Chapter Two: The Oldsmobile and the Perfect Ass

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Kane slammed the door behind him and exhaled. His heart was thundering in his chest and his body felt as if it was on fire. Jesus Christ, he had never expected that...

After five hundred years of chastity and avoiding people, especially women, he had not been prepared to see such a gorgeous creature at his door. Those intelligent green eyes that looked up at him wide and bright, that pert pink mouth full of wicked promise, that huskier American voice, and Christ, those breasts straining against that tight blouse... She was a petite thing, probably less than five and a half feet tall, but her body was luscious he could tell. The kind he would devour to his heart's content. Thank God for the 21st century - the fact that women wore trousers now, especially jeans, was a gift from heaven. He didn't have to fantasize too hard about what that body would look like without clothes. He had a nice preview.

It had been far too long since he'd seen such a beautiful woman, and Kane felt like a pathetic lad for the cock-stand he had sprouted just at the sight of her. His own jeans had hidden it relatively well but it had taken a moment to hide behind the door, furthering his embarrassment. Once upon a time he had been the one making ladies fall over themselves. Now he was the one panting like a young buck in heat.

Where on earth had she come from? That question reverberated across his mind as he made his way upstairs and finished dressing. It had been so long since he had had such a reaction to a woman. Some of the women in the town over the years had been comely, but he'd been resolute to avoid any after the curse. He knew he could never get close enough to one without her finding out what he was, and no woman would willingly sign up to be with such a monster. Iona, his former bride, had purposely punished him for his philandering and he didn't want to know what she would do if he were to slip up again. Therefore, it made much more sense to avoid women in general.

However, for a man of his appetites, that had never been easy. Especially when he transformed. He had always been a lusty lad, one that greatly appreciated the softness and beauty of women. Even now he could imagine taking that beautiful girl into his bed and wrapping her legs around his waist as he thrust into that delicious heat. Her moans were probably throaty and low, like her voice, and he wondered if she liked to hear filth in her ear as she got...

Kane shook himself, realizing he'd have to get himself in check or he'd be fighting blue balls for the rest of the day. He still had no idea how the lass had even ended up in Gealach Lán in the first place.

Iona had cursed his lands so that no one could find Gealach Lán. She had ensured that he and the land were tied there to eternity, forced to unite in a sort of unholy union. Sure enough, to this day no mail deliverers or solicitors, or even Amazon trucks came to the village. It wasn't on any map and visitors were rare unless they had taken every backwoods road they could find. Coming across Gealach Lán was like an accident. More and more strangers had started passing through as Scotland grew and the population became denser. But after the advent of cars, it was rare for someone to walk into the town and actually traipse in. The curse had made it so that the town took to new technologies very, very slowly. They had only started using electricity in the '80s and Kane was still loathing to install the so-called "internet." For that reason and many others, most of his people had left ages ago but for a few loyal families. Even their offspring had begun to leave more and more every generation. Now, less than a hundred people still lived in Gealach Lán and all knew what he was.

Suddenly realizing something, Kane took a closer look at the tire rubbish in his bedroom. Christ Almighty... He had demolished her car. The townsfolk were smart enough to barricade themselves and their homes every full moon and must have sheltered her for that reason, but they would have totally forgotten about something as foreign and trivial as a car.

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