Return of Thunder Part 4

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Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies
trains our future protectors.
Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.
Three who will become...
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
The call is on!
Their force is getting strong!
They'll have to brave the weather!
Ninja Storm! stand together!
The storm will grow!
Waters flow!
Power Ranger Ninjas Go!
Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)
is growing (growing)
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
With the speed of the wind!
And strength like thunder!
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!

At Storm Chargers
Blake and Hunter are bringing in boxes
"This is the last of the new stuff." "You guys are doing great, keep it up and you never know." Says Kelly "How is life in the workforce?" Says Dustin "oh it's all good." "Yeah thanks for the hookup. We owe you one." "Well while we are on the topic there is something you can do, Hunter." "Sure bro what is it?" Says Hunter "I think it would be great if you asked out Paige." Said Dustin to Hunter who just blushed while Blake laughed. "Dude you make her happy and she may be my little sister but I care if she is happy. You two would be good for each other but if you hurt her you'll have plenty of people to deal with. She has a big family." "I was planning on asking her but I get nervous every single time. I don't want to mess it up." "You won't mess it up dude plus Tori can help you out. But if you don't do it soon you might have to deal with Sensei too." "Sensei why?" "Paige is like the daughter he never had don't let the big teeth, clothes, or the fact that he is a talking guinea pig fuel you, it will be pretty bad. Plus he keeps asking us if you two are together yet or not." "Don't worry I will talk to Tori this afternoon." "Ok great hey we still on to ride later?" "Yeah dude after work. Meet us at the beach." Said Hunter "And invite Paige." Said Blake receiving a look from Hunter. "Alright see you then."
Dustin walked over to Paige who was listening to music while fixing a bike. "Hey Mana! You want to go riding with me, Blake, and Hunter at the beach?" "Sure, sounds like fun. I'm going to finish this up and then go surfing. I'll meet you guys when I'm done." "Totally sea cow." Which resulted in a wrench being thrown at Dustin's head.
On Lothors Ship
Marah is seen crying with a pile of tissues. "What is that noise!" Says Lothor "George." "George? I don't know any George." "Her blowfish she found him doing the backstroke only he wasn't stroking anymore if you get what I mean." "I loved him so much. Doesn't anyone know what love is?" "I'm an evil genius, it's not in my job description." Said Lothor. "Hey you ever think maybe that's your problem,Marah? You love everything." "No I don't!" "Remember Choobo you loved him and look what happened." "Choobo? That rings a bell, didn't I end his miserable existence." "Technically you banished him." "That one will probably come back to haunt me. I always say you got a fish or cut bait." Which caused Marah to cry harder. "What? What did I say?"
Somewhere else on the ship Choobo is seen opening a box. "Come to papa. Banish me will they with the scroll of empowerment I'll finally get some respect around here." But he is interrupted by Zurgane walking in on him. "Back away from the scroll." "Make me!" "Lothor will not show mercy this time. Come with me at once." "I'd love to but I got other plans, big plans smell you later." "No, you'll pay for this Choobo."
At Ninja Ops
"I'm confused, does it now say skate park outside the secret entrance?" "Sorry." "Someone knew what they were doing when they built these thunder zords the technology's amazing. I just need to figure out if they are compatible with Paige's zords." "It would be nice if we could get Paige and Hunter working closer together. So he can finally ask her out." Said Tori with a sigh. "Patience Tori love doesn't need to be rushed, it is a part of their destiny after all." "What do you mean, Sensei?" "Time will reveal all the answers that are needed." "That's weird." "What finally found something you can't figure out?" "No, I've scanned the thunder zords for damage and I keep coming up with this non-functional retrofit." "Could you repeat that with fewer syllables?" Says Tori. "One piece doesn't have any purpose but it is integral to the overall design. Just love to know what the deal is with it." "Wouldn't that count as something you can't figure out?" Says Shane receiving a look from Cam.
On the beach
Hunter and Blake are riding to the spot they told Dustin they would meet. "Man this would be the perfect spot for you to take Paige on a date." "So that's another vote for me asking her out." Says Hunter with a sigh. "Dude I think you should have asked out a long time ago because you two are great together. Beside with everything we have been through has been for a reason. That includes having Paige in our lives." "Don't get all zen on me Dude." Said Hunter before turning around because he heard another bike pulling up. "Hey guys!" "Hey sunshine!" "Hey Paige, can we talk?" "Of course." They go and stand a few feet away from Blake. "Listen, I know we have already established that I like you a lot..." "Well well well looks like the Crimson ranger has a crush." " Come on dude, private conversation." "Yeah what do you want anyway?" "I'm thinking revenge!" And he shoots a blast at them. "And I'm thinking it's not going to happen ready?" "Ready!" "Ninja Storm Ranger Form Ha! Thunder Storm Ranger Form Ha! Power of the Elements! Power of Thunder!" "Here let me give you a hand." And giant hands come out of his pack and grabs hold of the three rangers before dragging them into his pack. "Two Thunder rangers and the gold ranger on ice, who's the evil genius now?"
On Lothors ship
Sir we have a situation Choobo has infiltrated the lair and stolen the scroll of empowerment." "Whatever happened to I got good news and I've got bad news." "Shall I send the ground troops?" "No, let him try and defeat the rangers for now I've got bigger fish to fry." Which causes Marah to start crying again. "Would somebody please find her another pet?" Says Lothor "I'm out of here." Says Zurgane as the crying gets louder.
With Choobo
"Spirits of the dark ninjas I call on you give me more power. Oh my precious." As he taps on his pack. Inside his pack are Blake, Hunter, and Paige "Huh?" "Nice look, early dungeons." "I hate dungeons." Paige says before they are attacked by Choobo in ninja streak form causing them to fall to the ground. "Your powers are no good here. My ultimate realm might seem scary at first but you'll get used to it after a few hundred years." " Sorry we won't be staying." "Yeah I  Promised my Dad I would be home in time for dinner." "Hold up, we gotta be careful this is his house." "His rules." "That's right little ranger and you'll never get out but don't worry after I capture the other rangers you'll have plenty of company." "Not gonna happen!" "You hurt them and it will be the last thing you ever do." Says Paige getting into a fighting stance. "You will learn to respect me or you will suffer a fate worse than you can imagine. Now take a whiff of this." Says Choobo as he becomes a giant head blowing air at them. "Nasty!" "Gross!" "Try a breath mint."
At the beach
Dustin is on his bike riding up to where he is supposed to meet the others when he sees their bikes but they are nowhere to be seen.
"This is too weird."
At Ninja Ops
"Blake and Hunter aren't the most reliable guys but leaving their bikes no way and Paige definitely would not. She gets mad at us if we leave it in the van, much less the beach." "I don't know about you but I smell a rodent. No offense, Sensei." "None taken Tori, I too suspect foul play." "and it probably has something to do with this. I'm assuming he's not there for the scenery." says Cam as Choobo is seen in the woods. "I don't know dude that place is kind of cool especially this time of year." and they all just stare at him. "Right." "Ready?" "Ready!" "Ninja Storm ranger Form Ha! Power of Earth! Air! Water! The three wind rangers are on their mobile command center with the Ninja Tsunami cycles. "Ok let's ride!" "Hit it!" "Yeah!" And the rangers raced off into the woods to find Choobo. "Right on time."
"Where are our friends?" asks Shane "Why don't you join them? There's room for three more inside." says Choobo "We'll pass but thanks." "im hurt but not surprised how about some new playmates instead Kelzaks!" "Ninja Swords!" 'Attack!" The rangers are slashing down the Kelzaks with no problem. "The more the merrier I always say." says Choobo as more Kelzaks appear. Causing the rangers to struggle and become quickly outnumbered. "Hey watch the suit!" "I can't move." "I'll handle this!" Tori says as she jumps to a tree and uses her sonic finn on the Kelzaks. "Hey Kelzaks wave bye bye now." and all of the Kelzaks surrounding Shane and Dustin were destroyed. "Good job Tor!" "Storm Striker!" "How does this strike you?" and a giant pole hits the rangers causing them to fall to the ground. "Everybody okay?" "yeah." "I think so."
"Guys I've locked onto Choobo's genetic encoding and found the routing system for the dimension in his pack its the key to releasing the thunder rangers and Paige." "Hey you guys get that?" "Yeah right?" "To get Hunter, Blake, and Paige out you need to slash the tubing that connects the control center on his chest to his backpack." "On it!" and the rangers run off in separate directions. "Hey where are you going?" but the three wind rangers come together and slash at the bead on his chest at the same time. "NINJA POWER!" and the beads fall off and break, releasing the brothers and Paige. "Finally!" "That was just weird." "Yeah." "Paige are you hurt?" "No Hunter, I'm fine." "Hey you guys ok?" says Tori as they run up to check on them. "We're fine." "Good to have you back Mana." "Great to be back now where is Choobo mean him have some unfinished businesses." "You rangers and your teamwork really ticks me off." "You guys ready?" "Oh yeah!" "Wind rangers!" "Thunder Rangers!" "Elemental Ranger!" "oh how shocking." Choobo says as he shoots lightning at the rangers but they did a ninja trick leaving their suits behind. "Oh I hate it when they do that." and the ninja come in different directions taking turns attacking. Dustin uses his ninja sword and slashes, Hunter and Tori blast him, Blake uses his Navy antlers on him and Paige uses her earth power to attack him from unground throwing him to the ground. "Not my love handles!" "Ninja Air attack!" says Shane attacking from the air. "Let's do it!" "Yeah!" "Storm Striker!" "Thunder Blaster!" "Elemental Dragon Bow!" said Paige as she combined her Manatee bow and arrows with the power of the Dragon Dagger. "Wait!" "Oh what now?" "I want to have a puppet show." "Huh?" "I'll be the puppeteer and you'll be my puppet." Choobo shoots some beams that surround Paige and starts dragging her to him. "What's happening?" "Mana!" "No, let go of her." "I'm holding the strings here. Now do what I do." says Choobo as he tries to get Paige to release the powered up Dragon dagger towards her friends. "No, I will not hurt my friends!" "You have no choice." as he makes he control over her making her scream out in pain. "You guys are going to have to fire your weapons at me, there is no other way." says Paige as she is still trying to resist Choobo's control. "No we won't do it." says Shane as the wind rangers put down their weapons. "Hunter do it," says Paige as Choobo had changed her aim to the two thunder ninjas. "No Paige, I can't do it." says Hunter as he puts the weapon down. "We could hurt you and strip you of your ninja powers."says Blake "I knew you rangers didn't have in you. Five powerless ninja rangers coming up." and Choobo shoots another beam over Paige who is struggling to even stand at the moment with all of her resistance. "C'mon Mana you can break this." "We believe in you." Paige's visor opened up to reveal her face as she had tears rolling down her face. "I trust you, Forever." "And always." And with that Hunter raised his weapon ready to shoot. "Dude what are you doing?" Says Dustin "Trust me I got this." And they all watch as Paige turns around and slashes the Dragon Dagger at Choobo. Paige rolled away from Choobo as the two brothers attacked Choobo allowing Paige to regroup with the rest of the rangers. "I was so worried." said Hunter as he grabbed Paige and hugged her. "I am fine thanks to you." and the two ran to meet the other rangers. "You alright, Mana?" "I'm alright, thanks you guys." "Of course." "Nice moves you guys." "yeah definitely smooth." "Good job Hunter." "No worries." "Hello, I'm still working here." "Let's try this again." "You got it." "Oh yeah!" "Fire!" "Fire!" "Fire!" and they all fired their weapons at Choobo but when the smoke cleared he was still standing. "What?" "Oh man!" "Don't count me out just yet I still have one trick up my sleeve. This scroll of empowerment now you're really gonna get it." and as he threw into the sky he began to grow giant. "They said I'd make it big someday." "Cam it's Zord time." "There on their way. Now if I could only figure out what that mystery piece does" "Alone we can only do so much but as one we shall never fall." Paige said to Cam "What is that supposed to mean?" asks Cam "Use that big brain of yours and look for a new angel." "Easy for you to say, smarty pants." "Storm Megazord!" "Thunder Megazord!" "Elemental Megazord!" "Things are about to get sticky for you rangers!" and the thunders block his staff and Paige uses the Dragon Staff against Choobo causing him to step back a few feet. As the rangers tried different combinations of weapons all of them were blocked by Choobo. The Choobo shot fire out of his mouth at the Megazords but Paige took most of the hit. "Paige you good?" "Yeah but my zords are going to need repairs after though. Cam you got it working yet?" "That's it! Guys that that part I was telling you about I figured out what it does check this out." and each Megazord received a Power Disk "Way to go Cam you did it." "Thanks Cam but how about filling us in on the big secret." "Yeah." "The only way you are going to beat Choobo is to combine your megazords." "Huh?" "What?" "No way!" "How Cam?" "call the Minizord he was part of the programing all along." "The Minizord?" "Just trust me." "It will be good to see the powers of wind, thunder, and the elements working together as one." "You guys up for this?' "What do you think bro?" "Let's do it." "Now it is time for some real power." "Locked and dropped!" the three spheres came together to form the Minizord. "Whoa!" "I am Minizord! Storm Megazord, Thunder Megazord, and Elemental Megazord Combine!
"Elemental Thunder Storm Megazord!" "Yeah!" "How do you like us now?" "The bigger you are the harder you fall!" Choobo says as he takes his staff and starts hitting the new Megazord, leaving now damage to it. "You broke my stick." "Too bad, so sad." "Don't cry." "Your mommy will buy you a new one." Ready Hunter? Paige?" "Ready!" and the rangers start moving towards Choobo and they use the Dragonstaff and hit him causing him to fly backwards. "This thing rocks!" "I understand why you like the Dragonstaff so much." says Dustin "No doubt!" "That was a lucky shot." "Okay now what?" "Use the lion blaster; it will be your best defense." says MiniZord. "If you say so. Let's do it guys!" "Lion Blaster Activate!" A huge blast gets sent at Choobo. "You always have to win, don't you. You can't just let me have one little win. Ohh Mommyyy!!!" and Choobo falls to the ground in an explosion. "Yeah!!" "Let's go!"
On Lothor's ship
"Once again Choobo has proven himself useless sir." "I wont say that Zurgane." and they turn to see Marah. "Hello little Choobo. You're so cute, yes you are." "I can't believe you got a pet again uncle alway did you best." and Marah goes to give Choobo a kiss as he screams for help.
At Storm Chargers
"See you guys tomorrow, Paige lock up okay?" "You got it." As Kelly was walking out she got stopped by a man. "Roger Hannah." "Wonder what he wants?" "Probably to talk to you guys and see Paige again." "Let's go find out." "Dustin I could hook you up if you want." "No I'm good, go see your friend." But Paige gave him a hug "You are a great rider Dustin never forget that. " Before walking and giving a hug to Roger.
At Ninja Ops
"I can't believe you said No factory blue, that's nuts." "Yeah but we had something important to do like being rangers." Blake said "Besides, someone has to keep you guys out of trouble." Hunter says  "Yeah me." says Paige as everyone laughs "You have made a difficult decision, I believe it is the correct one." "No lie, this is sweet." "You are one of us." Shane says after a few minutes of celebrating that the thunder brothers are for staying, Hunter goes over to Paige. "Hey can we talk?" "uhh sure." "So I'm back for good." "I'm glad." "you remember that conversation we had before I left." "Of course." "Well do you still feel that way or..." but Hunter was shut up by Paige kissing him. He was in shock but started kissing back but the two love birds did not seem to notice gold and crimson lights surrounding them. "About time." says Blake interrupting the kiss. The two look to see everyone staring at them, Paige starts blushing and hides her face into Hunter's chest. "Dude I totally called it." "You did not." "Did too." "I'm really happy for you guys." "Thanks, Tor." "We are all happy but you better not break her heart." says Cam "Wouldn't dream of it."
Later that night
Paige and Hunter were sitting on her front porch looking at the stars. "So does that make us official?" asks Hunter "I don't know, does it?" "Well I would hope so." "Me too, but I think there is one more thing that could make it official." "You are right, Paige, will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes, I will be your girlfriend, Hunter." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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