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"Are you feeling okay?"

King & Prince - &LOVE

It was Friday night, around 10.42 PM.

Seokjin had some appointment related to work. He stayed in the work-site until quite late. Hyosang was actually supposed to fetch and drive him home, but Hyosang said that he could probably come in one hour.

"Seriously, one hour?" Seokjin gasped. He usually drove himself, but lately he kinda lazy so he needed Hyosang to pamper him – as a close and trusted childhood friend.

"Or you can going home with taxi?" Hyosang offered a suggestion. "You know my girlfriend Bomi –"

"Okay, I understand. I will wait because I'm not in the mood for a taxi." Seokjin sighed and ended the phonecall.

Because Seokjin kinda felt hungry, he decided to walk around as he wait for Hyosang. He wanted to see if there were snack stall around.

But well, the street was somehow quiet. When Seokjin reached an empty building – with dark alley beside, some random guy were there.

"Hey, pretty. Just by yourself?" Asked one of them.

Seokjin pretended not to hear.

"Ohh. Playing hard to get, I see." Said the other one.

The guy that seemed like their leader approached Seokjin and grabbed his wrist.

"It's dangerous to walk alone around this time, sweetie. More over when you have pretty face." The guy smirked. "Why don't you stay with me and my friends. We can having fun together."

Seokjin grasped the situation. He was in danger but he needed to act like he wasn't in fear. "You are being disrespectful." Seokjin sternly said. "Let me go."

"What?" The guy chuckled. "You think I'm gonna let you go, huh?"

"You better let me go. Or else, I'll scream." Seokjin gritted his teeth.

Those guy were all laughing like a mad man and this certain guy pulled Seokjin closer. "Scream? Sure, why not. I'll let you scream. Under my domination."

Seokjin tried to release himself and fight – he shouted and screamed, asking for a help. He thought that the guy would let him go, but he was being harassed instead. They even dragged Seokjin into the dark alley. The guy pinned him on the wall and started to sneakily touch Seokjin's soft and milky skin around the belly.

Seokjin started to cry.

Oh Lord. No.

But then, just right before they pull Seokjin's pink sweater, someone grabbed the guy's shoulder and punched the face.



[5 minute earlier]

Namjoon just finished his work shift that day. The progress of hotel construction was almost complete – they were starting to do the interior instalation.

"I want a warm shower, ramyun, and sleep." Namjoon mumbled.

He was about to go heading into the bus stop when he saw Seokjin left the building and walked alone. He knitted his eyebrows, it's already almost midnight and Seokjin would usually being accompanied by Hyosang. He was curious, he quietly followed Seokjin like a creepy stalker.

But... When Namjoon saw Seokjin was about to reach an empty building, somebody approached him so suddenly. Namjoon was being asked about the direction of the road. He got his radar off of Seokjin for a while, as he gave the explanation.

And then he heard a loud scream. It was Seokjin's voice and he could tell that Seokjin wasn't in a good situation. He ran towards the voice, to go after the pretty one.

There, Namjoon saw Seokjin was being harassed by two people. He didn't think much. He automatically grabbed this certain person who pinned Seokjin on the wall and punched him.

Surprisingly, those guy were all surprised when they saw Namjoon.

"It's KIM!!" Said one of them.

And then, they were all running away like a coward.

Meanwhile, Seokjin slumped on the ground. He was so shocked.

"Seokjin, are you okay? Is there any wound?" Namjoon came closer and took an instant screening to check. "Are we need to go to the hospital to see if there is any wound?"

Seokjin shook his head.

There might be wasn't any bleeding wound, but Namjoon knew, what had happened could be traumatic and caused a bleeding heart.

"Then, maybe it's better for me to take you home. So you will be alright and safe." Namjoon offered a kindness. "Okay?"

Seokjin seemed so hesitant. But then he nodded.

"Okay, don't worry... Seokjin, you are safe with me." Namjoon helped Seokjin to stand up. And then they walked to leave the dark alley. He took Seokjin home by taxi.

It was almost midnight when Seokjin being harassed, and Namjoon saved him. It was an ugly experience, yet as well a starting point -hopefully in a good way- for both Namjoon and Seokjin.





Feedback are appreciated. ^^

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