Chapter 5: a different POV

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Emma's POV:
I went outside to the playground next to my house with my phone so I could do some research for Aiden around 30 minutes ago, so far I've found nothing about mysterious portals like what he described which worries me, I mean, what if he's stuck there? If he is, then we'll never meet and what'll happen if his phone breaks? Does he lose connection to this universe?

That's when I hear a sound from under the slide. It sounded kind of like a portal opening in movies, which is weird, that exactly what Aiden desc- wait... Portal sound like Aiden described!! I quickly get off the top of the slide and went to see if I'm right. And I was! looking under the slide there was a portal exactly like the one Aiden described! I reached my hand out thinking of getting Aiden back, a bright light came from the portal and started getting brighter and brighter until you couldn't look at it and I immediately closed my eyes. Not even one second has passed and I felt myself being sucked into the portal. It felt extremely weird so I'm glad that it ended quickly, fortunately I landed sitting down on the floor.

Almost immediately after landing a huge wave of pain came over my head. I closed my eyes and I could see Tony Stark, Steve Rogers and Nick Fury in front of Aiden with Maria Hill standing farther away on the side. I shook my head to get rid of the vision thing that just happened and got up to search for him. I could feel a pull to him.

After a minute or two I realized he going in my direction and heard footsteps but I didn't connect the two so I walked around the corner to hide. I then heard the someone speak "this is right outside Barton's room, why are we here?" that was definitely Tony Stark. Wait, Barton's room! I landed next to Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye AKA my favorite avenger's room! Then Aiden spoke "I can feel your confusion and anger Tony. Also Steve I can feel your confusion and worry" "you can feel emotions now?" that was said by a confused Steve Rogers. Honestly, I'm confused as well. "Yes, new power I guess, now hold on and let me find her" Aiden again. I honestly kind of wished he used one of the nicknames we have for each other, I absolutely adore them "So go and search" said Tony "there's no need" he replied, Aiden that is, it was silent for a second before I heard the call "Snow angel!" And I immediately answered back "Fireball!" I heard foot steps coming towards me again, this time I knew it was my Fireball "Toffee?" He called "Puppy?" I asked and the second he nodded we were hugging "where are we?" I asked "We my wonderful soul-shine, are in the MCU" "tell me the year please" I said "2012" was Aiden's immediate response, I guess i looked confused because he said "yeah, I don't know either..."

I stepped back from the hug and the second I did Aiden froze and started silently crying "kid, Are you okay?" Asked Tony "yeah, I'm fine, why?" Was the reply he got "You sure? You're kind of crying" said Steve and Aiden put his hand on his cheek, it seemed like he was checking if he was he looked surprised to find out he was in fact crying "it's just, I can feel the pain Agent Barton is in and it's a lot, he shouldn't go through this and I just want to take his pain away" he explained to us Steve and I had small smiles on our faces while Tony didn't he just said "that's nice kid but right now we need to find Reindeer games"

Aiden looked slightly annoyed "okay, can you not call me kid? I'm 16 and definitely not one" he then huffed like an annoyed kid would which I don't think he noticed he did but it nearly made me burst out laughing, Steve's smile grew slightly wider at this "we don't know your name" he then said "oh sorry.. My name is Aiden" You can obviously guess who said that, he also sounded kind of embarrassed. Probably since he didn't introduce himself properly. Tony then spoke saying "I'll still call you kid" which made it impossible for me to conceal my held in laugher "Emma, why are you laughing? You're way more of a kid than I am!" He said and I answered with the facts and a slightly amused smirk "Really Star? You know I look older than you" he did another one of those annoyed sighs and said "It's my height, right?" I nodded and so did Tony and Steve "Whatever, I'm going to see Clint and Natasha" said Aiden "you can't. He needs to heal" said Steve "I could maybe help him" "you can't" Steve answered him again "listen Steve, I figured out by now I have powers. The first one I found isn't helpful in this situation, the second however, might be. I can feel other peoples feelings which makes me an empath. Some empaths are able to control the feeling of others as well so I might be able to do that. I just want to try and remove the emotional pain from the process that Clint's doing of freeing his mind. Now, can I at least try and help a fellow avenger?" Tony and Steve looked shocked, I was just super happy.

my soul-shine is now an avenger! How cool is that?? "I'm sorry, fellow avenger?" Tony asked him "Yes, fellow avenger, I asked Fury to join the avengers and he allowed it because then I can help you win this battle" Aiden explains "that's so cool!" I half-yelled in excitement before I felt a strange feeling and everything grew bigger then I saw I was a bunny, literally.

I guess Aiden quickly realized what this means and bent down to bunny me, probably telling that I was close to panicking "Emma, try to turn back by focusing on what you look like as a human" I closed my eyes and I think he stepped back since I heard someone move. not even a second later the weird feeling was back and I was human again.

Steve, Tony and I looked at Aiden shocked "huh.. that actually worked" "so both of you have powers?" Asked Steve "Seems like it" I answered then we all heard a kind of quiet scream from Clint "I have to go help him" Aiden said and walked into his room leaving me for a few minutes of silence with the two other avengers

Suddenly we all heard Aiden yelling super loudly "REALLY!?" Was what he yelled so we all enter the room quickly to see what's wrong but he didn't seem to notice or he did but he doesn't care "MY MOTEHR IS ABUSIVE!!" He yelled already crying his heart out

"She hits me! She locks me away! She denies me my basic needs! And if she finally gives me a break it's because she acts as if I don't even exist!" None of us said anything. He looked around the room at us all, looking longer at Clint and Steve, he then looked down

"I was five when it started then I turned 11 and she stopped for about a week, and by that I mean she ignored me completely for a week, it was like I didn't exist... I thought it was finally over but she just added emotional abuse to the mix. I've been living with her abuse and neglect for over 11 years now. So I'm sorry, but she's not a good mother in my eyes..." by the end of his confession about his horrible life I was frozen in place, how didn't I notice anything? Why didn't he say anything??

When I stopped thinking about it before i started crying and overthinking it, I saw him hugging Steve while crying his heart out again. I left the room with Tony who motioned for me to come with him after Natasha and Clint left the room. We walked and sat down in the control bridge.

A minute or two later Steve arrived with Aiden. They hugged once more and I could hear Aiden whispering "thanks Stevie" before pulling away as Steve said "you're welcome doll" and then he went to sit down on my left with Steve going and sitting in the chair to his left "so, anyone knows where the grease god is?" I asked, cringing inside while I saw Aiden trying not to laugh, probably because he knows how weird it was for me to say that since one of my nicknames for him was 'My Loki' especially when he call me 'darling' or 'dear' "he wants to hurt us and he wants to be seen doing it... He wants an audience." Said Tony "right, I caught his act in Stuttgart" replied Steve "yeah, that's just the previews, this is opening night." Tony started saying "And Loki, he's a full-tilt diva, right? He wants flowers. He wants parades. He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered..." Tony stopped and looked shocked for a second meaning he probably figured it out. Steve looked at him expecting him to continue but he doesn't instead he quickly says "Son of a bitch" and walks out the room

We all walk out after him "he's at Stark tower. I'm sure of it" we all nodded "alright everyone, suit up!" Said Steve and Natasha motioned for me to follow her while Clint motioned for Aiden to follow him. My guess? We're getting some kind of shield uniform or maybe a suit since we don't have anything "we need to find you something to wear for the battle, anything I should know?" I nodded "I'm a shapeshifter" I said "do you need a special suit for that? Because I'm not sure we have that." She replied when we entered a room full of SHIELD uniforms "Well, last time my clothes went back on after like nothing happened" she nodded and got a uniform from a low shelf "try this on, it's just a standard SHIELD uniform" she pointed at a room "you can change in there. You should also check it comes back on after you turn back human" I nodded and took the uniform from her walking into the room where she said I could change so I did then transformed into a bunny again before going back to human and the uniform was still on. I went to step out of the room but got stuck on a metal rod and cut myself because of it, I immediately went to put pressure on it to stop the bleeding. However when my hand was close to the cut it glowed a beautiful light blue color before I felt the bleeding stop and the wound close completely. I was really surprised but masked it stepping out and telling Natasha the uniform fits great and disappears when I change then goes back when I'm go back to being human again. I kept my new healing ability to myself.

A different worldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon