Chapter 3

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The picture above is of Albus Potter.

Just then, a crash boomed around them and Rose turned, to see James, another cousin of hers, with a smashed bowl at his feet.

"Please don't tell me I just saw what I just saw." he said, the shock in his voice very noticeable.

"James, please let me explain." Rose pleads.

"No" and then he struts off, probably to find her other cousins (she has at least 9).

"Rose, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't of done that."

"No, I'm glad you did, but I have to go now. I'll see you later."

"Bye" he said, in a voice that said Don't go but she had too.

Rose chases after James, finding him nowhere. He must be in the Gryffindor common room. Dang. Rose decides to head to ravenclaw common room and when she gets there heads straight up to bed. As soon as her head touches the pillow, she is asleep but she wakes up many times in the night, thinking about her complicated love life. That's when the thought came to her, What if James tells Ron!

Her dad would not take kindly to her dating a Malfoy. It would destroy him, he would destroy Malfoy. That's why it had to stay a secret and that's why Rose had to find James. So she jumped out of bed, put on some clothes and got the invisibility cloak.


She first checked the owlery and, luckily, James' owl was still there. When she noticed that, she let out a long breath of relief she didn't know she had been holding. Just then the clock striked 7 o' clock.

'Breakfast' She thought and she ran down to the great hall. Her eyes wandered over to the Griffindor table as she ate her breakfast. James wasn't there and behind, on the slytherin table, neither was Scorpius. This got Rose worried and she headed straight off. She found them in the library, having a whispered, heated discussion behind a bookshelf. She hesitated before putting her ear to it.

"Stay away from my little cousin, I know what your really like."

"You know nothing about me. Your just like everybody else, you think you know me because you know about my family. Well, reality check, I am not my family, nor am I anything like them."

"I do know your a worthless little git, and you have no business with my cousin."

"I think we'll leave that up to Rose to decide, don't you." And with that Scorpius turned on his heel and ran out of the library.

Rose waited a few seconds to collect herself, then went to her next class, potions, although she could not concentrate and kept thinking about the conversation she had just heard, causing her to put an extra shrivel-fig into her cauldron. It ended up all over the table, after exploding. ..........................................................................................................................................................................

At lunch she met with her friends and they studied in their common room. They studied Transfiguration, defense against the dark arts and potions, but her mind was still on other things. Clemence noticed this and got worried, just as she usually did. Rose assured her it was fine and clemence returned to reapplying her mascara. As they were halfway through testing each other on charms, a loud tapping noise started in the dusty window. Rose went straight over and opened it. She took the crisp letter straight from the brown, tawny owl and opened it. It said:

ROSE, You have to break up with him or I will tell uncle Ron. Break up with him by next Friday or your dad will know. JAMES

And that was it. Those words were the end of ScoRose. She had to end whatever it was between her and Scorpius (She wasn't quite sure what) so she sent him an owl to meet her at 8 o'clock.


Rose arrived at there meeting spot at 10 to 8 to prepare herself for what was to come. 8 O'clock came and 8 O' clock went and no one turned up. When the clock striked 9:00, Rose lost hope. She walked slowly towards her common room, silent tears running down her cheeks. James was right, he was a jerk.

Her eyes were so full of her tears, it was hard to see where she was going so she ended up bumping into a tall, muscular body. She looked up and her tearful eyes met a stormy, grey pair. Scorpius. As soon as their eyes met, Rose new she could never leave him. She was in love with him. They stayed in silence for what seemed like years until Scorpius broke it.

"Rose, there you are. I've been looking for you all over." Scorpius exclaimed.

"I was in the north tower, where we planned to meet."

"Of course you were. I should of checked there again. I went there at 10 to 8 but you weren't there so I told myself I would come back later. I guess I forgot. I'm so sorry. Why are you crying." he said as he hugged Rose, in a bone crushing hug.

"No reason. I'm fine. Really." She lied.

"What did you want to talk about then?" He asked. He obviously understood she didn't want to talk about it.

"I, we, you need to, uumm, we need to break up?" She said it like a question. She wasn't sure this was the right thing to do.

"Are you sure about that?" He said, laughing under his breath.

"Yes I'm sure. It just won't work. I wish it could be different, I wish we could stay together." she said this all very quickly, giving no time to breathe.

Scorpius nodded slowly, then kissed Rose, slowly and surely. Rose new what this was, it was a goodbye kiss. She kissed back, just as softly, just as sweetly, asking, wishing him not to go away. Then the kiss turned more ferocious, it told Rose what she didn't want to hear. It told her he had to go, for the good of both of them.

Then he turned and ran away. As his body faded from my view, I heard a loud crash. It was only when my heart realised what it had felt that I realised it was the sound of it breaking.

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