Chapter 5

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The picture above is of James Potter.

Ivy's character was created by my best friend, IgirisuHakuchi

Rose's p.o.v:

I was walking back to my common room after dinner when someone grabbed my hand. The touch sent shivers down my spine and when I looked it was Scorpius, of course. 

"Please Rose, five minutes." He begged, as she struggled to free her grasp. She gave up and turned to him.

"I'm sorry, OK. I'm so sorry and I beg for your forgiveness. But why do we need to let James get in between us. Why can't we just keep it a secret, you know, better then we did before. I can't live without you Rose." He begged.

"I can't, OK. I can't. Just go back to doing what you did before, leave me alone. If James finds us he tells my dad. I can't let him do that. I need to break the news gently. I just can't until I find a way to keep James from telling. And you stood me up. In some ways that hurt me more then James did."

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to and I hate myself for it and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I just can't lose you. I've liked you since 2nd year."

Rose stood there, taking it all in. He had liked her for 3 years, she had liked him for 3 weeks. All the time they had been fighting he had really been flirting. Why had she never realised? And why did James have to ruin it? They could have had something special. But then again he ruined that when he stood her up. 

"What were you really doing when you stood me up?"

"Please don't hate me but I was with Scarlet, she stopped me and she wouldn't let me go. She kept badgering me, and then she kissed me. I promise you it was all her. I pushed her away from me. I swear it meant nothing."

Rose had tears in her eyes threatening to spill over. Why did this boy hurt her so much? He had made her cry more then she had ever cried before, yet she stilled liked him, more then she'd ever liked anyone before. Why had she denied her feelings for him?

But James was right, he was a jerk. He had kissed another girl. Sure, she had kissed him, but still. But he'd been truthful. It was all so confusing.

"Just give me some time OK." And with that she walked away. She decided to take a detour, through the stairway that goes straight to her common room. Unfortunately, she got stuck and could not make it up the stairs. She was stuck for half an hour before she finally got out and rushed up the stairs, but as she turned the corner she saw something she never wanted to see. Scarlet and Scorpius were snogging, passionately. Rose screamed, pushed past them and ran back to her common room.

Scorpius's p.o.v:

God, I've really screwed it up this time. She'll never take me back, I've lost her. Why did I have to be this stupid? Stupid Scarlet, I hate her to the depths of my bones. Then why did I kiss her? Oh why? 

"Babe, don't,worry about her. she's fine." Scarlet told me, wile going in to kiss me again. I turned my head away.

"I'm not your babe. I don't like you. Why do you keep doing this to me?" Malfoy pronounced, before turning and running back to his common room.


Rose and Ivy had always been good friends, even though they had been in opposite houses. Ivy had long, black hair, as straight as a ruler. She was very beautiful and a smart girl, one of the smartest in 6th year. She was a Malfoy, half-sister of Scorpius. And being older she oftened bossed him around. So, when word got around about Rose and Scorpius, she went to find him.

Ivy's p.o.v:

Really Scorpius? Why did you have to hurt her and why did it have to be with that thing? Sometimes you can be so stupid.

Ivy was thinking of things to yell at Scorpius. That doesn't work. What could she say.

Rose is in tears, crying for all she is worth, and you are the cause of that. You are why she has stayed in her room for all of the last few days, not eaten any meals and is utterly heartbroken. 

NO, UGH. Think. It could be anything and she couldn't think of one good way.

Scarlet, really? That is stupid, barbaric. I might never talk to you again. EVER! Sometimes I really hate you in all ways possible. Rose is in tears, hasn't been seen out of he room for days and is utterly heartbroken. You need to sort this and fast before she completely breaks down. Ugh!                            And then she would walk off and it would be perfect. And so that is what she did do and say. And it was perfect. Scorpius was left speechless. 

Rose's p.o.v:                                                                        

Rose sat there, wondering what she could do. She had to move past Scorpius. She had to look past her mistake and get back to her bubbly, fun self. Scorpius was a mistake. He was something she could look past and forget. He would never wriggle back in. No matter how much he prayed or begged and got on his knees. She wondered weather he would even want her anymore. This she was wrong about. Of course he would want her back. And he would try anything and do anything. He liked her more then anyone else ever. 

They avoided each other for days, months, Rose studying for all her days and Scorpius going crazy, wild around everyone. There friends tried to console them but they were meant for each other. Then one day, when the exams were getting very close, they decided to talk it out, a mutual decision. Scorpius didn't grovel and Rose wasn't as mean as she wanted to be because she had softened over the months that they had avoided each other. 

I love all my readers and I wish there were more of them but you know. :)

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