Chapter 36: A Beginning in an End

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Kane galloped through the woods, running so fast that the scratches of tree limbs barely registered. His nose was guiding him - his canine ability so sharp he could smell the earth under his paws, the stench from his enemies, the sweat and urine from his mate.

Smelling her fear drove him harder and he leaped out onto the cliff so quickly, the other beast didn't even see him crash out of the trees.

No thoughts. No fear. No pesky human considerations. Just base instinct. That was what drove him to jump across the rocky cliff, tackle the other werewolf, and dive after his mate.

All three hurtled over the cliff as if in slow motion. Kane had barely grabbed Jamie but he managed to snag her ankle and pull her toward himself, spinning them both so he could take the brunt of the hard, frigid water. The impact was almost like hitting a cement wall and Kane winced as they collided into the choppy waters.

Even in July, this far north, the water was cold. Not freezing or icy but cold enough to knock the wind out of all of them. They came apart in the water, kicking to the top and sputtering.

Kane was grateful for his werewolf form as it was keeping him warmer than he'd normally be in his human skin. He grabbed Jamie and pulled her closer, but when he tried to look at her face, she was unconscious.

Growling ferociously, he swam them as fast as he could to the tumultuous shore. The other werewolf was gathering his bearings as well and also swimming toward them.

Instead of gentle sand, they met harsh rocks, and Kane gingerly lay her across a few smooth stones to get a better look before he took on her assailant.

She was unconscious but he could feel her heart beating and hear her breath, though both were fainter than normal. Before he could try to revive her, however, he felt the attack of the other werewolf.

They grappled on the rocks, snarling in each of their attempts to overpower each other. Kane let his beast go unbridled, casting away any doubt or rationality as he gripped the beast and lunged for his throat.

The werewolf howled in pain and swiped a vicious claw but Kane evaded the blow. Copper coated his tongue as the werewolf's blood filled his mouth. It gushed rapidly, spraying across Kane and the rocks. Even in the darkness of night, Kane could see its marks splattered around them.

Sorcha's werewolf tried another feeble attempt but the blood loss was weakening him, and Kane heard a satisfying crack as he broke the beast's arm. The scream of pain was wild, splintering the air and competing with the crash of the waves. This time, he had no fight left when Kane hauled him in his arms and threw him back into the churning waters.

For a moment, Kane watched as the dying and limp figure of Sorcha's other victim drifted across the ocean.

He needed to find Sorcha too and finally put an end to the evil bitch, but he stopped himself when he saw his mate. Vengeance would have to wait.

Willing his transformation, he had no time to marvel at the power he now possessed to change at a moment's notice. He was too focused on trying to revive Jamie.

"Jamie," he urged before breathing into her mouth and pumping her stomach. "Stay with me!"

There was no time to be cold or embarrassed as he sat there naked on the rocky shores of the North Sea, desperately trying to save his mate.

He growled again, "Come on," and tried to give her more breath.

Her face was ashen and blank.

"Christ, woman, don't you fucking leave me," he practically yelled, quickly going back and forth between breathing into her mouth and trying to get the water out of her lungs.

Eternal MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora