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Jamie felt a mountain of relief when Emma came to check on her. Catrina and Effie couldn't help but weep as they watched the sisters hug and assure each other that everything was alright. Finally. It had taken a few murder attempts and the breaking of an ancient curse, but it appeared as if for now everything would be okay.

It took a couple of days, but Deidra and some of the other villagers managed to get to the nearest town and bring back a car. Or two. It was the first time anyone had been able to leave and more than a few of the old Scots were eager to try out a car for the first time.

When Donald crashed into the fence around the tavern, Deidra shrieked at him until she was blue in the face.

Malcolm had used his newfound freedom to get gas and finally fuel up Kane's old car which had fallen back into dusty disuse. The engine sputtered when it finally turned over and it needed a new paint job (as well as tires and an oil change) but they all cheered nonetheless.

When they finally had a working vehicle, Kane, Jamie, Emma, and Deidra drove out to Inverness. The city was a zoo as reporters from around the world had come to investigate the mysterious disappearance of not one but two American tourists. Speculations had run wild and showing up on the police's doorstep elicited more than a few outbursts.

It wasn't easy to convince her parents or the police that Jamie had merely taken refuge with a local Highland laird and his small village after getting into a bad accident and breaking her leg. She desperately channeled her inner Meryl Streep, hoping she could convince everyone that the man who brought her back was actually a good guy and not a kidnapping rapist for whom she had developed Stockholm Syndrome. Jamie leaned heavily into the fact that Kane had been her savior from the beginning and after helping nurse her back to health, they had fallen madly and totally in love.

From the looks on her parents' faces, she could tell they weren't huge fans. It would take time, she told herself. And as she gently reminded her dad, one didn't have a lot of choice when it came to love.

Her dad shut up after that.

As for Sorcha, Jamie and the others had agreed on a story in order to protect the rather unbelievable aspects of the saga. They assured the authorities that Sorcha had been a local, jilted ex-girlfriend who was obsessed with preventing Kane from moving on. When it was clear that he had in fact chosen Jamie, the ex had gone full crazy and kidnapped his lover's sister in retaliation. Again, the authorities weren't terribly convinced. Especially Detective MacIntosh.

Jamie made sure not to underestimate the shrewd and suspicious detective who clearly showed all of the doubt on her beautiful face. She assured both Jamie and Emma that she would be following up with them.

Her entire family was desperate to return to the U.S. but Jamie felt that it would be best to spend a little more time in Scotland before throwing Kane into the Wild Wild West of America. He needed to get used to Inverness and Edinburgh before he went to another country, especially one across the Atlantic Ocean.

There was no rush nor did there need to be. Her summer study abroad had ended but Jamie decided she would finish her grad program. She would have to transfer and it'd be a longer, more labor-intensive process, but Kane supported her decisions either way. All he wanted was to be with her.

He reminded her of that as they sat outside on the terrace of their hotel room. The setting sun illuminated the river below which began to sparkle as the city lights turned came to life.

It was a warmer day and even the setting sun didn't make it uncomfortable enough to sit outside. Jamie sipped her wine in contentment, happy to sit in companionable silence while Kane lightly stroked her legs draped over him.

"You're sure you're okay with staying here for a bit longer?" Kane asked. It had been a few hours since her family had gone to the airport where the goodbyes had been tense.

"I know they don't get it," Jamie answered, her eyes still on the dark water and the swirls of black, white, and gold. "But they don't have to. We can stay here as long as you need."

They had begun tackling the Internet today and it was a tall order for the medieval Scot. Jamie decided they would wait on smartphones.

He couldn't hide the small, satisfied smile that crept onto his face. "It's also what you need too though, right? You've already made sacrifices, lass."

She shrugged. "Sure, and I've made some gains."

It was hard to beat living in Scotland for a little bit longer, especially when that meant being with the sexiest man she'd ever met who made love like a god and had money to burn. Piles of gold had been sitting in Kane's castle for a long time, barely touched since the town needed so little. His fortune would enable them to live however they wanted, and she wasn't going to discount the amount of freedom that provided for the both of them.

His touch lingered on her leg. "As have I."

The touch of his hand and the look in his eyes gave her goosebumps and she squealed in delight when he pulled her into his lap.

"It's true," she joked after a fierce kiss. "You've made out like a bandit. Hot girlfriend, happy neighbors, and of course-"


She nodded in agreement, knowing what he meant. He wasn't just free to leave Gealach Lán anymore. He had learned after the confrontation on the cliffs that he was still a werewolf but no longer a slave to the moon and its cycles. He could transform at will, still heal quickly, and could still call on the strength and power that his beast provided.

"No more worrying about full moons," she whispered.

Kane made a noise of slight disagreement. "Somewhat. I can still feel the beast much more when the moon is out, especially when it's full."

"He likes it?"

"Aye, it's his compass. He relies on it to find his way."

His eyes drifted to the beautiful waxing crescent and the clouds that danced across it.

But her eyes were only for him. "And what do you rely on?"

She saw the same moonlight reflected in his deep blue eyes as they turned back to her. His callused fingers traced the curve of her cheek and she sighed into his touch.

"I have my own moon."

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