Susie X Deaf!Reader Part 1

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Warning! Strong Language

Your POV

There was an open house event at the school I'm going to go to. I went to the event, even though I didn't want to. The only reason I came was to get a map of the place so I don't get lost and to see if any of the teachers can speak sign language.

I walked through the doors and the halls were almost empty. I obviously couldn't hear where the people had gathered to talk, so I got my backpack from my shoulder and got my notebook out. I wrote on it, "Do you know where people are gathering?"

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and held my notebook close to me as I started walking. I saw a girl with purple skin and brown hair walking to the entrance, so I went up to her and tapped her on her shoulder.

Susie's POV

I turn around and see a girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She shows me her notebook and I read it.

I wonder why she writes it down, but I ignore it. "Well, maybe if you use your ears, you could figure out where it is by the people talking."

I continue walking but she taps me on the shoulder again. I turn around with a scowl on my face and say, "What do you want?"

She points to herself, waves her finger in a way to say no, and points to her ear.

"You... can't hear?" I ask.

She pulls out her notebook again and writes, "Can you repeat it on paper?"

I don't know why, but I didn't want to be rude to her. I felt somewhat... sorry. No. I couldn't be sorry. She couldn't hear me.

I take her notebook. "Up the hall and take the first left. Last door."

I hand it back to her and she writes a simple, "Thank you," shows it to me, and walks off.

~Next Day~

Your POV

I walked into my class and sat down. I was the first one there, besides the teacher, Ms. Alphys. The night before, I found out she spoke sign language, so we had a short conversation before the rest of class showed up.

When everyone arrived, I could tell we were about to start class when the girl I met the night before kicks the door and walks in.

I had been practicing reading lips the night before.

I saw the teacher say, "H-Hello, Susie."

Susie is her name. Doesn't really suit her attitude.

She sits down and doesn't pay any attention in class. I could just tell.

And that's how it went for the next two weeks. I had made friends with a boy named Kris in that time and I would sit with him during lunch. We spoke with paper and pen for a while, but as I continued learning to read lips, he could talk and I would write it down, making it quicker.

In those two weeks, Susie started bullying me too. She would push me up against lockers or push me in the hallways. Yesterday, she took one of my books and tossed it hard. It's pages scattered in the wind.

I talked to Kris about it and learned he was friends with her. He tried to stop her from bullying me, but she didn't.

And that brings us to today. I was clearing out my desk, ready to go home, when I see a note in it.

"See me behind school at 3:15 sharp." It reads.

I didn't want to do it, but something compelled me. I knew Susie would meet me there, but I wanted to see what she wanted.

I walked to the back of the school and saw her. She had a smug look in her face.

Susie's POV

I saw (F/n) come around the corner. I picked her up by her collar and pushed her against the wall.

"So, you've been telling Kris about me? He's my one and only friend and you better not ruin that! Why am I even talking to you? It's not like you can hear, you slut!"

I look her in the eyes and I see tears forming.

I drop her and she sits on the ground, back against the wall, still looking at me.

"What? Are you that much of a wimp that you get scared shitless when someone holds 'ya? You can't even hear the shit I'm sayin' to 'ya!"

She then did something I wouldn't have suspected in a million years.

"Sut up!" Her speech was malformed because she has no reference. "I cin wead er lips!"

She can read my lips? I thought. Does that mean she could tell what I was saying the last two weeks? I suddenly feel really shitty, but I don't know why, because I don't like her. But why do I not like her?!

In the midst of my thoughts, I started tearing up. I tried to walk away, but I felt (F/n) grab my ankle. I try to get her off me, but she persists.

"Peas don lev!" She says.

I sit down, dumbfounded, and asked, "Why do you want me to stay?"

"Er not a bad person." She says.

"I'm sorry." I say. I don't know what to do.

She comes closer and surprises me again by hugging me. For some reason, I hug back.

I stand up and hold my hand out for her. She looks at it for a moment, before taking it and standing up.

"Fwends?" She asks, brushing the dirt off her pants.

"Friends." I say.

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