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(A/N) Okay, I made this to say happy birthday to Acatin_The_Cat !!!
Sorry this is late but I hope you had a good birthday!


Ryan, knocking on Adam's apartment door: Adam, open up.

Adam, from inside: Why?

Ryan: We need to talk.

Adam: Is Jack there?

Jack: Yeah, I'm here.

Adam: Then talk to each other.


Austin: You use your soft-spoken attitude and silence to avoid having conversations.

Adam: Yes, I do.

Austin, watching Jack and Ryan talk nonstop to Adam: But it doesn't always work.


Jack: Mom always said that pain is beauty.

Adam: I think she was talking about high heels.

Jack, looking at his stab wound: I don't know, I feel pretty beautiful right now.


(Writing music)

Ryan: Okay, I need the worst idea ever for a song.

Jack: Push-ups on a diving board.

Adam: I wish I could understand what's going on in whatever you two have instead of brains.


Jack, drunk and stumbling into the apartment along with Ryan: Adam! Ryan and I got home safe!

Adam, sighing: I know, I drove you two here.


Jack: What's going on?

Ryan: Adam hit another sleep deprivation high.

Jack: F*ck yeah! I love sleep deprived Adam, he's much more fun than regular Adam.


Ryan, texting Adam: Do you have anxiety prime?

Ryan: Amazon prime*

Adam: I have both.


Adam: What's on this corn? Barbeque sauce?

Jack: Ryan's blood.

Adam: Well, send my compliments to the chef.


Adam: Whenever I'm confronted with a problem that makes me feel desperate and helpless, I look at this photo of the three of us-

Jack and Ryan: Hell, yeah! Brotherly encouragement!

Adam: -and tell myself "if I can survive living with those dumb*ss clowns for years, it means I can handle whatever life throws at me."

Jack and Ryan:


Jack, bullying Ryan: He was born next to nuclear powerplant, has an IQ of two, and was hit in the head with several rocks as a child.

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