Chapter 1

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Everybody is going to die at some point. The question is when...I couldn't bare to give up no matter many cuts and bruises I have. No...I still have fight in me. I could hear the furious beast like creature stumbling his way towards the room. It's like it had a sixth sense of its own just like I did. But I am not thinking about this creature. I could care less if its dead or alive. Adam Stevens is my number 1 target. He took my husband away...He attempted to murder me but I kept on going like I was immortal. My name is Elizabeth, and it is time to put an end to this once and for all.

I was so exhausted that I didn't even want to get up. But I had to. I had to wake myself up like someone pouring a bucket of icy water on me. RRAAAGGHHHH RAAAAAGGHHHHHH....This was some inhuman creature that Adam created. I had to find an exit somewhere...but all I saw was just machinery around me. What was I supposed to do? Nothing was working out for me! I guess I am here to die then.......

I then saw the creature come blasting through the doors with a thunderous BOOM BOOM BOP!!! The creature was huge!!! It had to be about 10 feet tall?! It gazed at me and it looked like it was trying to study what I was doing...It felt like it was not going to kill me but still that did not keep me from looking at it to watch its every move...

There was a small door on the other side that did not have a handle.

All of a sudden, the power shut off like a car knocked down a telephone pole and killed the electricity. I could already tell that it was apart of Adam's plan. "There is no escape Elizabeth. Quit trying." I screamed "You damn lock! Why can't you just open!" I needed a way out. How was I supposed to go? I then felt something abnormal. No it wasn't the creature that was still in the room, but something else...I felt like it was coming from within me.

Just then, I felt something in my arm. It felt like a lump was forming but keep in mind, I don't have any health problems. Last time I saw my doctor, she said that I have no issues with pain or any disorders. So what was this? I had to make a desperate move...I rubbed my finger over the lump and it felt HARD! "OW!" I yelped. It looked like something was going to pop out!!! I had to do something. Was I supposed to endure more suffering from this unpredictable, monstrous creature? Or try to find a solution on why my arm felt so achy. I went over to a saw blade that was lying on the side. THIS IS A TOOL AFTERALL. I PUT THE EDGE OF THE BLADE TO WERE THE LUMP WAS. I then slowly but thoroughly made a small incision in my arm. OWWWWWWW!!!! I could not bare with the pain. I grinned my teeth as I forced the blade to go deeper into my skin. Dark red blood was coming down arm and I continued to struggle...I had to get somewhere...I eventually hit bone...NO I am not a doctor...I touched something that did not FEEL LIKE MY BONE. In between my bones something metal...How did it get there? I don't know. I used my fingers to slowly extract it but that was too painful! I had to just pull it out!!! 1..2..3!! I yanked it out and I screamed out loud...It was a bloody computer chip. "At last..." I said.

There was a computer that was in the middle of the machinery and I decided to put the chip in it. "I hope this works.." I said. The creature was just standing there and it fidgeted a little. Which made me fidget...Is it going to attack me??? And then...Click dink! I heard something unlock! The door in the corner of the room was now available for me to escape to...But this isn't the ending of this doesn't want me to make it out alive...

The Haunted Island 5: Red SicknessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ