Chapter 14

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I ran towards the stairs as ghosts and torn up zombies ran after me. My sixth sense made me put more pep in my step when a skinned human dropped down from the ceiling into her. That would have been a serious problem.

I ran onto the second floor to were I stayed the last few nights...big mistake!

She flung open a door that led to a second of stairs that let to the top of the hotel. Ghosts climbed onto the railings as I was careful not to hit the walls at full speed. I reached the top of the stair case and tripped and fell on my knee cap. "OW!" I yelped. I kicked a zombie that was on its knees ready to take a chunk of her skin out. The zombie went tumbling down the stairs...knocking all of the undead back like bowling pins. Guts and gore went all over the floor as heads were being crushed. Scwish!

I ran upstairs to the control room were the air conditioning and the heat were.

A ladder led to the top of the building to were there was a helicopter pad. My escape from hell. I was careful not to slip off the ladder. The rungs were icy. So much for the air in the room...So cold that it would cause hypothermia instantly. I was trying to hurry up...but there was only little I can do. Ghosts were trying to push her off the ladder. Zombies crowded around me and were fighting for the first bite of my flesh. One of them got pushed back into a coal furnace. It's body was morbidly obese. But the impact with the obsessively hungry critter into the machine caused a mini explosion that blew some of the undead apart. Ghosts continued to hiss at me. A part of the glistening ice hit the reflection of one of the floating people. But it did not make them react. I was ready to loose my grip...but the ice melted off the rungs. I saw the water dripping into the gore infested area were there was hell and no mercy at the bottom.

I continued to slowly climb the ladder. The water made it a little slippery, but not as bad with the ice though. A pale hand grabbed my ankle as I refused to back down. I reached a round door at the top. I slid it open until there was a click. The hatch opened as I climbed out.

I ran onto the helipad to see the manipulated waves reach higher then the bright color of yellow that was growing bigger from down under. I ran as I used all my strength in my legs and upper body.

Looking at the dark waters below me, I took a deep breath and stepped off. I went plunging stories from the tower. Bright fire and water were mixing together. Splash!

I was deep under water and saw dead rotting corpses floating up on the surface. I looked down below under water and I saw nothing but black...I felt like a fish under there in my habitat...I looked upwards towards the surface as bubbles went up and and I saw horrific explosions happening and chunks of debris fell into the water...I even saw half of the hotel crumble and went under as well like a sunken ship.......

The Haunted Island 5: Red SicknessWhere stories live. Discover now