Chapter Twelve: The Shallar

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The night before had been filled with so much pain and struggle that when morning finally came, Amy felt she had barely slept at all. Dragging herself from bed, she made her way down the stairs and as she turned the corner into the sitting room she paused to see Stefan hunched over his journal. Exactly as he had been the morning previously when everything had fallen apart. Was he reading the same entries? Reliving his moments of love with Katherine while Amy slept soundly upstairs. Surely if he had been she would have ended up linking to him again, right? Without a word, she seated herself on the couch. The room was quiet and it wasn't until Stefan turned that he seemed to notice she was in the room. Amy was sitting on the couch, laying back with her eyes closed and breathing shallowly. Stefan's green eyes watch her chest heaving up and down. His first reaction is to approach her and so he stands. Slipping himself into the open seat next to her, interrupting her meditation. Amy's eyes shoot open and she looks at him. Trying her best to keep her cool and not freak out with how close he was. However, the look on Stefan's face as his jaw clenched, had Amy struggling to look at him.

"How did you sleep?" Stefan's gentle voice asked. Amy didn't respond, she played with a loosened strand from the cushion opposite of him and facing away from him. How could she answer him? Remaining in position, Amy's voice is quiet.

"Terrible." It was the only word she said and Stefan's eyes saddened as he outstretched a hand to place it on her knee. His touch was cold against her warm skin, causing her to retract herself. Twisting her head at him, a look of confusion and disgust. Why was he trying to comfort her with his touch? It seemed odd for him to do such a thing. However, he found himself gripping her wrist as she tried to pull back. "What are you doing?" Still furrowing her brows, Amy looked at him in disbelief. Stefan's eyes also pulled together, confused.

"Comforting you." Amy stared at him, blankly for a moment before her head shook.

"You don't get to do that anymore." With his eyes glassing over, he released her wrist. Amy stood then and as she headed toward the archway of the sitting room that lead to the foyer and stairs. Stefan stood and flew over to her. Slamming her against the wall. This is when the front door opens. Steve enters and sees the two of them. Instantly he grows defensive and frustrated.

"Hey man, what are you doing?" Stefan's head jerked to look at Steve as Steve was quickly approaching.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan's voice was cold, and unnatural for himself. He seemed to be struggling with his composure. Though he still had himself pressed against Amy, not allowing her to move.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Let her go!" Steve began walking toward the pair as Stefan's eyes darkened in anger. "Where's Emma?" His question was to Amy but Stefan is the one who produces an answer.

"After what you did, I doubt she wants anything to do with you." Amy looked at Stefan in confusion. Steve and Emma had made up and things had been okay between them. Why was Stefan acting so weird?

"What are you talking about? You're the one who screwed up, let her go!" Steve shoved at Stefan, causing him to stumble back a bit. Allowing Amy the room to breathe again. Stefan coldly stared at Steve as Amy rubbed her shoulder which had a bit of pain from Stefan's forceful shove.

"She's upstairs." With a nod, Steve walked passed the two, stopping briefly to side eye glance at Stefan with a warning. Though as soon as he was gone, Stefan's eye went back to Amy.

"How could you let him talk to her?" The look on Amy's face was starting to alert Stefan. Was he remembering the events incorrectly?

"Stefan, they're fine now. They made up on Steve's birthday, you don't remember?" It was clear the attempt of playing Stefan's part was taxing and that the research they had done wasn't up to date. Stefan rubbed his face, trying to think. Amy took that moment to try and walk up the stairs and get away from him. Grabbing her wrist, Stefan slammed her into the wall again. This time, Lexi was the one who rounded the corner. Staring at Stefan in horror, she drops the glass of water in her hand. Spilling it across the tiled floor of the foyer as glasses shattered everywhere. Stefan gripped Amy's wrist tightly, pressing her against the wall.

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