Chapter Twenty Eight: Game Day

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Chapter 28

Game Day 

Ari's POV

Two weeks had passed since I'd moved in with Mason. I'd visited my Aunt Mere several times since then & every time she'd beg me to come home. We both cried the first time I went back to visit. I loved my Aunty but I told her I couldn't bring myself to go back just yet knowing that Troy could control me. She understood & said there home would always be open for me.

School wos different Troy & Kim were back together they made out every chance they got. It did bother me at first not sure why but I always felt a tinge of pain whenever I saw them kiss. It's not that bad anymore I've learnt to ignore it.

English with Troy is bearable but he still doesn't talk to me willingly. We've managed to get somewhere with our Project our conversations are civilised & only to do with our work which is good.

Since living with Mason we still haven't slept with each other. He's still sleeping on his couch but our relationship is getting so much stronger. We haven't said the L word yet but I can feel it coming.

His mothers wonderful she dotes on me whenever their home which is hardly ever. I think she really wished she had a daughter & I'm her substitute but I can't complain I really enjoy the attention.

His fathers attitude hasn't changed towards me we avoid each other like the plague. He frightens me too I don't think he'll ever accept me & is waiting for the day Mason finds his mate.

Today is game day Sabrina & Juelz are picking me up in half an hour. First Rugby game of the season & it's Maunga Heights vs Rockford High. I'm actually quite nervous I'm not sure how this is going to pan out. I'm preparing myself for the worse.

I've already asked Mason to not start anything he's given me his word that he won't but he did say if trouble comes to him he won't be backing down. I guess that's all I can ask really I can't expect him to be a push over that would be unfair to him.

I heard a Beep of a car horn I quickly ran downstairs to find Sabrina & Juelz wowing at the Mansion. Lifestyle of the Rich & famous they teased. High rolling right here I joked.

Hey we don't ride with Rockford Supporters they boo'd making me laugh I had forgotten I wos wearing Masons jacket. Fine I'll take it off for now making them laugh.

We pulled into the school parking lot it wos a home game for MH. The parking lot wos almost full we just managed to find a space. Everyone wos wearing the school colours Blue & Red except for me.

We all jumped out of the car & I threw on Masons Rockford High stadium jacket it wos Red & black I stood out like a sore thumb in the sea of Blue & Red. Sorry about you the girls teased. I wos getting some rather odd looks & snide remarks like traitor & Rockford Bitch.

Come on Juelz beckoned pulling me along just ignore them. We got to the Rugby field to my astonishment there were no fancy bleachers or stands to sit on like I wos used to. We found a space amongst the MH crowd & settled in.

The two teams were warming up I could see Mason clearly he looked just edible in his rugby shorts & tight Rugby Top. I just wanted to squeeze his tight butt those shorts were calling me. If I were to die today I would like to come back as his shorts making me giggle to myself.

The whistle blew I swear this game wos gruesome it pained me to watch. Bodies were getting smashed left right & centre. What happened to padding were these boys insane. I couldn't watch peeping through my hands making Juelz & Sabrina laugh & make fun of me.

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