Thunder Strangers Part 2

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Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies

trains our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.

Three who will become...


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

The call is on!

Their force is getting strong!

They'll have to brave the weather!

Ninja Storm! stand together!

The storm will grow!

Waters flow!

Power Ranger Ninjas Go!

Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)

is growing (growing)



Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

With the speed of the wind!


And strength like thunder!


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

"Any sign of the rangers Cam?" "So far nothing but scorched Earth and a few fragments of zord wreckage."

"Come on." as the brothers and Kelly ran to see if they could help their friends. "There." shouted Blake as he saw Tori coming over the top of the hill. Shane and Dustin were helping Paige up the hill considering sometime during the walk she had started to wake up but was not all there. "We were riding our bikes when we saw the smoke. Are you guys okay?" "Paige!" exclaimed Hunter as he rushed to the girls and held her gently in his arms scared that she would not be there if he let go. "Are you okay?" "I think so I don't really remember much of what happened before whatever happened." "What happened?" Hunter questioned the other three to see if they could tell him what happened to Paige. "I was listening in the car on the way here they think it was some kind of alien attack." "What does that sort of thing happen a lot around here?" "You never wonder why housing was so cheap." "We need to call someone, the police, the FBI, the CIA." "No kelly we're fine thanks." Hunter looked down at the girl in his arms, still worried if she was truly alright "Paige, look at me." and grabbed either side of her face to make sure she was truly okay. "Why don't I take you home and you rest a little bit okay?" "Yeah Paige you go home we will talk to you later okay." said Shane and Tori came up and hugged her and Paige secretly gave her morpher to Tori for Cam to look at. Hunter walked Paige back to her house and helped her lay down in her bed and was about to leave when Paige stopped him. "Thank you so much for helping me Hunter." "Of course Sunshine you know I will do anything for you. " Are you feeling any better?" "My head is still a little fuzzy but I think I will feel better after a nap." "Sleep tight angel." and neither one of them noticed the slight glow they both had.

"Sir the thunder rangers have failed, please permit me to attack while the enemy is still vulnerable." "Do you listen to anything I say, Zurgane." "Sir." "What did I tell you about the power rangers?" "Well uhhh...." "I'll give you a hint. It's to do with their power and how you destroy them. Anyone? Anyone?" "uhhh." "It has to be really painful?" "Wrong answer but thanks for playing our game." and he fired a blast at Marah but she moved out of the way and it hit CHoobo instead. "What kind of answer was that? Huh." "I don't know, I just thought..." "What did I tell you about thinking?" "Dont." "exactly." "To defeat the power rangers they must be in their ranger form." "Sir, that hurt quite a lot." "It's a laser beam it's supposed to hurt. Now get out of here everyone." "Yes sir." "And don't do anything until I tell you."

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