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Sorry this is kinda short.


Ryan: I wish I could say I out did myself, but I'm always this good. So I simply did myself.

Jack: Stop.


Ryan and Jack: You know what, Adam? We're smart, too!

Adam: Really? Then what's the difference between a gamete and a zygote?

Jack: Don't fall for it, Ry. He's just making up words.


Jack: That goes against my moral compass.

Adam: Your moral compass is a f*cking roulette wheel.


Jack: Oh no! Our neighbor died!

Ryan: Who, Ray?

Jack: I don't think cheering is appropriate, Ryan.


(Jack and Alba are drunk)

Alba, taking Jack's hands and putting them to her heart: What do you feel?

Jack: Tits.


Ryan: Not gonna wear glasses anymore. I've seen enough.


(Having spaghetti and meatballs for dinner)

Jack: How much of this meatball is meat?

Adam, not paying attention: Probably like 90%

Jack: So it's 10% balls?!

Adam, spitting out his food in surprise:


(When they were kids)

Their mom: What did I tell you about calling Jack the devil?

Adam: That it's offensive to the devil..


Jack: *loses to Adam at Mario Kart*

Ryan: It's okay that you lost, it's not a big deal.

Jack: I gotta tell you a secret.

Ryan: Okay.

Jack: I let him win.


Ryan: Is that a secret or a lie?


Jack: I can be sensitive.

Adam, rushing out of the bathroom about to cry: I THINK I FOUND A GRAY HAIR!

Jack: Okay, grandma.

Adam: *cries*

Ryan: Way to be sensitive.


Arnetta: Why is Jack crying in the corner?

Ezra: He's been trying to draw a circle.

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