Ocean's In My Heart

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Outside, I heard horn sounds,
I ran so fast to peeked the daylight,
When I opened the silver door
My face was illuminated by a beam,
I was on the deck of the ship,
Observed the lovely scenery,
Oriented my praise on the seabirds as they flew around,
I took a deep breath,
With a glamorous smile reached into my ears and said,
“Wow, take a look at the entire clear sea,”
The blue ocean is covered by the spherical world,
Reflects the glints of the sun,
A wave seeps forwards and backward by the gale,
I gawked downward at the sea level,
Catching a glimpse of rainbow jellyfish,
Eyeing the dolphins flinching the above the ocean,
I reach down my hands to touch a teardrop from the depths of the ocean,
I unwrapped my jaws to sip the presence of the spot,
It's salty and nice,
I heard horn sounds again,
Indicating we reached the dock.
I will miss the deep blue ocean, till I back soon.

Free verse poetry
June 02, 2022
Ocean's In My Heart

Collection Of Short Poetries Written By: supremejamOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant