Chapter 7: The battle ends

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Aiden's POV:
More and more aliens keep coming out of the portal. We all keep fighting but I'm starting to get tired, I can see and feel the rest are getting tired as well, both physically and mentally.

"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we won't close that portal" says Natasha "our biggest guns couldn't touch it" "well, maybe it's not about guns" "if you want to get up there, you'll need a ride" "I got a ride, could use a boost though" "you sure about this?" "Yeah, it's gonna be fun"

I was so focused on that conversation between the two avengers in front of me and Natasha jumping on a chitauri flying machine using Stevie's shield, that I completely forgot I'm in the middle of a battle and I definitely didn't notice the alien right behind me until Emma yelled to warn me. Well, more like until I got stabbed with the spear he was holding.

Emma immediately ran to me and it seemed to me like she was faster than the average human, but I wouldn't actually know about that.. I never seen a person sprint in a situation like this and it could be something to do with survival instinct or she could just be a really fast human in general....

When she reached me she immediately put her hand over my wound and that was exactly when Stevie, who also ran to us when he saw what happened, reached where we were. She started healing my wound as soon as she got to me, and I noticed that it made her hands and the wound glow in a beautiful shimmering light blue color, it reminded me of the energy blasts and force fields I had gotten, except for two things, one, it was a different color, two, it was healing the wound by focusing directly on it, instead of just being an unknown effect of a sudden burst of power.

After I was healed I immediately got up to continue fighting but Stevie held me back "you need to be more careful doll, I can't have you getting killed in this battle" I nodded "I know, I'm sorry. We have to continue fighting though, otherwise the whole city might be destroyed" looking around all the chitauri in the area are finally dead

I then hear Clint in the comms "Captain, a bank on 42nd past Maddison, they cornered a lot of civilians in there" "I'm on it" he replied then turned to Emma and I "Emma, change into a bird and go help Barton" I looked at Emma as he said that and could practically see the sparkle in her eyes about being told to go help her hero "Aiden, can you find a way to get to the portal?" "I can try" "then do that" he said then left towards the bank.

As soon as he was gone I took a deep breath with my arms near my body and my palms towards the ground and formed an energy blast giving me a boost into the sky before catching myself in a force field that I kept floating and moved in it towards Stark tower, where the portal is. I was so close to getting there when I got blown into a different part of the tower by an explosion, which if I remember correctly, was Loki's ride after Clint blew it up with an arrow.

Loki looked at me, as I landed really close to him and so I immediately thought to use my powers to form a force field for protection or to go to the portal AKA where I was meant to go, that thought died in half a second though when I saw Loki looking into the distance instead and felt extreme anger from someone in that direction, less than half a second later I heard the hulk roar as he landed next to us and pushed Loki and I inside the building, probably not noticing me.

The hulk then got up to fight Loki when he yelled "Enough! You are all beneath me!" I went back a bit to get out of the way of what I knew would happen as Loki continued "I am a god, you dull creature. And I will not be bullied by-" he was cut off by hulk grabbing him by the legs and throwing him like a rag doll on the floor before leaving him in a Loki shaped crater and walking off saying "Puny god" he stopped when he saw me though

Hulk looked at me and even though I was scared I said what I thought will get him to not hurt me "that was so cool, you're amazing hulk" he then looked at me for another second and I could feel his confusion, so at least I didn't make him any angrier. He then grabbed me in his hand and surprisingly was very gentle "small human think hulk amazing?" He asked confused "yes, you are. An amazing hero and an amazing friend" I said with a smile "small human friend?" He asked still confused "yes, we are friends" "hulk protect small friend"

He jumped out of the Tower, still holding me in his hand, when he put me down in front of him on a roof we ended up on, I looked up to smile at him and getting one back. I don't even know how but I barely felt us moving, I only saw it happen...

I noticed chitauri forces behind him just as they started blasting him so I immediately shielded him with a force field before pushing the force field onto the aliens killing them by turning them to ashes. After that was taken care of I smile at the hulk then I hear Natasha over the comms "I can close it! can anybody copy?" Then I remember something I completely forgot about, the world security council is sending a nuke towards the city.

"I can shut the portal down!" Natasha continues "do it!" Says Stevie "no, wait!" Tony, Emma and I say at the same time right after "these things are still coming" "I've got a nuke coming in" he starts but I cut him off "it's gonna blow in less then a minute" "we can't have that. Not in the city" Emma adds "well, I know just where to put it" "Stark, you know that's a one way trip" I didn't hear a reply from Tony, if I remember correctly he's trying to call Pepper Potts.

A few seconds later I see him holding the missile an moving it into the portal. After the missile entered the portal, I waited a few seconds to seems as if I'm looking up to see if he'll come back, I knew he would, so did Emma, but we can't show that. Eventually I hear Stevie saying "close it" I looked at the hulk before blasting off to look for Stevie, I found him very quickly and landed next to him, Emma was also there. I looked up at the closing portal while he looked down at the ground. That's understandable, he thinks Tony just died in space.

"Look up" I tell him and he does, we can all see tony falling from the portal "son of a gun" he says "he's not slowing down" says Thor, getting ready to fly up and grab him from the sky "c'mon..." I mumbled to myself then hulk caught him mid-jump and slowed his fall using a building before jumping off the building and onto the concrete road next to us.

We all ran over to the two and I smiled at the hulk before looking at Tony concerned like the others. Thor ripped his suit's face plate off and Stevie tried to hear if he's breathing "I'll prank the dude when he wakes up" I whispered in Emma's ear so only she heard me and I felt her trying to decide whether she was okay with it or not. Then hulk roared waking him up "what the hell?" He said "what just happened?" I quickly whispered to Stevie "I'll tell him" and he nodded slightly to me "please tell me nobody kissed me." "Alright, we won't" "what!?" He screamed "just kidding, we won and no one kissed you" he sighed in relief while Stevie gave me the eyebrows of disappointment™️ and I mouthed "sorry"

Then Tony spoke "alright. Hey. Hooray. Good job, guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow. Just, take a day off" I smiled at that and so did everyone else "have you ever tried shawarma? there's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is but i wanna try it" Tony continued "shawarma is amazing, I ate it a lot back home, we should definitely go" I said "we're not finished yet" said Thor, reminding us of Loki "and then shawarma after" Tony said so I said "yes please"

We all left to Stark tower together, getting Clint on the way and telling Natasha to meet us on the balcony. When we got there we all saw Loki crawling out of the Loki shaped crater in the floor once he saw us, more specifically Tony he said "I'll have that drink now" we didn't give him any drink, just pointed weapons at him. I looked the defeated god in the eyes and less then a millisecond later I fell to the ground in pain "what did they do to you..?" The team turned to me "what's wrong?" Tony asked me while Thor yelled at Loki asking "what did you do!?" "It's not his fault Thor.." I said as I got up "it's his emotions, it's like he's been completely broken, shattered even.. it's just a bit too much, that's all" "how would you know? Are you an empath?" Loki asked and I nodded, he remained emotionless on the outside, but I could feel his pain, confusion and fear "I'm sorry for what you've been through, Loki, but this was not the way to deal with it." I said as I sent calming waves his way.

Thor put the chains on him and started dragging him down stairs. Where we'll take the tesseract before going to where we'll go our separate ways, I don't know where I'll go, Emma seems to not know either, guess we'll see when we get to the place what we'll do, I just hope that wherever I go wouldn't be to far away from here. New York might of been destroyed in the battle but it would be nice to live here. I'll just have to wait and see where the wind will take me I guess... and I'm perfectly fine with that, even if my home is probably no longer in reach... maybe I should stay with stark to see if he could help me find a way to go between the dimensions, that could definitely be a nice thing.

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