Chapter Ten: Pack Meeting

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Authors note: So I've edited this chapter since it wos only a page long originally. Thought I needed to add more body to the context.

So Enjoy... VinzPeni 💋

Chapter 10

Pack Meeting

Troy's POV

It had been awhile since I'd been back to my parents it still looked the same you know a house out of Living & Giving.

I wos standing in the huge back yard where we had all our official Pack Meetings. They were usually lead by my father with his Beta Tom by his side.

I wonder what this could be all about we had only been notified about it a couple of days ago. Which only makes me think it's to do with something important. But what? I thought to myself.

Pack Members hadn't started to arrive I wos quarter of an hour early. I always liked to make sure I wos first one ready for Pack Meetings. I liked to nab the best spot which just so happened to be way at the back against the wall.

I always thought I needed to make an effort when it came to Pack Meetings since one day I would be Alpha. I liked to watch the preparation as the Pack Meeting came together.

The Groundsman working hard setting the seating arrangements & stage work. My parents back yard had been transformed to look similar to a graduation ceremony.

There wos a Podium on a medium sized stage where my Father would take centre stage with his Beta to the the right of him . Rows of white foldaway chairs were surrounding the stage.

The Catering staff busily hustled & bustled preparing the refreshments as delicious aromas sifted through the air filling it with smells of tantalizing sweet & savoury delectable delights.

I could see croissants, doughnuts, cakes, slices, sandwiches, savouries, sausage rolls, quiches & fresh fruit just to name a few there wos always a wide selection for all dietary requirements.

I waltzed over to the refreshment quickly checking to see if the coast wos clear snagging me a hot mince savory popping it quickly into my mouth while grabbing a pork puff pastry. This wos one of the perks of coming early I got to sneak the food.

Usually the refreshments were for after the meetings but I always managed to get in a quick snack to hold me up until after the meeting

I hadn't been caught yet but I'm guessing their not exactly going to tell off the Alpha's son for pre-snacking on the food. I'd seriously love to have someone try that would be fun to watch.

My father wos nowhere to be seen. I didn't expect to see him until smack bang on One o'clock. Not a minute earlier or later he wos always on time without a doubt.

He frowned upon tardiness so every pack member made damn sure they arrived before him & on time those that didn't would be named & shamed & dished out an unwanted punishment usually the shit duties that no one wanted to do.

It wos almost One pack members were slowly filling the back of my parents estate. There were curious whispers amongst the ever growing crowd wondering what exactly the meeting wos about.

There were thoughts of a war brewing amongst us & the neighboring pack Red Rock there had been some deep rivalry amongst our members & theirs. I had my own personal rival with their Alpha's son Mason.

He wos a thorn in my side. A pain in my ass. We never got along since the get go. I saw him as a spoilt cocky little rich prick born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

You see his fathers not only Alpha of Red Rock but also the top lawyer in all of New Zealand. There pack has business investments all over the world the net worth of Red Rock exceeds all other Packs including ours. What Mason wants Masons gets & that didn't sit too well with me.

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