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(A/N) okay so hi. This feels really weird cuz I haven't been active on Wattpad in like forever so idk what to say to y'all anymore lol


Ryan: Your honor, they simply hate to see a girlboss winning.


Adam: Where did you get that tomato soup?

Ryan: It's actually a bowl of ketchup I microwaved.


Girl: Hold on, I have to go take out the trash.

Adam: Oh, we're going out?


Adam: ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


(After a concert)

Person: Ugh, has anyone seen AJR around?

Manager: Yeah, they made a horrible mess of the blood fountain.

Person: ......It looks fine to me?

Manager: It used to be water.


Ryan: In this household, we don't say...

Ryan: "Hm, I'm gonna make myself a nice lunch."

Ryan: Instead we say...



Jack, texting Ryan: Tell them I can't make it to the show.

Ryan: What?! Why?!

Jack: I've been kidnapped lol.


Fan: What's something you guys are better at than Adam?

Jack: Mario Kart.

Ryan: Emotional vulnerability.


Ryan: I killed a spider and now I feel bad.

Jack: Give birth to a spider to make up for it.



Jack: Why did I say that?

Adam: Yeah, why did you say that?


Jack: Did you just throw your glasses on the floor?

Ryan: No.

Jack: I can see them sitting there.

Ryan: I can't.


Jack: Have I told you how much of a good brother I think you are?

Adam: We're still not going to McDonald's.

Jack: F*ck you.


(Ryan's first job)

Ryan: I work here now! They even gave me a badge with my name on it in case I forget, which I often do.

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