Chapter 4

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The trench is an elevator that takes me to who knows where...I didn't see a way to climb out of the pit...Well...I hope that this takes me to somewhere..good...

Just then....BROOOOOMMMMMMMM....The elevator started to move sides ways to the right..What?! I thought. I normally take elevators that take me to go up and down...but sideways?? Under the ground...I then felt the platform stop....Then I felt myself going up a little...slowly...rrruuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnn...went the elevator....

I was going up high! I went above ground and I saw the hotel right beside me...Thank goodness I am not in there again!!!!

I eventually hit the top...I got off and I was in a small dismal room. There was only one light shining. The room was quite grey and it was merely empty...If only I had someone with me...Scott...

"Hello?" I asked. Nobody answered. I then grew furious and I wanted Adam in front of me NOW!!! "I know you killed my husband you idiot! I SAID COME OUT HERE!!" I berated. I stood in the light that is shining. But that did not last too long. Without a single forewarning, a sudden spiritual force drags me by the feet to a small opening. "No you DON'T!" I yelled at it. Then my fingers picked up and I fell into the dark gap. I did manage to put both of my hands and feet on both sides of the fall...unlike the trench, I broke my damn fall finally! I finally was able to balance myself! It wasn't so bad after all...Now all I have to do is just take it easy...A rotting corpse grabbed my arms as I screamed so hard in terror. My caterwauling screams of fright turned into echos...The corpse had a yellowish face with no nose...It had an underbite with YELLOW TEETH..BLACK EYES WITH ITS EYE LIDS RIPPED OFF...It had yellow fuzzy long hair that went under his ears..It caused me to fall down into another layer of doom...The corpse came down with me as well. There was no way I was going to make it out without having to face my fears....

The Haunted Island 5: Red SicknessWhere stories live. Discover now