Chapter 3: Loki

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Aiden's POV:
I'm currently sitting in the lab. I'm on my phone. After trying to see if discord still worked so I could contact Emma, which it does, I was able to talk to her for a bit. We are talking about what could have happened. We eventually agreed on two thing. The first, we have no idea what happened. And the second, we are both scared for my life since we know the dangers that this universe holds.

I heard the door opening and Fury steps into the lab "what are you doing, Mr. Stark?" He asked "Uhh, Kinda been wondering the same thing about you" was Mr. Stark's response "you're supposed to be locating the tesseract" "we are. The model's locked and we're sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we'll get a location within half a mile" answers Dr. Banner "yeah and you'll get your cube back. No muss, no fuss" says Mr. Stark he looks at something on the screens, since I remember the movie perfectly I know what it's about even before he asks "what is 'phase 2'?"

An angry Mr. Rogers steps into the lab and drops the phase 2 weapons on the metal table making a sound that's a bit too loud for my ears "phase 2 is SHIELD uses the cube to create weapons" Mr. rogers says looking at Fury before turning to Mr. Stark "sorry, the computer was going a little slow for me" "Rogers, we gathered everything related to the tesseract, this does not mean we-" he get's cut off by Mr. Stark yelling while turning the screen so everyone in the room could see "I'm sorry, Nick. what were you lying?" "I was wrong, Director. The world hasn't changed a bit" said Mr. Rogers then Thor and Ms. Romanoff walk in and Dr. Banner turns to them, specifically Ms. Romanoff and asks "did you know about this?" And her response was "you wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?" "I was in Calcutta. I was pretty well removed" "Loki's manipulating you" "and you did what exactly?" "You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you" "yes, and I'm not leaving because you suddenly get twitchy. I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction."

Just after bruce said that came Fury's response "because of him" he said, pointing at Thor "me?" Thor asked clearly annoyed and confused "last year earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, we hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned" "my people want nothing but peace with your planet" Thor said and I knew he was right, however, Asgardians aren't the only people out there "but you're not the only people out there, are you?" And Fury said just that "And you're not the only threat. The world's filling up with people that can't be matched, that can't be controlled" "like you controlled the cube?" Asked Mr. Rogers but he got no answer as Thor said something immediately after "your work with the tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is a signal to all the realms that earth is ready for a higher form of war" "a higher form?" Asked Mr. Rogers, I could feel he was annoyed and confused by that statement even if it doesn't show on his face I could feel those emotions coming off of him "you forced our hand" Fury began "we had to come up with somethi-" he got cut off by Mr. Stark "nuclear deterrent. Cause that always calms everything right down" "remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark" said Fury "I'm sure if he still made weapons Stark would be neck deep-" Mr. Rogers started saying, supporting Fury but he got cut off by Mr. Stark "wait wait, hold on, how is this now about me?" "I'm sorry, isn't everything?" "I thought humans were more evolved than this." Thor says "Excuse me, did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?" That was Fury and the last thing I heard before everyone's voices were mixed together and I put my hands tightly on my ears to block the noise while looking at the floors only.

I heard a weird buzzing sound and looked around the room trying to locate it before my eyes landing on the scepter that was glowing. "Guys?" I tried getting their attention but it didn't work then buzzing stopped for a second before intensifying so I left the hands on my ears a bit longer before taking them off just to hear Dr. Banner say they rented his room.

The buzzing was really strong as Fury began speaking "the cell was just incase-" he got cut off by Dr. Banner "incase you needed to kill me. But you can't. I know, I tried." At that I looked up and at the Doctor. I honestly forgot about this part. And how much I related to it, maybe I even still do "I got low. I didn't see an end. So I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on, I focused on helping others. I was good, until you dragged me back to this freak show and put everyone here at risk. You wanna know my secret agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?" He said, with the scepter in his hand "Dr. Banner, put down the scepter" Director Fury tell him and the doctor looked down shocked before all the computers beeped and that along with the buzzing was way too loud so I covered my ears again and I was glad I did since I saw that everyone started fighting again. Then, very suddenly, came an explosion that knock me back onto the wall next to Mr. Rogers and Mr. Stark.

I recovered quickly from the explosion, before the others in the room and ran out to try and find the cell where Loki was. After a few minutes I found it and entered the room standing next to the controls. Seeing Loki like this hurt me for some reason "oh Loki..." I whispered sadly and he turned to me looking surprised "you're the child from that aircraft, why are you here?" He asked "I suppose I should lie.. but you can't lie to the god of lies, can you?" I say still looking at him with a sad look "you're right, you can't" he said sounding a mixed of shocked and impressed

I continued to look at him with a sad and understanding look then say "I understand your pain, but this isn't the way..." "you don't understand anything child" he said but I knew better. I could feel his pain from the scepter's control, from his past and from the torture he has been through "I understand much more than you know..." "You are a mortal! How can a mortal understand a god!?" He yelled at me and I had to fight with myself not to flinch

"Loki, please just listen... We both lived our whole life, knowing we are in someone else's shadow, for you it was your brother and for me it was my cousin. We both weren't cared for by at least one person who says he raised us, for you it was Odin and for me, my entire birth family, at least in your case you still had someone there for you, you had Frigga, I didn't have that, I had to rely on myself. Not sure if you did, but me? I had to care for myself since I was just 5 years old, the people around me saw me acting like a grown up and taking care of myself before I even turned 10, but they all mistook it for me being smart and independent. They didn't realize I had to do it to survive. In the past I wanted nothing more than to make those people, the people who wronged me, suffer like I did.. but with time.. I found hurting them was not the way. It just makes you feel more empty inside..." I finished my speech and noticed he was just staring at me "we are more similar than you know Loki and I really just hope you'll find yourself again" I say before leaving the room with a shocked Loki in the cell and tears in my eyes which I quickly wiped when I left the room.

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