Chapter 6

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Burkely Duffield as Scorpius. Picture above.

IgirisuHakuchi helped me with this so go read her stories

Warning- me and Unicorns1on2brooms are very good at being serious and doing serious things- IgirisuHakuchi xx

Scorpius, after hearing his sister, wanted to help Rose in anyway he could, so he went to Ivy for 'womanly advice'.

Instead he was confronted with womanly angst.

Not that he hadn't expected this. His sister was often enraged by something petty and ridiculous, such as that one time he ate six tacos just so she couldn't eat them.

So Ivy told Scorpius to stop being such an egg-faced little pineapple. He took her advice and never ate any eggs or pineapples again. Oh, and he also applied it to the Rose problem. He thought to himself, if he could just show her a way that he is in love with her and it was just a mistake. What to do, what to do.

Rose's p.o.v:

He was the one that made everything better in my life, why did he have to end it like that. Rose was walking to the great hall for lunch when she stopped. In front of her was a sweaty, yet cute boy holding a note.

"Please, just take the note." Scorpius pushed a note into her hand and then ran of. Rose stood there, staring at the note in her hand. She stood there for hours, just staring at this note, trying not to break down in the middle of the corridor. Suddenly Callum (Scorpius' best friend) turned up, shaking me out of my shock.

"What's wrong Rose? What's up?" Rose held out her hand and showed Callum the note, still too shocked to say anything. She hadn't read the note, she had no idea what it said but Callum read it aloud

I am so sorry, I never meant to do it and I don't expect you to forgive me but please just don't ignore me. I love you Rose, and I know that's stupid because I hardly know you but I do. I couldn't say this to your face but if you could ever forgive me, even if it's not right away, Than meet me in the library at 6:00. Scorpius :)

Rose was even more socked than ever. Scorpius loved her. Did she love him back? How was she supposed to know. She's only 15.

Later that day, Scorpius was waiting in the library, he waited and waited, and just as he was about to give up, Rose came running in, out of breath and red in the face.

"I will forgive you, but I have a few conditions before I do. You must complete this list before I forgive you." And she handed over a note that had a list of tasks with 100 things on. The first few were easy things, like eating a spicy pepper or doing the spell accio but there were harder things like telling the whole world he loved Rose.

Number 1, tell Scarlet to go away. Number two, tell the whole of the great hall I love Rose." Scorpius read out. "Rose, there are millions of things here. You expect me to do all of these. It will take me years."

"And you will do it, or you will be forever ignored by me. And trust me, I will do it." So Scorpius hastily agreed to the terms and took the list.


The next morning, Rose woke up slightly happier. Scorpius was willing to do those things for her and that made her more joyful than she could ever imagine. The sun was shining through her curtains, and the rest of her dorm were up and happy. Rose got up and got dressed into bright colours, put her hair into a bun and slipped on some shoes. Thank god it's Saturday.

The great hall was bustling with noise and laughter, as everyone ate there breakfast. Rose went and joined Clemence at the Ravenclaw table, and as she looked over at James, she saw he had his newest girl on his arm. Rose had seen her around school before. Her name was Eleanor P, she was in Rose's year and had a tendency to burst out laughing at the silliest of things. She was also a metamorphagus, which means she can change her look whenever she wants.

As Rose looked past James and Eleanor, her eyes came to the Slytherin table, where there was some sort of commotion going on. As more people started to notice, the great hall went silent.

"I don't care about you Scarlet, I never have and never will. So go away and leave me alone." It was Scorpius shouting. If he was going to complete this list he had to get a head start. So he ticked of number one and walked to the front of the great hall and said:

"I love a certain girl in this room, with beautiful eyes and flowing hair, her laugh is like a fairy and her face is like an angel because she is my angel. I love Rose Weasley, not Scarlet flipping Parkinson." And with that he stormed up the middle and out of the hall. Everyone was so shocked that noone talked for a while. Rose was the one who broke the silence.

"Oh for god sake, he didn't just sprout wings, eat your breakfast before I eat it for you." And with that she also stormed out to go find Scorpius.

I am so sorryI haven't posted in a while but here you go. I do have a lot of homework and I just had a mental block but here is my finished chapter. Enjoy and vote.

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