Chapter Nineteen: Midnight Feast

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Chapter 19

Midnight feast

Ari's POV

Mason wanted me to ride with him so Luke of course volunteered to go with Sabrina & so did Ben.

Aidan wos driving his Black Ford Territory I guess because it wos a Seven Seater it wos good to take the whole crew.

Mason & I sat right at the back. I snuggled up to him it wos cold & I had forgotten to bring me a jacket. Geez Beautiful your freezing he complained.

I know & your so toasty warm I whispered seductively distracting him as I slipped my cold hands under his T-Shirt making him squirm. I could feel his rippled muscles against my skin making me smile as I leant my head on his chest.

We arrived outside Denny's. Just as we all piled out. Sabrina's BMW pulled up next to us. Mason went to the boot & got out his hoodie from his bag handing it to me here put this on. I thanked him he wos so sweet.

We all rushed into Denny's we were all starving. We had to get two tables of five so one table wos made up of the girls & I, Mason & of course Luke that guy seriously had a thing for Sabrina. The other table had the rest of the Woof Pack.

We all began ordering our food. I ordered a Chicken Burger, Curly Fries & a Lasagne with a glass of Coke. Mason just chuckled & shook his head don't hold back beautiful he teased. I wos going to share with you but now I've decided not to I smirked.

Our food took awhile to come but that wos Ok everyone wos talking about the battle. Luke & Sabrina were getting all snuggly in the booth. Juelz wos leaning over the other booth chatting with Ben & Mark.

I leant my head on Masons shoulder & he grazed his lips against my ear making me shiver. He whispered I'm glad you came making me look up at him I smiled me too. He gave me a small peck on the lips then our food came.

I wos so hungry I ate my burger in no time at all then started on my lasagne. Everything wos yummy, I spotted Mason in the corner of my eye trying to sneak one of my curly fries ah ah I tskked as I smacked his hand away. Don't even think about it Mista making everyone laugh. Mason is definitely not kidding Michael teased.

I had a sip of my Coke & started eating my curly fries teasingly. Ohh come on Mason complained please share your curly fries he begged. Fine I said trying to feed him one just as he wos about to bite it I pulled it back stuffing it in my mouth. Ahh I sounded leaning back you are such a tease he huffed. I know but you love it I declared triumphantly.

He quickly swiped my curly fries tray & literally stuffed all of them in his mouth. That's ok I proclaimed I wos going to give them to you anyway pulling out my phone taking a photo of him being a pig mouth full of fries bursting to explode.

I felt it before I saw him I held my breath as I turned around to see Josh, Troy, Jeff & Todd all glaring at us. I gasped letting out my breath. Oh no I worried looking at both Sabrina & Juelz they had the same look as me I wos fearful of what would happen next.

Josh strolled over to our table fist clenched & his jaw tight. Ari, Juelz he stated our names indignant as he looked from me to Juelz. What are you two doing here with them? He looked at Mason & his crew then finally looking at Sabrina.

I spoke up last time I checked it's a free country. I didn't know I had to get your permission to hang out with friends. He growled & since when were they your friends? He queried since now I smirked.

Now if you don't mind we're just finishing up & we'll see you at home I stated. He looked pissed as he stormed away.

I think we better go I stood up sorry guys I apologised it wos really nice meeting you all & once again congratulations on your epic win. I can't wait to see you guys do it again. Juelz, Sabrina lets go I beckoned.

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