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Braedyn's Pov:

I woke up to my alarm and I opened my eyes. I turned my alarm off and tried to sit up but I was stopped by a strong pair of arms holding me close. I looked at who it was and it was Drew. The memories from last night flooded into my mind as I blushed a deep red. "Drew!" I said trying to wake him up. "Hmm?" I heard him reply. "It's time to get up! We have a long trip ahead of us!" I said kissing his forehead. "I don't want too!" He replied snuggling his head into my neck. I played with his hair while trying to get him up. "Please? You can sit with me on the way there!!" I begged. "Fine!" Drew finally gave in and sat up, letting me go. I sat up too and stretched as he stood up. I stood up as well and stumbled a bit. "You okay there princess? Did I go too hard?" Drew asked smirking. I blushed again and covered my face. "Shut up! AJ might hear!" I said hitting his arm playfully. He chuckled as he grabbed clothes from his bag. I grabbed clothes as well as AJ walked out the bathroom fully ready. "Good morning! I'm heading down to the lobby for breakfast and to take my things down to the bus! Have fun!" AJ said as he grabbed his things and left. Me and Drew took turns taking quick showers and got ready.


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——We packed our things up and headed down to the bus

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We packed our things up and headed down to the bus. We set our things down and we went back inside to the breakfast area. We got breakfast and I sat with the girls. "So? Have you fucked him yet?" Alexa asked. "What?" I said looking at her confused. "Have you and Drew had sex?" Naomi clarified. "Why do you want to know that?" I asked. "You've stayed in his room for the past 2 nights!" Auska said smirking. "We didn't do anything like that" I lied. "Like what?" I heard someone say beside me. I looked over and saw Dean. "Drew and Brae fu-" Alexa started but I smacked my hand on her mouth. "Nothing!" I said looking at Dean. "Okay?.." he said confused but ignored it. "Are you and Drew dating or not?" Dean asked me. "Why?" I asked. "You act like a couple all the time!" He replied. "Well what if we were?" I looked at him with a sassy look on my face. "I'd be happy!! I ship Brew!!" He said smirking. "Brew?" I asked confused. "You and Drew's ship name! It was either Brew or Draedyn" he explained. "Brew it is" I said patting his shoulder. We finished eating and met everyone else outside at the bus. I walked over to Drew and Dolph and stood beside Drew. "Hey Brae!" Dolph said. "Hey Dolph!" I replied. "Hey there beautiful" Drew said wrapping an arm around me. "Wait what?" I heard Dolph say. "Yeah Dolph me and Drew are dating now.." I told him. "Oh! Well Drew if you break her heart I will end you and your career! Hear me?" Dolph glared at Drew. "I hear you! I wouldn't dare to hurt her!" Drew said kissing my head. I looked over to the side of the bus and saw Dean and Seth play fighting over Roman which caused me to laugh. "What are you laughing at?" Dolph asked confused. I pointed over to Dean, Roman, and Seth and they laughed. Dolph pulled Drew away from me and hugged him. "Mine!" Dolph said childishly. "Really?" I asked smirking. "Yeah! He loves me more!" Dolph said as Drew wrapped his arms around him. I just watched with a smirk on my face as Drew kissed Dolph's cheek. "Aww!! I ship this!" I said playfully as we started to get on the bus. I sat down with Drew as Dolph sat across from us with Finn. We talked the whole way to Orlando Florida. Once we arrived, we got off the bus and got our things. Me and Drew checked in and went to our room. We walked in and saw only one bed. I set my stuff down and sat on the bed. Drew did the same and we turned on the TV. Tomorrow was The Royal Rumble. Superstars from Raw, Smackdown, and NXT were in Orlando to compete. I qualified into the royal rumble after winning my match against Ruby Riott. I also had a segment tomorrow but I don't know what it's about yet. Me and Drew got ready for bed and laid down. I snuggled up to him and he wrapped his arms around me protectively. "I wonder what my segment is about tomorrow" I say out loud. "I do too!" Drew replied. "I know I have one about reuniting with Stephen" he said after a few seconds. We laid there in a comfortable silence and soon fell asleep.

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