Chapter One: Goodbye NY

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This book is an un-published first draft. And free to read only on Wattpad

New World... New Me

Written by VinzPeni

*** Authors Note ***

Please note this book is un-editted so there will be some mistakes I will edit it when I have time which won't be anytime soon sorry. Please comment & like as I would appreaciate feedback as this is my first attempt at writing so I'm pretty interested in peoples reviews whether it's good or bad but just take it easy on me as I'm only a newby but constructive feedback would be much appreciated to help improve my writing & future Sequels to this. So for now happy reading & I hope whoever reads this will enjoy it as much as I did writing it.


Chapter 1

Goodbye New York

Ariana Tylers POV

I boarded my flight looking back one more time at the JFK Airport. New York had been my home since forever I wos leaving my family house which I had grown up in all my life, my friends (well just one friend really Kate she had cried when I told her I was leaving.

She wos my sister from another mister my Asian persuasion. We were pretty much inseparable we clicked instantly when we first meet. Just like me she wos outcasted for being different.

We didn't conform to the high expectations of the snobby rich bitches that tormented us for being different at our snobby Private School. But that didn't stop us we didn't care we'd gotten into a couple of fights here & there but that wos because the bitches were cruising for a bruising.

We always had each others back and that's why she wos my best friend. I could always count on her she wos my rock and; I think if we weren't friends I don't think I would have survived the teasing and taunts.

She made me promise to keep in contact so I had agreed that I would Skype and FB her every chance I got) here's hoping they have the net where I'm going. I was on my way back to my birth place New Zealand also known as Aotearoa (pronounced Owl without the l tear ah roh ah) the land of the long white cloud.

This wos going to be interesting.

I had not set foot in New Zealand since I wos a baby I don't recall anything about it which was nerve racking. I had googled it and found out it was a small country underneath Australia with a population of 4 million people, only half the population of New York alone and that was the entire country like WTH??

There were pictures of sheep farmers in gumboots and swanndri's OMG!!! I had stopped there not wanting to know anymore. These people had no fashion sense whatsoever. Who in their right mind wore gumboots accompanied with stubbies and a swanndri. I had to ask myself did they get dressed in the dark?

That wos one thing I loved fashion. I liked to accessorise and dress up. I always liked to look good some people might call me shallow but I always thought clothes made the person. I liked to look good and make people's heads turn. It gave me confidence and it helped me cover up my insecurities.

I think that's why the snobby bitches taunted Kate and I because they felt we were competition. They didn't like us giving them a run for their money.

I wos so thankful my parents had made the choice to move to the U.S when they did. I wos told my dad had received a job offer from top law firm Wachtell Lipton Rosen & Katz 15 years ago. Otherwise who knew how I would've turned out. I cringed at the thought of me wearing gumboots.

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