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I am certain that there is an insufferable vacuity that resides in me.
And though I cannot weigh where it's from or its cause,
I get a hint that it's for a fragment that I had lost.
A part of me is apart from me.

Oh where shall I look for it?
Where have I lost it?
How will I ever find it?
Can I ever bring it back?
I cannot recall its scent nor its shape.
How does one find its missing piece without clues to trace?

I know I need to bring it back home to me.
Now I am stricken to wait for the rain to come in the lonely heat of the desert's sun where I walked endlessly.
I kept on waiting but my efforts were left in vain.
There never was a rain to come.
The rain doesn't come to where I am.

And then my dreams of dancing with someone in the rain,
Was swallowed in the sand.
To a person with a missing segment comes only famine
There wasn't a single clue, nor was I left with trails to follow through
A part of me is apart from me.
So left there alone–for eternity– was a broken puzzle that can never be whole.

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