Chapter Six: Red Robin

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It had only been a little over an hour when Steve's BMW pulls up behind Stefan's Porsche. Stepping out of the car, he approaches the five others that seemed to be in a heated discussion. "I can't believe you've been keeping us boxed up while you were out doing whatever you wanted!" Amy is waving her arms around angrily while Brand is trying to remain calm.

"I was making sure it was safe! I was right, it isn't!" His voice booms at her. Amy puts her hands down to her sides with her hands balled into fists. Her knuckles went white.

"It never will be!" Her words are sharp and provoking. Steve walks up behind them waving his hands defensively.

"Whoa, whoa. Everyone calm down, alright. We're a team. Did you guys find anything?" He attempts to calm them but Amy looks at him and scoffs while rolling her eyes. "Hey." Steve looks at her with an annoyed look on his face. Amy stares at him, seriously, while crossing her arms.

"No, not yet," Stefan speaks up and Steve steps over to them nearly tripping over a small bit of dirt with a rock. He catches himself though and straightens up.

"Okay, uh, well let's try looking in the woods?" Scratching the back of his head, he looked over at Emma who was quietly standing there. It was obvious she was nervous. Steve smiles and walks over to her. "You can team with me." He offers, charmingly and kindly. Emma looks up at him as a small smile begins to form on her lips. Amy rolls her eyes and grabs Brand's arm to drag him toward an area near the edge of the woods. "So, how old are you?" Steve asks as the two of them head to their area near the edge. Emma leans her head down a bit, letting her blonde hair cascade between the two of them like a curtain.

"Uh, 20..." She says, nervously. Steve smiles as the two continue to walk together mingling.

"Surprised she grouped with him." Lexi glances toward Amy and Brand before turning to Stefan. Stefan shrugs and starts walking to another area. "Did you want me to swap with her?" Stopping, he turns to look at Lexi.

"It's fine. Let's just find her." Turning away then, he walks further toward the woods.

"Come on!" Amy grumbles, still pulling Brand along.

"I can walk myself." He says, jerking himself free of her grasp. Straightening out his shirt as he starts looking around. Amy rolls her eyes and retrieves the nametag from her pocket. "Where'd you get that?" He walks toward her and she puts her hand up.

"I took it from the counter. Be quiet..." Brand watches as Amy closes her eyes, gripping the nametag in her hand. A few seconds pass and as she opens her eyes, she can feel the energy. "This way." Moving past Brand she heads in the direction of the trail she could feel, following the scared emotions of what she assumed was Robin. Until the trail abruptly ends and she glances around. "It stops, here, why?" That was strange, Amy wasn't certain why it just suddenly stopped. The energy was faded and barely there but there were no traces past that spot. It didn't make any sense and she continued to look around. Steve noticed Amy looking around and waved his hand toward Emma, motioning for her to follow him. She did so and as the two were growing closer to Amy and Brand, Steve noticed something.

"What is this..." Bending, he crouches to retrieve a soaked piece of paper. "You're it?" On the surface, the words were written with a very distinct red lip print. Stefan froze in place, hearing Steve's words he darts over much more quickly than a normal human. Steve nearly tumbles over as Stefan pulls the paper from his fingers. His eyes change instantly into horror as he realizes there's only one person this could be. Swallowing, Lexi comes up behind Stefan.

"What is it?" She asked. Stefan is still gripping the note in his hand and is unable to speak. Amy makes her way over, prying the note from Stefan's hand, nearly ripping it. "What's it say?" Lexi tries to move over toward Amy, hoping to see the note.

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