Return of Thunder Part 2

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Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies
trains our future protectors.
Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.
Three who will become...
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
The call is on!
Their force is getting strong!
They'll have to brave the weather!
Ninja Storm! stand together!
The storm will grow!
Waters flow!
Power Ranger Ninjas Go!
Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)
is growing (growing)
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
With the speed of the wind!
And strength like thunder!
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!

On the news
"It doesn't happen too often but here in Blue Bag Harbor the weather has become the news. A cold front is gripping the city." "No kidding." Says Cam from Ninja Ops shivering. "Causing an unprecedented shortage in the heating oil supply." "You sure you're okay dad." "This is the first time I've been glad to have fur. Have you had any luck locating our rangers?" Says Sensei "Nothing, it's like they vanished into another dimension." "Trust me it's a possibility. Keep trying." "I will." Says Cam turning back to the computer.
On the island Tori and Dustin can be seen waking up "oh man I feel like I just got beaten in a sparring match with Paige and then run over by a full gate of 250s." "Me too. Whatever that means. Hey where's Shane?" "Right here." Says Shane running up to his friends. "I hiked up a hill to check things out. We're on an island." "An island?" "Yeah there no land or people around as far as I can see. Hey hey don't bother I already tried." Said Shane to Dustin as he reaches to his morpher to contact Ops. "Last thing I remember we were playing battling zords with Paige, Blake, and Hunter." "Yeah don't remind me." Says Shane as he looks to Tori. "There's an explanation. We all know there has to be because Paige we never turn her back on us." "I think everything pretty clear." "What does that mean?" "We've known these guys what a month and how much of that time are they actually not trying to take us out." "You didn't see Blake the other day something must have happened to him, Hunter, and Paige when they went on Lothors ship. Because we all know how much Paige stays loyal to this team. She stays true to her friends no matter what so don't even think about trying to doubt her." "Whatever but when you're ready to get real come and talk to me all right. I gotta find a way out of here." Says Shane walking away. "We could always trade him in for a new ranger." "Hmmm." "Maybe a green one." Says Dustin "Wait a minute! Alright I admit this is brutal but you have to allow for the possibility that there's some logical reason for all of this." Says Tori as they walk down the beach but stop when they see something in the trees. "You guys saw that right?" Asked Dustin "I did." "Good." "Over there!" And the wind rangers start running into the forest after the blur. "Hold up. It came this way. I saw it." "Good eye Shane." Said Blake as he, Paige and Hunter were standing in front of them. "You ever wonder what would happen if two thunder ninjas and one elemental ninja got into a fight with three wind ninjas. Who would win?" "No one, the only war we win is to work together." "Which I thought we were doing." "Guess you were wrong." "There's only two options: either surrender or be destroyed. And since we are feeling generous..." "well even give you a head start if you wanna run." Finishes Hunter as Paige's eyes flash gold. "Sorry Tor, whatever's over these guys we're not going to fix it by having them stomp us." "I have no intention of letting them stomp us." And the wind rangers take off their regular clothes to reveal their ninja attire. Shane and Hunter are fighting but both seem to be holding their own until Shane knocks Hunter to the ground "What did you do to Paige?" Questioned Shane before Hunter kicked his feet out from underneath him. While Paige and Blake tag team against Tori and Dustin. The two wind rangers are not handling fighting Paige and Blake that well. "Come on Paige what are you doing we're your friends." Said Dustin dodging her punches. "Blake, that's enough." Said Tori as Blake would not stop coming after her. "Come on slow pokes." "Try and keep up." And all the ninja streak away while they continue to fight each other. After the land on the beach they both divide into their sides. "We having fun yet?" Asks Shane "No but there's always this." "Thunder Storm Ranger Form Ha! Ninja Storm Ranger Form Ha! Power of Thunder! Power of the Elements!"
"We knew that was coming." Said Dustin "Ready?" "Ready!" "Ninja Storm Ranger Form Ha! Power of Earth! Air! Water!"
"Oh it's on now! We're through taking it easy on you." "You are going to regret the day you ever messed with us." Said Paige "You're right Shane they're not gonna listen to reason." Says Tori "if it's then or us I choose but we should probably still save our sister." "Thank you, finally someone's listening to me." Says Shane "Don't call me your sister!" Says Paige who used her earth power to cause Dustin to fall. "Dustin! Are you okay?" Says Tori as her and Shane help him up. "Okay Paige I don't know what is wrong with you but you never gave up on us so I'm not giving up on you." Said Shane "Right!" Says Tori "Ninja Swords!" And the ninja all ninja streak at each other continuing to fight. "HawkBlaster!" Says Shane firing at Hunter "My blasters bigger than yours." Says Hunter firing at Shane causing him to fall to the ground. Blake is fighting Tori while Dustin is fighting Paige "come on Paige we're your family." "Lies!" Says Paige pushing Dustin away from her. "Ninja Beam!" Says Dustin as he fires beams at Paige to slow her down. "DragonShield!" And the blast bounced off of her and on to Tori. "Tori!" "I'm okay."  "Wow I thought you had better aim." Says Paige with a laugh. "Your aim is lame Dustin but I'm not shocked are you?" And Blake surrounds Dustin with lightning while Paige does the same thing with Tori and throws them across the beach.
On Lothors ship
"I hate to admit it, Choobo, but they're good. Moody as all get out but good." "Good oh yes thank you." "Choobo, how long until they finish the job?" "It shouldn't take much longer." But lothor stops him before he can continue "Is anyone else cold?" And a group of Kelzaks raise their hands shivering. "What's the deal? Why do I see my breath?" Asks Lothor "well sir the island's emergence has created a cold front that's enveloping the planet." "I hate the cold, you couldn't have picked an island that would cause a heat wave." "Well I suppose we could have but we took a vote and decided." "Well there's the problem. I knew I should never have given them the vote." "Sir, I'm working on the heating system. It should be back in no time." "It better be." Says Lothor "Now let me see." And Zuragne pulls a lever that causes sparks to form. "What good is destroying the power rangers if we've all been turned into alien ice sculptures."
At the commander center all of the rangers and their families have gathered since hearing has gone out in all of their houses. "Have y'all figured out what is going on yet?" Jason asked some of the rangers. "Sorry Jason nothing yet." Said Billy "We haven't located Paige or the other rangers yet." Said Trini "But we will keep looking." said Kendrix who was visiting Earth when this happened.  Jason just sighed and walked away "Don't worry man you know she can handle herself." Says Adam "I know but she is still my baby girl." Says Jason "Jason, look around this room full of past rangers who all helped train your daughter in some way. She is going to be okay." Said Tonya and Jason Nods
At Ninja Ops
"This is crazy, it has never been this cold here. We've broken every record since the weather service existed." Says Cam "Why couldn't I have been a long-haired Peruvian guinea pig?" "Well I turn the heat up but I'm worried about having enough power to drive the search system." "We have no choice, Cam you must find the rangers." "I'll keep trying dad. I just hope they are okay. Maybe Paige has used her fire powers to help keep them warm?"
On the Island
Paige is seen with a ball of fire in her hand right before she throws it at Dustin, Tori, and Shane. But before they can recover Hunter fires his blaster at them. "You've got to stop this. Paige this isn't you." "You don't know me!" "Say Goodbye rangers!" Said Hunter. "All right, look you obviously have some serious emotional problems you're dealing with, you ever consider group therapy?" "Umm." Says a Hunter looking to the ground. "This is getting really old." "Hey I love dirt as much as the next guy." "Too bad it doesn't show in your riding Dustin." "Yeah I could be you on a tricycle." said Paige "you did not just bag on my riding." And Dustin runs at the two but is quickly disarmed and thrown to the ground as Tori comes to help him. "Why are we fighting them?" Asks Hunter "you want some more?" Says Blake to Dustin. "What's wrong Tori, you look a little washed up." Says Paige as she sends a wave of water towards Tori. "Hey wait! Isn't Dustin our friend?" And Hunter has a flashback of him, Blake, Paige, and Dustin hanging out at the track. "Blake, Paige this is wrong." "What are you talking about?" "Stop joking around Hunter." Says Paige as she and Blake get hit by ninja beams from Shane knocking them down and away from Dustin and Tori. Hunter tries to catch both of them but makes sure Paige is okay. "Storm Striker!" "Ready? Fire!" And Paige and the brothers get thrown up in the air by the blast before falling and rolling to the ground but as they get up the wind rangers slash them with their swords. "Now just stay down!" "Can we get out of here?" Asks Dustin "Good idea I'm so over this."
On Lothors ship
"It seems there's a floor in your plan. The thunder rangers grow weaker as their memories grow stronger." " Uh-oh." "I wouldn't want to be you if they remember everything." Says Lothor "Oh I have another idea uhhhh." "Well what is it?" "Let's hear it." Says Zurgane "well I think if we took..." and Choobo whispers his plan in Lothors ear as Zurgane still struggles with the heat. "Choobo really has Uncles ear must bug the heck out of you." Says Marah "he's not a real general you know." "Ohh." Say both girls "Girls! Prepare the beam!" "Goody, I love beams! What kind of beam is it?@ says Marah "Never mind." Says Lothor
Back with the ninja
"Careful guys." As the wind ninja slowly approach the ninja on the ground. "Oh my head." "uh." "What happened?" Asked Paige "Where are we?" asks Hunter before he goes over and helps Paige stand. "Are you alright?" "I'm okay. I've had worse." "Blake?" "Yeah I'm fine." Before turning and seeing the wind rangers "What are you guys doing here?" "Better question, what are any of us doing here?" Says Paige "You guys okay?" "Uh-huh." "What happened?" Asked Hunter "They seem themselves." "What that's supposed to mean? Did the smell of Dustin after training knock me out again." "Hey!" Exclaimed Dustin. While Shane and Tori laughed knowing that Paige was back to normal before the could celebrate they were interrupted. "Hey! You down there in cow and bug suits." Says Choobo "Ohh now he's gonna get it." Says Paige closing her visor. "He better not be talking to us." Says Hunter "Yeah I'm talking to you I worked to hard for you to mess things up now." And there was an explosion behind the rangers "Super Toxipod!" "You can't keep a good snail down. Did you miss me?" "Man, who is that? he's ugly!" Says Paige as the tangerine get shot with a beam falling to the ground. "Didn't we already fight this guy." "We did?" "But he smells worse."
"Everything about me is worse." Says the snail laughing. "Ah now what does he want?" Says Dustin "A bath? Deodorant?" Suggests Paige "Want? I want to sink this island with you on it. I want to cause an atmospheric reaction that would drop the temperature to 100 degrees below zero. I want payback." And he shoots some more beams at the rangers and Kelzaks appear to surround them. While Paige gets up and runs over to help her team. "Come on guys." "Let's go, we need to help them." Says Hunter  "All over it bro. Let's do it!" Says Blake as they run to the fight with Paige. "Not so fast!" Listen to me, Gold ranger, your boyfriend and his brother, your best friend, have betrayed you. Hear me?" "That's crazy." Says Hunter "what are you even saying?" "We would never!" Said Blake
"When I say?" Says Lothor "this is exciting!" "Not yet. And Now!" And Marah hits a button that shoots a beam down towards the island. "Huh?" And Paige sees a beam coming from the sky "Blake, Hunter lookout!" And she pushes them out of the way and gets hit with it herself. "Arhhhh!" Says Paige and when the light fills down the two brothers run towards. "Why did you do that?" Says Hunter "I couldn't let either one of you get hit." Replies Paige "are you okay sunshine?" "I don't know. I think so. I feel kind of weird." Says Paige as she glows gold. "Here's the real deal: you can't trust those thunder rangers anymore, that pretty blue ranger has convinced them to join up with them." Says Choobo to Paige as she continues to glow gold. "What are you babbling about?" "We would never turn on her, we care about her too much to do that." "Yeah she's like my little sister, you're the one with the evil plan." Says Blake "Tell her the truth she deserves to know how you betrayed her and threw away the childhood friendship that y'all had. You two were only using her to get noticed in the academy. That all she is, is a little girl who was the reason her mom was destroyed." "Paige don't listen to him, it's all a bunch of lies." Says Blake "Baby remember you know how much I care about you please don't listen to him." Said Hunter as he grabbed her hands. "You're just trying to destroy us." "Ughh my head!" Says Paige as she grabs both sides of her head and falls to her knees.
At the commander center Billy and the others were able to get what was happening on the island up on the viewing globe. "Oh my Gosh!" Exclaimed Kim covering her mouth as she sees her niece struggle against the evil battling for control of her. "We need to help her. I can't watch her be in pain." Says Jason as tears rolled down his face.
Back with Paige she is continuing to fight against Choobo's words and is struggling to do so. Paige opened her visor so the brothers could see her and the both gasped at the girl who was the strongest of them all and her face held so much pain in it. "I'm sorry I can't fight it anymore." And her eyes became gold but were still filled with rage. She ran right up to the brothers and started fighting them "Paige fight it you can do it!" Says Blake "No you both don't deserve to be called thunder ninjas or ninjas at all you are traitors!" Says Paige using a combination of water and lighting. "Don't you remember anything?" "What have we all been through together?" Says Hunter "I remember giving you my heart and you stomping on it." Says Paige slashing at Hunter. "No you are wrong." "And I remember my "brother" leaving me for some girl he just met." Slashing at Blake. "Whoa what happened to Paige she is fighting the thunders." "That's crazy!" "Oh c'mon we just got her back to normal. Dude why do you have to be so crabby?" Says Dustin fighting the snail before he gets thrown to the ground. "Dustin you okay?" Says Tori as she and Shane run up covering him. "Yeah." As steam starts popping out of the ground around the winds "What's that?" Says Shane "Toxic steam the island is sinking fast soon the earth will be one giant snow cone and you can't do a thing about it." "Wanna bet?" "Yeah!" And Kelzaks run at the winds attacking them but they do the ninja trick where they leave their uniforms. Shane goes behind the Kelzaks and kicks one into the steam "Whoa toxic facial." And that Kelzaks start attacking the other Kelzaks showing no mercy. "He looks weird." "Now what?" Says Shane "I get it he's fighting because of the steam." Says Tori "Like I said weird." Replies Dustin. "Hey what's taking so long, finish off those rangers so we can take control of the planet . It'll be a cold new world."  "Yes, general! It's slim time!" Says toxipod running towards the winds. Paige had knocked both of the brothers down and had a sword charged up with the elements pointed at both of them. "Now you will both pay!" "No!" "Paige, wait!" "Stop!" "Don't do it!" "You brought this on yourselves bug boys." "Paige think about this." "You aren't thinking straight." "You pushed us out of the way." "And got zapped by that beam Remember?" "Paige it us your two big boys we pretend to hate when you call us that but only you can call us that." Says Hunter "All of us Ninja we are your family and you are the one who always says how important family is." "More lies. Don't listen to them." "I.." "Trust your heart. You know the truth. " "I believe in you." Says Hunter but before Paige could respond steam shot out of the ground and hit Paige while the brothers were able to roll away. "No! Paige!" "Get out of there!"  Says Blake "ahhh what's happening to me? Something doesn't feel right." And green slime covered the outside of her helmet. "No, the steam got Paige." "Right in the face too." "It's going from bad to worse." As Paige fell to her knees but slowly rose, shaking with rage. "This is the end of the thunder rangers." Says Paige runs towards the brothers. "No!" Exclaimed Tori and Dustin as they ran to help them. "Be careful." "Please don't hurt her." As Dustin and Tori try to hold Paige back "We would never hurt her." Said Tori "yeah we're just trying to hold her." Says Dustin as he and Tori are thrown back by Paige. Paige starts battling Dustin and Tori who are losing majorly. "No stop!" "Paige stop you are hurting them." "You're stronger than this!" But Paige shows no mercy and keeps slashing them with her ninjas sword cause both brothers to be weaken." "This isn't you." "You are stronger than this! Think about all we have been through." "We have always been there for each other." Says Hunter but all Paige did was charge up her lightning power and shock both brothers "Wrong you are traitors and liars!" As she throws a ball of fire at them causing them to be thrown a few feet.
On Lothors ship they are watching the battle on the island. "I'm sweating is anyone else sweating?" "I believe that would be that extra heat you ordered sir." "Well, fix it." "Yes Sir." "I'm roasting like a Christmas ham." "First it's too cold then it's too hot. Am I a general or a handyman?" Says Zuragne as he passes the two nieces who were acting like they were on the beach sunbathing.
On the island Paige is using her lift the brothers up into the air before dropping them into the ground and using the air to hold them down."Paige please you have to stop." Says Blake "Sunshine no matter what was said we would never betray you." Said Hunter. "Get off of them!" Says Shane as he pushes Paige off of the brothers and uses his own control of air to free them. "This has gone far enough! Ninja Smokescreen!" And all the ninjas disappear leaving Paige behind. "Come back I'm not through with you yet traitors."
"You blew it, this was not the plan!" Said Choobo to the snail.
With the wind and the thunders they have found a cave to seek shelter in. "Here, set them down right here." Says Tori as the brothers are sat down on the ground. "Please wake up. Blake! Hunter" but then the whole form starts to be surrounded by lighting. "What's happening to them?" Asks Tori but the brothers had just demorphed and were still unconscious. "Blake!" "Hunter!" And the brothers both wake up at the same time but start to back away in fear. ""It's all right. Your both all right."
In Ninja Ops
"Bad news dad the temperatures dropping one degree every hour." "It will quickly become impossible for us to sustain life." Says Sensei "I tapped into a military satellite and found the disturbance traces back to an island in the South Pacific. It's a volcanic formation that's sinking at a rate directly proportionate to the dropping climate here." "So the island submersion is triggering this catastrophic weather change." "Exactly and I don't know any way to stop it." "Says Cam "I fear the island's appearance and the rangers disappearance is not a random event." "I just hope that they bring Paige back okay." "Me too son, me too."
On Lothors ship
"Finally a decent temperature here. Well don Zurgane." "Thank you sir." "Now what about our little island get together? How is that proceeding?" "It appears the wind and thunder rangers have formed an alliance against the gold ranger." "I hate when they form alliances! Where is Choobo?" "Looking for the rangers with the gold ranger." "When will that island finish sinking?" "Within hours." "Then we'll say goodbye to the power rangers and Choobo as well. I was getting tired of his winning anyway. But make sure the gold ranger is off. I want her to stay a part of my army."
On the island Blakeand Hunter are on a cliff looking out over the ocean like Paige loves to do. "We don't have much family." "But Paige is the only family we both have left other than each other." "She's always been there for us growing up in the academy. Now she needs our help." "It was always her helping us when we would get into trouble. We owe her so much." Says Hunter "For the first time ever she needs our help." "We can't let her down. We can't afford to." Says Hunter. "Hey she's our family too." Says Shane "We'll do whatever we can to help." "Yeah dudes we want our little sister bag just as much as y'all do. Plus Cam will not be happy if we return without her." "Shane, that wasn't us back there." "I know I should have known. We're there for you two. Don't worry Hunter, we will get your girlfriend back." Says Shane as Hunter blushes and everyone else laughs.
Paige can be seen walking over some rocks "Where are you? Blake! Hunter!"
In the commander center
"The good news is her Rangers abilities and the dragon coin Paige should not have any long lasting effects from the toxic steam." Said Billy "But the rangers are still going to have to snap her out of it or wait for it to wear off." Says Justin "I'm afraid we don't have that kind of time." Says Trini "What do you mean?" Says Kat "The island is sinking and within a few hours it will no longer be above sea level." "So if the rangers can't get Paige out of the state she is in and get off the island.." says Cassie "The earth will lose its current team of defenders." Says Ashley "And I lose my daughter." Says Jason.

To be continued.......

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