The Argument (story 7)

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In no way am i making fun of SH as i have delt with topics in this story. If you ever feel the need to harm yourself please call someone trusted to get help. I love you all deeply❤️❤️
This is an angst story!!!!!!! Tw: car crash, gorey descriptions, bad words!!
Desc: Nick and Charlie are arguing after a party in the car and nick isn't paying his full attention to the road and they end up crashing ending up in the hospital, both survive but one is seriously hurt.
3rd person Pov:

Nick and charlie walk out of a friends party and they are at eachothers necks. Charlie was supposed to be at home taking care of their new dogs and cat. But instead after work he went out to his friends house party.

Nick who shows up to an empty house tracks his fiancé and is upset to see that charlie is out partying with his friends.

Nick walks into the house looking for any familiar faces. He feels a tap on his shoulder and when he turns around he's met with his ex girlfriend, Imogen. They are on good terms now. "Hey nick! Charlie didn't say you were coming!" nick only awkwardly smiles. "Uh where is charlie?" imogen sips her drink before pointing to the dance floor where he sees charlie dancing with tao.

He walks over to the dance floor standing in the front of the crowd waiting for charlie to notice him. After about 2 minutes charlie's eyes avert to nicks. He stops dancing and walks over to nick awkwardly. "hey nicky.." he smiles at him awkwardly. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" charlie was getting defensive "Am i not allowed to come to a party?!" "no not when you have other responsibilities at home char!" charlie rolls his eyes before walking to the door. "Don't walk away from me!!!" charlie told his eyes again before walking to his own car. "nope your riding with me." nick snatches charlie's keys out his hand before walking to his car door.

Charlie is not very happy but he obeys and gets into the car. As soon as they close the door they are screaming at the top of their lungs. "ITS NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL NICK. I WENT TO A PARTY SO WHAT?!" nick is fuming with anger, him and charlie never argue.. ever. "it's the fact that you couldn't even call me to tell me that you went!" Charlie rolls his eyes. "i don't get why it's a such a big deal, i went out for a little after a long day at work, i wasn't drinking and i wasn't gonna be there for long!"

"charlie you aren't understanding, WE HAVE NEW PETS AT HOME WHO ARENT POTTY TRAINED YET, AND YOU WENT TO A GODDAMN PARTY?!" Nicks hands hit the wheel and his eyes close. "nick... watch out.. WATCH OUT!!!!!!" The car swerves off the road as a speeding car inched towards them. The car flips over 2 times before landing upside down in a ditch.

Charlie opens his eyes only to feel blood rush down his face. The car is upside down so he can't really move. He turns his head and sees his boyfriend unconscious in the seat next to him. "nick..?" Charlie is able to move only one of his arms in which he reaches out to touch nicks face. "nicky? nicky please wake up!" Tears stream down charlie's face as he tries unbuckling himself. As soon as he frees himself he climbs out of the dented door. Once he's fully out, he stands up slowly as glass pierces his hands

His legs feel like noodles, and his head is pounding. He quickly makes his way to the side of the road where all the cars go. He flags down a car in which multiple stop to help. "Hey! Are you ok?" Charlie only points to the destroyed car. "m-my boyfriend... hel-" before charlie could finish his sentence he passed out. He can hear everybody yell for him.

He wakes up once again and is feels the motion of moving. He opens his eyes and he can see all the bright lights hit him instantly. He looks around the room and he sees a bunch of doctors. He lifts his hands up and sees they're covered in blood and cuts. "w-he-re i-s nic-ky" One of the doctors looks down at him quickly. "hey kiddo" he soon realizes it's his older sisters boyfriend.

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