Susie x strong!blind!reader

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"How the hell did you beat me so easily?!" Susie yelled at you, going for another punch at you, but you dodged it easily.

"I may be blind, but that just means that my other senses are heightened. Plus, after a while it can be pretty easy to anticipate someone else's attacks." You shrugged. It was pretty much true. You may be blind, but that did not mean you were weak at all. You were stronger than everyone thought, and Susie did not take that very well. She wanted to fight you, to test your strength...and maybe to beat you up as well. However, that didn't go well for Susie, for you ended up beating her up instead. You didn't beat her into a pulp, obviously, but you gave her the hint that you didn't mess around when it came to strength.

"Hmph. I will find a way to beat you, you got that?" Susie said in a threatening tone. You simple shrugged and walked off.

"Whatever ya say, Susie." You say.

"I mean it, y/n! I will find your weakness!" Susie yelled after you. You chuckled a bit to yourself and kept walking.

~small timeskip to later since I can~

You groaned softly as you sat up in pain. A monster by the name of Laura (sorry if that's your name it was literally the first name to pop up into my mind.) had sneak attacked you, which had caught you off guard and you were open for attacks, which she did. Her fighting style was new to you, and she was light on her feet, so you could not anticipate her attacks as well as Susie's. Needless to say, you got your ass handed to you in this fight. (just a thing my parents and I say, as well something I've heard a few other people say)

"wow, you look like ass." You heard a familiar female voice say, chuckling at the end.

"Yeah, thanks for pointing it out." You hissed in response, slowly standing up. Susie held up her hands in defense.

"What happened to you, anyway?" she asked, now crossing her arms.

"Well I was pretty much ambushed by a monster named Laura, she snuck up on me and attacked me while my guard was down. I was not expecting her attacks at all... I'm so used to your fighting style that I could not anticipate her attacks as well as yours. No offense."

"Uhh.. none taken?"

"Anyway, now that you've seen me beaten down, what are you planning to do now?"

"Well, first of all, I'll have to find Laura and have a little chat." you couldn't see it, but Susie had a menacing smile on her face. "Other than that, I have no other intentions."

"Huh... I figured you would at least finish what she started."

"Nah. Now come on, I'll walk ya home. Let me be your eyes for once, y/n." Susie grabbed your hand. You smiled slightly and nodded.

"Okay." The two of you walked in silence for a few minutes, until you decide to break the silence.

"Thanks, Susie."

"...For what?"

"For being there when I needed it... even if it wasn't very nice at first."

"No problem, y/n."

"Hey, Susie? Can I ask you something?" You asked. Susie shrugged and looked over at you.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Well, uh, I was wondering.... if you would like to be my girlfriend..? And maybe go on a date with me..?" You asked, a sheepish smile on your face. Susie stopped walking, making you stop as well. You then start to think you messed up, until you feel a pair of lips connect with your own in a rough but sweet and somehow also gentle kiss. You kissed back, smiling into the kiss. After a few moments, the two of you pulled away.

"I'll take that as a yes?" You say, your face nearly the color of a cherry.

"Yes, you dork." Susie shook her head and kissed your forehead. "Oh, also, we're at your house." Susie added, looking over at your house. You smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Thanks for everything, Susie." Susie walked you up to the front door and unlocked the door for you, after taking the key from you. You smiled and opened the door.

"See you tomorrow, for our date."

"heh.. I'll see ya tomorrow, babe." You closed the door, and Susie walked away from the door. "I look forward to it." Susie mumbled to herself as she walked away from your house.

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