Chapter 8: going separate ways (Emma)

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Emma's POV:
I was waiting at the park, everyone was either there already or on there way there for Thor and Loki's return to Asgard, and when I say everyone was there or on the way, I mean the only ones missing are Tony and Bruce.

Currently all I can think about is that Aiden and I need to figure out what's next, now that the battle ended. I spot my soul-shine saying something to Thor and Loki and so I wait a few seconds until he leaves them and walk over to him

"hey Puppy, what's next?" "What do you mean?" "I mean what do we do now? Where are we supposed to go?" "Well, I don't really know Em... where do you want to go?" "What are even the options" "I'm guessing it's an avenger, an orphanage or SHIELD" "okay, you're probably right" "wait.. now that I think about it, an orphanage doesn't seem good, since it means being in the system" he then switches to a lower volume, not like we weren't already super quiet "and You know who made their way into SHIELD" he then covered it up with switching back to the normal volume and saying "and SHIELD probably means missions or agent work... so I think going with an avenger is best" "I guess your right... so I just choose one of them?" He nodded again "I think so" he added "I don't know... maybe Clint? Yeah.. that seems like a good option" "then you should talk to him about it before Tony and Bruce get here" I nodded and turned away, walking towards Clint who was talking on the phone and leaning on the SHIELD car.

When I reached Clint I could here the last piece of conversation "I will, I love you too, bye" he then closed the call and his phone and turned to me "Emma, right?" I nodded "you need something?" "I was just wondering if you know what's next?" "Well, I don't know what about you, but I'm going back home" "so back to the farm?" I ask and he looked shocked for a second before looking kind of angry "who told you that?" "I'm not from this universe. To me, this universe didn't exist until Aiden told me he somehow got here." "Still doesn't explain how you know about it" "well, don't freak out, but in my universe.. you are a fictional character... there's movies and shows about major events your life as Hawkeye, and in one of them we see the farm" he nods and it seems like he's deep in thought

"if you're from a different universe... does that mean you're here alone?" "Yes and no. I have Aiden, he's from my universe, however, everyone else I know is still there, in the other world" "wait, how old are you?" "Oh, I'm 14. Almost 15" "so you're a minor and you don't have anywhere to go?" "I guess so, yeah" he had this look on his face that I couldn't decipher

"if you know about the farm then you know about Laura, right?" I nodded and after I did he pulled out his phone and typed something quickly, a few seconds later the notification sound was heard and I'm guessing he got the response he wanted from the smile on his face "I know I can't just let you go to back SHIELD to become an agent at 14... I talked to Laura and you're welcome to stay at the farm, we have the space" "are you sure?" I asked, when I thought of asking Clint I didn't think about him inviting me to the farm he nodded "just know we have two little kids and we might need your help" "Cooper and Lila, right?" "it's kind of weird you know that already but yes" "I can only imagine. Oh and Clint? thank you so much for offering this" "you're welcome. To be honest, I don't even know why I offered it, there's just something about you that I seem to connect to.." he said with a small smile

Before i could think of any kind of response I just said "maybe it's because we both like archery?" He looked surprised "you do archery?" "I used to and still like it. You're the reason I started actually" "really? Wait, why did you stop?" "My dad thought I shouldn't do it so he made me stop"

before we could talk more, Tony and Bruce arrived and so I went and said goodbye to Thor while Dr. Selvig and Bruce were getting the tesseract out, as soon as they did that I heard a really loud buzzing sound coming from the cube.. it continued until they put the tesseract in the device that was made for it, the purpose of it, as far as I know, is to bring Thor and Loki back to Asgard.

Now the device is ready and Dr. Selvig gave it to Thor while also saying goodbye to him. After that Thor gave one side of the device to Loki while holding the other side himself.

Every person in the team and Dr. Selvig is here, we are all standing around the area where Thor will use the device to send them back. Thor looks at Dr. Selvig who nods at him so Thor nods back and then turns the handle on his side of the device sending Loki and himself back to Asgard with the team and Selvig are standing in a circle around the area but in a safe distance, once they get covered in the blue light thing that is the power that's supposed to bring them back, they get sent back to Asgard.

We all go to say goodbye to everyone else. Aiden comes to me and hugs me saying "I'll see you around, shifter" "see you around" then I break the hug realizing what he said "Wait, shifter?" "I thought with your powers it could be a good hero name, because you transform or shift forms to change into other animals?" I smile at him "thanks, Solar" "Solar?" "Your power of energy blast and force fields has a color that reminds me of the sun, so that can be your hero name" I smiled again remembering my conversation with Clint "what is it?" "Well, after you told me to talk to him I went and talked with Clint and I'm going with him now" "that's great! Also I think he's waiting for us to finish talking so you two can leave" Aiden says, chuckling in the last part "well, better not keep him waiting... I love you and I'll see you around" "love you too, don't forget to text, we still have our discord accounts on our phones" "I won't" we hugged again, our last hug before I leave, and I walked to Clint, getting in the car with him and driving towards the next chapter in this story.

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