Chapter 1 - Your New Job.

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You're currently looking for a new job, you just got fired recently so you need this job in order to keep your place. You decided to check out what jobs give you a really good raise. You saw one called Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria. You called the number listed (xxx) xxx-xxxx. Someone answered the phone.

???: Hello!
Y/n: hello. i would like to apply to Freddy Fazbears pizzera, i'm looking for a job, i recently just got fired.
???: Ah okay, well my name is Henry Emily and i would love to interview you if thats okay i will write your number down and get you set in is that okay? come by today at 5 pm !
Y/n: Okay! great, thank you Mr. Emily
Henry: No problem Y/n !

"Okay, hopefully this will workout good !" you said to yourself.

(Time skip to where you arrive)
You arrived at Freddy Fazbears Pizzera,
you see a short middle aged man with glasses and a beard, "it's probably henry" you thought to yourself.  You walked to the man. he said "Why hello there! im Henry Emily! are you Y/n?" You said "Yes i am! so where will my interview be taken?" Henry said "right in my office, follow me." You followed henry and passed by a door with a golden tag on it labeled
"William Afton" You found that name interesting. You made it to henry's office.
"Ladies first" henry said. You chuckled "Okay, thanks hen" Henry said "No problem Y/n !"
You sit in one of the chair in front of Henry's desk. He asked the commonly asked questions when taking an interview for a job. "You're hired !" You said "Wait really? Oh my god thank you! thank you so much really." Henry said "You start work approximately at 8:00 am your co-worker would be William Afton"
William afton you thought to yourself
"Okay that's perfect thank you so much again henry !" You waved bye to Henry. You walked out and accidentally bumped yourself into this tall slim guy he was wearing a white shirt with a black tie his hair was nicely done or just really messy his eyes are silver, really pretty you thought to yourself. And under his eyes look pretty dark he seemed really tired. "Sorry dear didn't mean to stand in your way" damn you said he really does have a rich British accent. "Ah yes its okay, i bumped into you so basically im sorry for that"
"right.. well see you around. Y/n" he smirks
"what was that supposed to mean?"
you thought to yourself , you left to go to your car and went home.

William's POV
"there she goes, lets see how long she will last"
he said to him self.

thank you for reading :)
my first chapter so can't wait to see any suggestions <3

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