Beautiful Moments

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"We always look up into the same sky. Forever laugh & laugh. Let's keep singing songs that never end."

King & Prince – Laugh & ...

[Flashback – One month earlier before Seokjin disappeared]

It was almost lunch break. As usual, Seokjin came to check the working progress of the hotel building. And as before, Namjoon was busy with some tools at the work-site. Namjoon looked so cool when he was focus on doing his job. Yeah, cool. But somehow Seokjin needed more than the cool looks.

For a professional standart, Seokjin adored the way Namjoon perfectly did his job – the man was great. Well, the main job of being construction worker, they did physically demanding work. They carried heavy loads, they had to access difficult areas, and they did the most work outdoors in all kinds of weather conditions.


For a personal standart, Seokjin needed someone that if not in the same 'social status level' then at least in the same education level as him: university graduate. More over when his priority since middle school was studying and focus with career. He didn't really care about romance, though in college he once dated Taehyung for only 2 months because it didn't work – unlike Namjoon, the love for Taehyung was platonic.

But, even though Seokjin and Taehyung broke up, his parents were actually approved their relationship because Taehyung's parents were running a successful fashion business with their own clothing line. And Taehyung himself was doing great in his modelling career.

See? Namjoon was nothing compared to Taehyung. Seokjin's parents won't be happy if they knew he dated someone with unconvincing future.

To be honest for so many times Seokjin wanted to end the relationship with Namjoon, so that they won't hurt each other in the end. And so that he won't hurt himself, more. Because a 'social status level' difference were already a challenge. Also, it won't be good if he gave Namjoon too much hope when he himself wasn't so sure about their relationship.

Hhh. Seokjin felt that he made the wrong decision – why the hell he gave Namjoon the chance to prove, like, prove what? He shouldn't accepted Namjoon's feelings to begin with.

Seokjin just quietly stole a glance at Namjoon with so much conflicted feeling but he couldn't lie that he adored the man. He grew a smile when he saw Namjoon wiped his sweat.

Ohh Kim Namjoon, the big macho tough guy.

Seokjin really wanted to give Namjoon a chance to prove his worth, but somehow, he was so afraid...


"Orange juice and KitKat." Namjoon handed Seokjin a tiny paperbag – he still continued the ritual to give Seokjin care-package gift of snack and beverage but he gave it when they were on a date.

Umm... Secret date.

"Namjoon. This is not necesary. You are wasting money." Seokjin loved it but somehow he wanted Namjoon to keep the money for saving.

"This is actually nothing because it doesn't cost that much. And also, I'm saving some of my salary for college tuition. So please, don't worry." Namjoon offered his sweet dimples smile.

Seokjin had to admit, he loved Namjoon's dimples. "Okay. But for this cafe date, please let me pay. And for the next date, let's just stay at home and cuddle."

Namjoon nodded. "You know that we can always go somewhere with cheap cost. I just want to make sure that you are enjoying the weekend. I have enough money, Seokjin..."

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