Happy New Years

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It's New Years Eve and everyone is outside driving like bats outta hell. Carrie was getting her hair done again. Tony and Ro did some running around in the city for they Zane.

"Yo Zane all the profits have been collected." Tony said on the phone.

"Head back this way.'' Zane said

They did just that.
In the mist of them heading back to Zan's trap, there was a back charger that have been following behind them for some time now.

"Aye is it me or has that car been following us?" Ro asked

"I noticed it a few miles ago. Make this left." Tony said

Ro made the left then the car followed.. Ro decided to drive around downtown to lost him with all the traffic and crazy drivers. Lucky they lost him. But hurried to Zane give him these drugs and money. Once they left the trap house. The boys headed to pick up Carrie..

"Dam Mami. How You Doing." Ro said flirting with Carr as she walked to the truck.

Tony made whistling sounds..

Once everyone was in the truck and settled, they pulled off and went home.

"We got 3 hours till we gotta get ready for party. What y'all wanna do?" Tony asked

"Fuck." Ro said
The other two nodded in agreement.

So they proceed to go upstairs and got things started. That lasted two and half hours.

After a relaxing shower, they started getting dress.




"Hey let's get this party started." Ro said getting a bottle of Whiskey and their shots glasses.

Taking their shots, they locked up the house and drove over to the party. Soon after they got everything set up and ready..

Guests started coming. From close friends to family and even Zane came. It was really chill and relaxing. The music the vibe. Drink was flowing .. food was flowing. Everything was lit.

Of course niggas had to put the fuck out because they wasn't acting right. But the party went on smooth still.




They all cheered and laughed. Kisses was shared and friendly hugs..

"Happy New Years babies." Tony said pulling them into his body. One on each side. Kissing their foreheads...

The night went crazy after that.. Shots was being passed out. It turned ratchet real quick. Bitches throwing ass left and right. Niggas was just being niggas. As they party started to calm down.

One by one they all started leaving...

"Too Tee this party was lit as fuck." One of Tony's uncle's said.

"Ight unc get home to ya wife." Tony said

The old man laughed and walked out he door.

Once everyone left. The three had a party of their own..

Plies F*ck Me was playing on the speaker.

Girl can you fuck me the right way
Fuck me the right way
Fuck me the right way
Don't spoil the moment girl..

All night they lasted. From three sums to just two them and even just four play.

Once they was down it was literally morning.

"Bringing in they new year right." Carr said sitting up off the floor.

They looked around at the messy house. There was a knock on the door then it opened up.

"Oh shyt I forgot about the clean up crew." Roman said getting up and shutting the bedroom door.

They hurried to get dress and went downstairs and out the door.

Ro stayed back for a little bit to talk to the head of the cleaning crew.

"Y'all ready to go?" Ro said getting in the car.

The other two shook their head and they went home..

Being drunk high and getting the start of an hanger over. They all kinda just stripped out of their clothes and went to bed.

No one had plans for the day.. so lounging around was the only plan.

Ordering food all day and just watching movies.

They was pretty chill...

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