots😜Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora