Chapter 11: An American in Werewolf Country

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Jamie did not have breakfast the following day at Castle Murdock. After waking up early in the morning, she decided to walk down to the center of town to Deidra's pub instead. A few early birds were there as well but Jamie focused on Deidra, whose eyes were still swollen from the days of crying.

"I'm really sorry, Deidra," Jamie apologized as the woman brewed her some coffee. With Mary gone, Deidra couldn't serve food and drink so she had not been able to offer Jamie or any of the patrons anything but coffee and Guinness.

"Thank you, lass." Other than a quick pat on Jamie's hand, that was the extent of Deidra's emotional display, although Jamie knew the woman had been crying nonstop. Suddenly Jamie knew where the phrase "stiff upper lip" came from.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Deidra shook her head. "We've searched high and low. There's no sign of her."

"Well, what about in general? I'd love to help out in some way."

"Can you cook?"

It was the least she could do, Jamie figured. Plus, it would help her avoid the castle and the Laird himself. Thankfully, there weren't too many patrons that day, and most of the cooking Deidra needed was for the festival. It was hard work but Jamie relished the opportunity to get out of her head and focus on something with her hands. She watched closely as Deidra taught her how to make honeycakes, herb bread, shortbread cookies, and stuffed chicken. By the afternoon, she was covered in flour and butter and Deidra treated her to an early glass of honey mead as more townsfolk came through the pub looking to help.

No one mentioned the Laird except in passing and Jamie was grateful for it. It was for the best, she kept telling herself. Getting any more involved with Kane would only complicate the situation further. She needed to get back to reality. She had a thesis to finish, a lease to see through, a fish to feed... All those reasons felt incredibly stupid as she milked goats and helped Deidra feed her friends and neighbors. As odd and backward as this community was, Jamie could clearly see the kinship and camaraderie. Everyone knew each other's names and history. They bartered goods and shared easily. It was foreign but attractive and Jamie found herself laughing and enjoying herself continuously throughout the day. For a little while, she could forget about the Laird and his effect on her.

As evening approached, Jamie took a momentary break and had a glass of Guinness at the bar. Donald and some of the other men were gathering firewood outside in order to build the bonfire while the women sewed together fairy crowns and garlands. It was one of the first days in which rain and clouds hadn't hidden the sun and the front door was open to let in the fresh air.

It made her wonder...

"You're all not afraid about the beast disrupting the festival tomorrow?"

No one even flinched.

"Ach, no, it's not a full moon tomorrow," Deidra explained.

How had she forgotten that point? "Wait, it only comes out on the full moon?"

"Aye. Remember, lass?"

It had been almost two weeks since Jamie had first walked into that pub and a lot had happened since then. But she racked her brain for the memory of that first night. It had been pouring down rain but yes, there had been a full moon. And she had heard howling...

"Wait," Jamie said as realization started dawning on her. "Is the beast a werewolf?"

The room was eerily quiet then, reminding her of everyone's reactions when she had probed about why she couldn't leave the pub.

Deidra took the mantle as the other women looked at her. "Why do you say that, lass?"

"Well, based on every movie about werewolves ever, if some creature is roving through town once a month on the full moon, howling at the top of its lungs, it's probably a werewolf. I mean, that thing also destroyed my car. So all signs are pointing to some supernaturally strong being, correct?"

Eternal MoonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon