Chapter 30: When a Monster Calls

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On the way to the pub restroom, Jamie went through the kitchen instead. Taking advantage of the chaos that her return had created, she made her escape as quiet and inconspicuous as possible.

Her heart was in her throat, pounding so hard she could swear anyone nearby could hear it. But as she stepped out into the back alleyway, her confidence built. As jolting as it was to be back in the city, it did come with advantages. Getting lost in a crowd, for one.

Jamie ran toward the Victorian Market, hoping she had bought herself enough time. Her eyes scanned frantically for the market entrance and her pace quickened when she spotted it. The echoes of voices flooded her as she raced into the indoor market. She had to find one of the villagers and they needed to leave now.

Panting, she looked into every window or booth she could. Nothing.

Her panic was escalating. She'd have no more than ten minutes before that detective came looking for her. That woman was not buying her story, and Jamie knew she'd never get back to Gealach Lán in time if she was forced to go to the police station.

She froze when she saw a familiar knit cap. Barreling through the crowd, she hurtled into the store where Malcolm was, practically knocking him over when she caught him.

"Lass! What in the hell-"

"Malcolm, we have to leave! Now!"

Malcolm's clean-shaven jowls quivered. "What you mean, leave? I-I don't understand..."

"We have to go back to Gealach Lán!" She could feel the stares of the others around her. Their whispers told her she had to look like a crazy woman. "Sorcha has my sister!"

Bewilderment gave way to understanding on Malcolm's kind face. He nodded sharply. "Aye."

They wasted no time in finding Jacob and Shelley who also understood the gravity of the situation as soon as they heard the familiar name.

"It will take several hours to get back, lass," Malcolm reminded her once they were gathered and back at the wagon.

Indeed, it was already four in the afternoon. Jamie had the feeling that if they didn't get there before sundown, it'd be too late.

A packed wagon driven by a tired horse was not going to cut it.

Spotting a motorcycle pull up, she realized she was going to have to break a few rules.

"That will take too long," Jamie responded to Malcolm, watching the rider park and pull off his helmet.

Malcolm saw where Jamie's gaze was directed. "Lass, can you even find Gealach Lán on your own?"

Jamie remembered what the witch had said about the curse. Very few had ever found the village because of her spell, but Sorcha had theorized that Jamie was able to because of their shared blood. Maybe the magic had recognized Jamie, welcomed her as kin.

It was a risk - a big 'if' - but she had to try.


Malcolm's face was pale and she could see the fear in his eyes. His mouth trembled.


"She-she has a plan, lass..."

Jamie's heart went cold. "What kind of plan?" The memory of that dungeon flooded her and she recalled the witch's intentions: godhood.

Sorcha had planned on murdering Jamie as some sort of human sacrifice in order to become a goddess. But Kane had saved her life. Now her sister was in the witch's clutches.

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