The Good Samaritan - 8/12/1993

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––––––––––AT LUNCH––––––––––


Gavin stands up to leave

NED: Where are you going?

GAVIN: What do you think?

Ned shrugs

Gavin leaves cafeteria

Gavin looks around for Bryan

GAVIN: Yo, Bryan?

Gavin goes outside

Gavin walks passed bleachers

GAVIN: Come on, dude

GAVIN: He'll forget about it by tomorrow

GAVIN: Bryan?

Bryan sits behind a tree

Bryan sobbing with his head down

Gavin approaches

GAVIN: Hey man

GAVIN: I'm really sorry for what he did back there

GAVIN: It wasn't cool at all

GAVIN: None of the things he said were true

GAVIN: Which made him look like a fool

Gavin sits next to Bryan

Bryan sobs

Gavin sighs

GAVIN: It's quite rare to see this side of him

GAVIN: But don't let him get to you

GAVIN: It's not your fault that you have trouble doing things everyone else knows how to do

GAVIN: That's what makes you unique!

Bryan sniffs

Bryan looks up

BRYAN: You think so?


Seagull flies down

Seagull waddles towards Gavin and Bryan

Seagull walks around

Bryan gets bread out from pocket

Bryan chucks bread at seagull

Seagull jumps

Seagull walks towards the bread and pecks at it aggressively

Bryan and Gavin chuckles


GAVIN: Even animals, human or not

GAVIN: Love being around you

Seagull walks up to Bryan for more bread

BRYAN: Sorry, Maria

BRYAN: That's all I have

Seagull flies away

Bryan and Gavin chuckles

GAVIN: You have more friends than me and Ned combined

GAVIN: This acquired se-


BRYAN: Acquired savant syndrome?

GAVIN: Yeah, that

GAVIN: It's not gonna last forever

GAVIN: You'll become your true self again

GAVIN: I know that you're a funny guy deep inside

GAVIN: And we'll be able to see that again soon

GAVIN: I don't mind how long it'll take

GAVIN: I just know you're going to return one day

BRYAN: You may not mind

BRYAN: But Ned doesn't have the patience you do

GAVIN: Who cares what he thinks?

GAVIN: He just thinks that because he's smarter than most people

GAVIN: He's better than them

GAVIN: Which is far from true

GAVIN: Yes, he may be smart

GAVIN: But you're smarter

BRYAN: I failed every exam

GAVIN: I don't mean that

GAVIN: I mean like, in general

GAVIN: When we're not in school

BRYAN: Man, I really appreciate you being there for me

BRYAN: I really do

BRYAN: Even when I'm not at my best self

GAVIN: Of course, man!

GAVIN: What are friends for?

GAVIN: Now, do you want to go back to the cafeteria?

GAVIN: Or do you want to stay?

BRYAN: I don't feel like walking


GAVIN: You mind if I stay too?

BRYAN: No, of course not!

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