Susie x fem!reader

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Susie x Fem!reader

You sighed a bit as you walked into the school building. It's not that you didn't like being at school, but there were a few people you didn't want to be around. Mostly due to the fact that they were guys that liked you romantically. It wasn't too bad, but there was a problem with that... you weren't attracted to guys at all. And you already had a crush on someone.
"Hey, y/n!" You heard a familiar female voice call out to you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Oh, hey Susie." You smiled faintly as Susie rushed over to you. That's right, you were friends with Susie. How? Well it's quite simple. Some douche was flirting with you and making you feel very uncomfortable, Susie happened to notice and nearly beat the absolute daylights out of him. You thanked her and she told you that if anyone else were to bother you, to come to her and let her deal with it. You simply nodded and that was that. Oh, right, almost forgot to mention that you also had a crush on her.
Well the thing is, the reason that Susie had protected you in the first place was that she had been kind of watching you (creepy much??) and kind of developed a bit of a crush on you as well? So she figured the best way to get close to you was to be friends and to protect you at all costs. You thought that it was a bit odd that she would protect you of all people, since she didn't seem to like anyone and was just a bully to just about everyone she sees. Well, except for Noelle. (Is that her name? Sorry my
"Come on, let's head to class." You spoke up and headed to class with Susie trailing behind you.

~after class since I'm lazy~

You were getting ready to head back home, when you felt a hand grab your wrist.
"Why hello there, y/n." You looked back to see another familiar face. Dustin the school's heartthrob (I know he doesn't exist but just roll with me here plz ;-; )
You rolled your eyes and pull your arm away. You did not like him at all, but for some reason, he liked you and that was not a good thing.
"The hell do you want?" You hissed, crossing your arms.
"Just thought I would ask if you would be so kind as to go on a date with me~"
"Ew. No." You turned around, about to walk out but Dustin placed his hand on your shoulder, and it wasn't very nicely either.
"I'm not going to take no for an answer." He growled. You struggled a bit.
"Hey! You better let her go or you'll bet your ass I will kill you!" You heard a voice call out.
"Susie!" You smiled faintly and looked back to face her.
"And what are you going to do?!" Dustin glared at her, still holding on to you. Susie walked over to the two of you, then picked up Dustin by his shirt collar.
"How about I bite your face off?" She suggested in a menacing tone, an evil glint in her eyes.
"N-no! Don't do that!"
"Well then I would suggest leaving her the hell alone. Because if you don't, then I will not hesitate to kill you."
"O-okay! I'll leave her alone!" Susie dropped him to the ground and he ran off. You smiled and rushed over to Susie.
"Thank you for helping me out again, Susie."
"Heh.. it's no problem."
"Hey, Susie..? Why did you save me anyway..? Why be my friend..?"
"Well, uh, you see.. well I can't say-"
"-but I can show you." Without waiting for your response, she leaned down (cause you're shorter than her- just go with it) and kissed you. It was a bit rough, but sweet. Two things you weren't expecting from her. You took a moment but you kissed back. A few moments passed and you pulled away for air.
"I love you too, Susie."
"You do?"
"If i didn't, Why would I have kissed you back?"
"...fair point. So, uh.. do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"Of course I do!"
"Sweet! Now let me walk you home, to make sure no one else messes with you." You smiled and nodded. Susie grabbed your hand and the two of you headed to your house, hand-in-hand. Once you got to your house, you reached up and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking into your house.
"I'll see you tomorrow!" You called out before closing the door. Susie chuckled a bit.
"I'll see ya tomorrow, babe." She then walked off, and for once was actually ready for school the next day.

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