Chapter Seven: We Choose Our Path

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The topic at hand was sensitive and the information couldn't be discussed in public. "The cabin's too small..." Brand explained to Stefan and Lexi. They nodded and Lexi sighed. No one else really had a place to stay aside from Steve and he was still numb as only a few hours had passed since they had found Nancy and Robin. Robin was shaking and sticking herself into a corner, not wanting to meet eyes with Steve. After killing Nancy, she was ready to off herself, she didn't need his help.

"We need a house..." Amy glanced around and tried to think of where they could all go but proved to be defeated. They hadn't been out in public enough, they barely knew what the town looked like, let alone know anyone enough to trust them with such personal information. Steve was quiet, standing idly, his eyes still staring in the direction of the dumpster. Nancy's blood covered him from nearly head to toe. Emma's eyes circled the back of his head, wondering if maybe he needed some space. That was answered shortly after.

"We can go to my place." Steve turned slowly, his eyes still on the ground. He couldn't look at any of them. Even though he hated what had happened and didn't like most of the people in front of him at the moment. He knew that the only people he could trust to discuss things with were them. Putting his anger aside, for the time being, he finally lifted his head. Only he chose one person to stare at, his dark hazel eyes stared into blue. "My parents are gone again, on business trips. It's empty, and there's plenty of room for all of us." Glancing away again, he shoved one of his hands into his pocket. Emma stared at him, watching his hand. It was hard to believe that only a few hours before he had been staring at her with the cheesiest smirk. Thumbing through some strange magazine that was filled with half-naked women. All the while attempting to woo her. Now, he stood, defeated. Steve Harrington was broken and despite not knowing him very well, Emma could tell that the man before her wasn't like other guys.

"Are you sure?" Stefan's voice caused Steve to wince slightly but he nodded. "Alright, well, if you're okay driving we can follow you." Lifting his head, Steve looked at Stefan and nodded. Wasting no time, he walked past the cops, the ambulance, and the coroner, and headed to his car. Everyone followed except for Emma. Was she supposed to go with Steve again? Uncertain of what to do, she nervously walked toward Stefan's car but as she was rounding the driver's side, Steve opened the passenger door and stared at her. A forced smile on his face as she met his eyes. An unspoken agreement happened and she allowed him to close the door behind her as she settled once more into the passenger seat of his car.

Amy was following closely behind Stefan and watched as her twin, once more, departed from her. It did sting a little but she knew that Steve needed Emma and that Emma was the only person he was willing to converse with. So she stayed quiet but while in her world of thoughts she accidentally bumps into the back of Stefan as he stops to open his door. "Sorry!" She says, embarrassed. Stefan nods at her and produces a smile.

"Not a problem." Opening the door, he allows her entry but before she slips in, she pauses and looks up at him. His eyebrows furrow, wondering what it was she was thinking about.

"My sister is everything to me. I know you didn't mean for any of this to happen. It's okay. I don't blame you." Her heart softened, seeing how Stefan held and comforted Robin. It was clear to Amy that he didn't have ill intent. Regardless of how Steve treated Stefan. Amy could see he wasn't like other guys. Exchanging a small smile she slipped into the backseat. Stefan glanced toward the alleyway, thinking for a moment, a smile seeming to creep across his face as he was concerned about possibilities. The only question he had was if those possibilities would cause more harm than good. Was he in love? Stefan wasn't one to say such things so suddenly but something was growing between him and Amy. Something he wanted to nurture, water, and care for. Lexi eyed him from the other side of the car, her smile peeled across her face widely. She knew exactly what he was thinking. For a brief moment, they looked at each other and Stefan simply smirked before shaking his head and getting behind the wheel of his Porsche.

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