Chapter 2

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The picture above is Lily Potter

The parchment was dusty after sitting in her pocket for weeks. It was also a tad yellow. There really was nothing on the parchment, after a thorough look at it, but Rose still searched. She knew there must be a reason she was so intrigued, so she got out her invisible ink rubber and rubbed for all she was worth. Soon enough, ink started to show through and words started to form:

Meet me in the library On 10th of October at midnight. I need to tell you something.

Rose had no idea who this was from or who it was for but she knew she needed to be there. Thank god they had taken so long to wait. It was tomorrow, so she had to be quick.

The next day, she had begged her brother (Hugo) for the invisibility cloak and then subtly made her way to the library. At first, there didn't seem to be anything but when she looked closer, she stumbled across no one else apart from Malfoy and Scarlet. Scarlet was whispering something not quite audible so Rose shuffled closer.

"You what?" Scarlet whisper-screamed.

"I can't date you, I like someone else." Malfoy replied.

"Could you at least tell me who?" She said, with hurt in her voice.

"I, I can't. It's too weird." 

"Oh come on. Do you like a Ravenclaw or something?" She said teasing.

Malfoy looked sheepish, staring at the ground. Rose gasped but luckily it was covered up by scarlet, who gasped at the same time.


"I can't tell you."

"Just her initials, please your tearing me apart here."

"Fine, R.W"

Rose nearly screamed but remembered where she was and turned on her heal and fled through the door. Malfoy liked her, her. Or at least, she thought he did. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding? She hoped it was just a misunderstanding. She payed no attention to the flare of happiness inside her that was threatening to take over her head.

In the morning, she found Lily straight away, and pulled her into a passageway. Little did she know, Malfoy was walking along that same hallway and just happened to hear his name. She told Lily about the parchment and told her how she had found out what was written on it, then followed it. She told Lily of the conversation and the initials. Lily only had one question.

"Just answer one question, do you like him back, the truth?."

"Yes" Rose whispered after hesitation, and immediately regretted it. Lily started to smile in a sly way, then ran down the passageway, yelling 'Rose has a crush on Malfoy', 'Rose has a crush on Malfoy'. Then she stopped dead in her tracks, turned around and said,

"Your dad is going to kill you!"

"I know"

Malfoy, having heard all of this, had stepped inside the passage. Rose and Lily didn't see him until he talked.

"You bum-hole!" He yelled, making the other two jump. "You listened in on a private conversation and then decide to tell people about it. That was completely not for your ears, but no, you just had too be nosy."

"Lily, can you leave for a second please. I need to have a little chat with Malfoy." Rose said calmly.

Lily opened her mouth to retaliate, but saw the look on Rose's face and scarpered. Rose turned back to Malfoy.

"Look Malfoy, maybe this is a good thing, I overheard you saying you had a crush on me, you overheard me saying I Like you. Now we're even, so you can continue your life."

Scorpius was having trouble finding words, so instead, he walked up to rose and kissed her, on the lips. Fireworks went off inside Rose, but she quickly pulled away and slapped Malfoy.

"What the hell was that, Malfoy? Why the hell did you kiss me?" Rose practically screamed.

"I don't know Weasley, it was something I've wanted to do for a long time but never have. I thought I had better self-control than that." Malfoy screamed back.

They both stood still for a moment, in shock, and then turned and ran out of either ends of the passage way. For the next two days, they avoided each other like the plague. They didn't shout insults at each other anymore and they generally just pretended the other one doesn't exist. Rose hated it. This went on for quite a while until they had too do their tutoring sessions once more. They both turned up, surprisingly,  but concentrated hard on the work and din't talk unless they had to.

Finally, Rose broke the tension and asked Malfoy if he wanted to play truth or dare. He did so they played.

"Truth or dare" Rose asked with a cheeky wink.


"Do you think I'm pretty?" Rose asked blushing as she said it.

"No" Malfoy said, making Rose feel put out, "I think your gorgeous in every single way."

Rose blushed the same shade as her hair and so did Malfoy, and they stared at each other. Rose couldn't help but notice Malfoy's soft, grey eyes.

"so..." Malfoy say's, breaking the silence, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." She chose after a slight hesitation. 

"Do you think I'm hot?"

"yes." Rose said without meaning to, she just couldn't control herself. They stared at each other for what seemed like hours in a comfortable silence.

"Maybe we should get back to the work"

"Maybe!" And so they continued working, people giving them weird looks, as they weren't fighting. To most people that was a miracle. At the end of the session, Scarlet came over again and started flirting with Scorpius. She flipped her hair and Rose had to hold on to the table to stop herself from flying at her. Scorpius flirted back, and that made Rose even more angry, so she got up and stalked out of the library, tears nearly spilling over. Scorpius, noticing this, got up and ran after her, muttering his apologizes to Scarlet.

Rose went to the nearest passageway and burst into silent tears, She felt hurt, betrayed, destroyed. As she looked up, a tall figure was stood in front of her, looking down at her with concern. She wiped away her tears and got up. 

"What's wrong" Scorpius said in his hoarse voice.

"Nothing" She said as she turned her head away and began to walk the opposite way. 

"There's obviously something" Scorpius said, grabbing onto her wrist. The slight touch sent a shiver down Rose's spine. 

"Why don't you just go find Scarlet or something"

"Scarlet, why would I want to do that?"

"Well you two looked pretty cozy earlier"

"Is that what this is about. Well I assure you, I would never even think about doing this to Scarlet." And then he kissed Rose, slow at first and then passionately. Rose suddenly realised what was happening and responded. There mouths moved in sink against each other, giving Rose goose bumps. He knew not to take it too far, so after 30 seconds of smiling against her lips he pulled away. Rose craved his touch, his warmth. She knew it was so wrong, but it felt so right. 

"Wow" was all she could say.

"Yeah, wow"

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