Nerd Alert |Susie x Reader

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Nerd Alert 

You glared across the room.

Berdly had his back to you, but that didn't stop your hate. You just wanted to take a dictionary, and whack him in the head.

Every subject you scored, and aced he was one step ahead.

You were pulled down to the second smartest kid because of this bird brain.

Your teeth gritted.

It was time for projects, and he had picked another smart kid, Noelle as his co-worker.

Even though you weren't as smart as them combined, you were still going to try to beat the two! You looked around for a ally.

Only Kris was there.

He looked like he needed a partner- BUT HE WAS A HUMAN.

You had read many different books about the human race. They were the creatures that had forced monsters down to the underground.

How were you suppose to talk to such a dangerous classmate??

You kicked yourself to shut off the panic. Just address him politely Y/N!

"...Hello? " you whispered.

He looked over at you with a blank expression.

You swallowed, "Greetings humanoid. Uh..would you like to labor together on our school project?" Your palms were sweating so much, you were losing your gripping on your seat.

Were those the right words?

He opened his mouth about to give a response when the door to the room slammed open.

You froze, and felt the color leave your face.

It was her.

She was a enemy-no that's not the right word- a enemy was someone you despised- she was someone who made you drop dead just by a glance.

Susie. No one dared to look in her direction, as she stepped in.

"H..Hi..Susie," said Professor Aphlys, meekly.


The Dinosaur teacher trembled slightly.

" I late?" said the tough girl.

"Ohh, n-no," stammered your poor teacher, "You're fine! W-we were just, partners for the next group project, and..umm, Susie you're with Kris..or Y/N..o-or both."


"...n-now that everyone's here, I'll write the assignment!"

Aphlys turned to the black board, and scanned the rack. As she did you noticed Susie had a slight smirk.

She had done something.

The professor spun back scattering papers from her desk. She stopped suddenly, and stared at the desk nervously.

Trying to cover her fretfulness she looked at the class, "Uh..h-has anyone seen the chalk? This is the third time it's gone missing, and..y-you all know I can't start class without some!"

Your eyes widened.

NO! Your chance to get even with Berdly...

There was silence in the class. You looked at the now fully grinning Susie.

"H-how about this?" said your professor a little more loudly, "If no one speaks up..e-everyone gets in trouble!"

"Wait," you suddenly said. Everyone turned to you, making you flinch. "Uh..there might be a box of some in the closet. I'm not entirely sure."

"T-thanks, Y/N..since Susie came last...she'll go get it."

Susie was now not smiling. "Whatever."

She walked out, and slammed the door behind her.


"..Y-Y/N..." said the Professor meekly, "Can you go with her and make sure actually gets it? And, um stays out of trouble...?"

You froze.

Everyone was still looking at you.

Staggering out your seat you walked over to the door, "Yes, miss."


The hall was empty. You quietly closed the door behind you.

Susie stood ahead.

You eyed her as she pulled something from her pocket, before devouring it.


Was that a piece of chalk?

She turned around with a grin when she stopped dead her tracks, "..Y/N."

Both your eyes locked.

"Didn't see you there," she walked closer, "You didn't see anything just now, did you?"

You moved away slowly. "N-no..n-not exactly.."


She had you backed against a locker. A smile came to her face as she tilted your chin, "Let me tell you a secret.." Her grip tightened, "I hate liars."

"I-I'm not-" you gasped, trying to pry her fingers off.

She held your hands over your head, pinning you. You struggled.

Susie gave a cold smile as she squeezed your cheeks harder. It started to hurt.

You couldn't escape.

She chuckled, "'re so helpless."

"Sorry for be sufficiently weaker you Mesozoic survivor!" you shot back.

You froze, almost forgetting about the pain in your jaw.

The statement had accidentally slipped from your mouth. You wish you could take it back.

There was silence.

Susie suddenly burst into snickers, keeping her head down. It was a low sound coming from her throat.

Her arms were still trapping you from both sides.

She finally looked up again, "You're funny..I think I'll let you off the hook. Just don't tell anyone about this, Ok?"

You nodded, "I won't."

She backed away, "Thanks. Let's get that damn chalk."

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