Chapter V - Deceptive Senses

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"Thanks again for the morning off, Mr.Malro!" Arlett calls from the stairs to the bar, as her boss gets his chair and cards ready. "Not a problem, lass. Rest well tonight." Mr.Malrokav calls back with a wave. Arlett makes for her room, eager to see Miki again, but as she reaches for her door's handle, a familiar and gentle voice calls to her. "Ari, do you have a minute?" Turning her head, Arlett sees Lailo in their nightwear. Their room is two away from hers, with Mr.Malrokav's in the middle. Arlett walks over, nodding as she replies, "Yeah, what's up?" Before an answer is given, Arlett's wrist is taken and she's pulled into the room, the door shutting behind her. Lailo stands between their coworker and the door, taking a deep breath before speaking, "I saw what you did earlier..."

Arlett's eyes widen as she starts to panic inside. 'Did I give it away already?' she kept asking herself. Lailo continues, "So, you practice magic?" Their tone isn't fearful or distrustful, they seem relaxed. Deciding it couldn't hurt to say a little about her wild and surreal adventure of the past day, Arlett takes a deep breath of her own and starts to talk along, "Yeah, just recently. Someone offered to teach me a few tricks, I guess." Lailo smiles, nods, and moves to their bedside, where a large stringed instrument rests on a three legged stand. They pick it up by it's neck, taking a seat on the bed. "Could you grab the bow there?" They ask as they point towards the wall opposite to the door. On a small shelf lays a finely crafted bow, the kind for playing a stringed instrument.

Arlett takes it from it's resting place on the wall, giving it to her coworker, who sits on the bed. They smile and take the bow, holding it with care as they press it gently onto the instrument's strings. "My family isn't from anywhere nearby. Honestly, I don't remember much about home. But there's one thing I never forgot, and I don't think I ever will," Lailo explains as Arlett takes a seat on the floor before them, "it's a song my mother sung for me, every night I was having trouble getting my rest. Even though elves don't sleep, only a meditative rest, those hours are still important, you know?" Arlett smiles and nods, responding happily, "Yeah, I wish I had an elf's sleeping needs, I'd have so much more time."

Lailo laughs sweetly at the sentiment, continuing their story, "That spare time gave me the chance to figure out the notes to the song my mom sang to me. I'm not the best singer, but I did write a bit of music for the viol to go along with it. And it's with that music that I can show you what I've been learning..." Lailo's voice trails off as they ready the bow to play. A moment of silence passes, before a soft, deep, and beautiful note hums from the viol. The young and sweet elf boy starts playing a melody more calming than any lullaby Arlett's heard before. Her whole body relaxes, as she listens in peace and joy. Not long after the song begins, the audience of the show notices a light to her right. A glance over, and a soft glowing orb is floating dreamily in the air. Soon after, another light appears to the left, and after, two more. The lights seemed to move to the soothing melody, their purpose unclear, but strong nonetheless.

Lailo opens their eyes, and the lights begin to fade as the last note hums into memory. The room darkens to the light of the lantern, as the two stare at each other for a moment. Slowly and softly, Arlett breaks the silence, "That was amazing, Lailo. I could have listened to that forever." The musician starts to put their instrument back to it's stand, smiling the whole way through. "I wanted to tell you that I was doing some magic of my own, and this was the best way I could think of. Seeing you use magic of your own earlier was relieving, because it meant you wouldn't freak out or get scared of me. You'd be surprised how many people distrust magic." Lailo explains.

Arlett nods in agreement, then moves to give her peer a pat on the head. Their red curly hair flattens at the pat, as Lailo smiles up to their first audience, "Go ahead and get some rest, Ari. I'll be here if you need me, promise." Arlett nods, thanks them, and returns to her room. Empty. Miki would be calling on her soon, so the warlock decided to switch into the comfy clothes from the previous night. Still dusty, and with a small bloodstain at the collar of the shirt where Miki made an example with her claws, but otherwise clean. With the new outfit on, Arlett stood and practiced the illusion she conjured before, waving her brush as though she was painting the air itself. Not even a minute into her practice, a sudden voice fills the room, making Arlett jump. "So they're like a younger brother to you? That's sweet, darling Ari."

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