Chapter 9: going separate ways (Aiden)

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Aiden's POV:
I was waiting at the park, everyone was either there already or on there way there for Thor and Loki's return to Asgard, and when I say everyone was there or on the way, I mean the only ones missing are Tony and Bruce.

Currently all I can think about is the offer that Stevie gave me,since he knows that now that the battle ended, I don't really have where to go. I think I'll say yes, after all, I really don't have anywhere to go.

I decided to go say goodbye to the Asgardians, when I reach them Thor talks to me first "hello Aiden, you fought well however I'm afraid you should stay at a distance from my Brother considering what happened at the tower of Stark" "hey Thor, thanks for the compliment and the warning. I just wanted to ask you something quickly" "of course" "what color are Loki's eyes?" when I asked this I saw Loki looking at me interested while Thor was looking at me with clear confusion radiating off him "Loki clearly has green eyes" "but.. they were blue during the battle..." I say trying to sound confused and I suppose I succeeded because Thor took on a serious expression "are you sure?" "Yes, from what I heard about Clint's situation, I think it's a similar blue, then again, I never saw Clint's eyes when under the scepter's control" "I had a suspicion this isn't the brother I know, that something happened to him when he fell into the void... this might be the answer I was looking for.. thank you, Aiden, for sharing this important information with me" "I was just curious but you're welcome"

I see Emma waving at me so I say a final goodbye to Thor and mouth to Loki one as well before walking over, it's only when I reach her that I feel I can feel her worry and confusion "hey Puppy, what's next?" She said "What do you mean?" "I mean what do we do now? Where are we supposed to go?" "Well, I don't really know Em... where do you want to go?" "What are even the options" "I'm guessing it's an avenger, an orphanage or SHIELD" "okay, you're probably right" "wait.. now that I think about it, an orphanage doesn't seem good, since it means being in the system" I then switched to a lower volume, not like we weren't already super quiet "and You know who made their way into SHIELD" I then covered it up with switching back to the normal volume and saying "and SHIELD probably means missions or agent work... so I think going with an avenger is best" "I guess your right... so I just choose one of them?" She asked and I nodded "I think so" she looked deep in thought for a second or two before saying "I don't know... maybe Clint? Yeah.. that seems like a good option" "then you should talk to him about it before Tony and Bruce get here" she nodded and turned away, walking towards Clint who was talking on the phone and leaning on the SHIELD car.

After Emma walked away to talk to Clint, Stevie approached me "so Aiden, have you decided yet?" "Yes I have" I say though I'm still kind of uncertain "it's completely understandable if you don't want to stay with me, after all, we did just meet a yesterday.. I don't even know why but I already feel connected to you and I just don't want you to be in an orphanage or at SHIELD training all day" "I get it, I felt this connected to people in way less than a day, and I don't really want to go to an orphanage either..." I say truthfully "so? That leave two options, going with SHIELD or going with me" "but I already decided that.. I don't want to go to SHIELD, I want to stay with you.. If you'll have me, that is" "I wouldn't have offered if I didn't mean it, so of course you can stay with me" I smiled at him and hugged him for a second before breaking the hug "thanks Stevie" "you're welcome, Pup" I smiled brightly at him because, you know, he called me Pup! That's my number one favorite pet name!

I really wanted to talk to Stevie some more. Doesn't matter about what, it was just so easy and fun talking with him. I know that even if we haven't spoken that much, unfortunately before we could continue talking, Tony and Bruce arrived and so I went to say goodbye to Natasha and Clint and then went back to Stevie when saw that Dr. Selvig and Bruce were getting the the tesseract out, it emitted a different buzz then the scepter.. this one was softer and more quiet...

They put the tesseract in the device that was made for it, the purpose of it, as far as I know, is to bring Thor and Loki back to Asgard. Now the device is ready and Dr. Selvig gave it to Thor while also saying goodbye to him. After that Thor gave one side of the device to Loki while holding the other side himself. Every person in the team and Dr. Selvig is here, we are all standing around the area where Thor will use the device to send them back. Thor looks at Dr. Selvig who nods at him so Thor nods back and then turns the handle on his side of the device sending Loki and himself back to Asgard with the team and Selvig are standing in a circle around the area but in a safe distance, once they get covered in the blue light thing that is the power that's supposed to bring them back, we looked up to see it.

After that we all go to say goodbye to everyone else. I say quickly goodbye to Tony and Bruce then go over to Emma and hug her saying "I'll see you around, shifter" "see you around" then she breaks the hug probably realizing what I said "Wait, shifter?" "I thought with your powers it could be a good hero name, because you transform or shift forms to change into other animals?" She smiles at me "thanks, Solar" this time it's my turn to ask "Solar?" "Your power of energy blast and force fields has a color that reminds me of the sun, so that can be your hero name" she smiled again and I could even feel the happiness coming off of her in strong waves, meaning she was really happy

"what is it?" I asked "Well, after you told me to talk to him I went and talked with Clint and I'm going with him now" "that's great! Also I think he's waiting for us to finish talking so you two can leave" I say, letting out a chuckle while saying the last part at the look on Clint's face that seemed to be in the middle between 'hurry up' and 'take your time'"well, better not keep him waiting... I love you and I'll see you around" Emma tells me "love you too, don't forget to text, we still have our discord accounts on our phones" I remind her "I won't" we hugged again, our last hug before she left to go to Clint, I turned around to see Stevie walking towards me, so I walked to him and met him half way "you ready?" I nodded and we got on him motorcycle "hold on tight" he says and so I wrap my arms around him kind of like a hug from the back but it's really so I won't fall off, he then started the engine and set off riding with me in the back of the motorcycle towards the next chapter in this story.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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