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Me and Fanboy have just finished our last bonding session of the week, and we are now heading to the F-18 classroom.

Nothing much has happened since yesterday, we may of kissed once or twice this morning but apart from that nothing really happened.

As we get to the classroom, we find that most are already here and now we're just waiting for Maverick to show up. "Does anyone know where Maverick is?" Payback asked us all only to be met with choruses of 'No' from most. Before long, we hear the door open and our eyes dart towards it. It was Rear Admiral Solomon. Everyone in the room share looks of confusion, as to why he's here.

"Morning, the uranium enrichment plan will be in operation earlier than expected. Raw uranium will be delivered to the plant in 10 days time. As a result, the mission has been moved up one week, in order to avoid contaminating the target valley with radiation." He announces to us all. "Sir, no one here has successfully flown a low level course." Payback says with some nodding in agreement. "Never the less, you've been ordered to move on." As he explains the door opens again and Maverick appears making me sigh with relief that he hadn't been hungover from another night. "Captain." Admiral nods to him letting him continue the lesson.

"We have one week left to focus on faze two, the most difficult stage of the mission, pop up strike with a deep dive, requiring nothing less than two consecutive miracles." He began.

"Two pairs of F-18's will fly in a welded-wing formation. Team one, precise coordination of these aircraft is essential, to both mission success, and your survival." He takes a quick pause before continuing to explain. "As you know, the plant rests between two mountains, on final approach you'll invert directly into a steep dive. This allows you to keep the lowest possible altitude, and the only possible attack angle." He then starts to pace up and down the room slowly.

"Your impact point is a target less than three meters wide. The two seat aircraft will paint the target with a laser bulls eye, the first pair will breech the reactor by dropping a laser guided bomb on an exposed ventilation hatch, this will create an opening for the second pair. That's miracle number one." He pointed to the hologram on the board. "The second team, will deliver the kill shot, and destroy the target. That's miracle number two."

"If either team misses the target,the mission is a failure."He finished leaving us all shocked at how risky this mission is going to be. "Egress is a steep high G climb out to avoid hitting this mountain."
"A steep climb at that speed. Your pulling at least 8 G's." Hangman's voice seemed concerned.
"9 minimum." Maverick corrects. "The stress limit of and F-18's air frame is 7.5." Bradley states.

"That's the accepted limit, to survive this mission, you'll pull beyond that even if it means bending your airframe. You'll be pulling so hard you'll weigh close to 10,000 pounds." As he continues further into the description, I start to wonder if I even want to do this, because it doesn't sound very promising that you'll come out alive.

"Your skull crushing your spine, your lungs imploding like an elephant sitting on your chest, fighting with everything you have just to keep from blacking out. This is where you'll be at your most vulnerable. This is coffin corner."

He proceeded to explain for another 10 minutes about the cautions when doing this mission but I cut in. "Sir, is this even achievable." I pondered with uncertainty filling my voice. "The answer to that question will come down to the pilot in the box." He concluded looking me dead in the eye.

Now that he had officially finished explaining all that we needed to do, it was time to put it to work.


"Talk to me, Fanboy." I ordered asking him to tell me how far we were from the target. "We are twelve seconds late on target, we gotta move." He notified. "Shit." I start to increase the speed not wanting to crash at a sudden turn or overtake rooster. "Copy, try to stay with me." Rooster began to accelerate as well. At that moment, Fanboy's radar began to beep meaning another aircraft was near but not in his sight. "Huh? Wait who's that?" Fanboy turns in his seat looking up to see who it was. "Blue team, you've been spotted." Maverick announced. "Shit it's Maverick." Rooster said while continuing to keep the same speed. "What the hell is he doing here." I expressed my dislike to him being here at this moment in time.

"Im abandoned on course to intercept. Blue team what are you gonna do." He prompts us to think quick. "He's quarter miles left, ten o'clock! 700 knots closure!" Fanboy tells me the whereabouts of Maverick. "Your call what do you wanna do?" Rooster insisted that I deal with this. "Continue we're close, stay on target." I see responded. This was a 50/50 situation, we either go down or make it to the target. "He's swinging around to the north!"
"Standby for pop-up." Rooster says slightly edging behind me. "Be ready on that laser Fanboy." I reminded him in the back. "Copy I'm on it." He immediately confirmed. Maverick must of said something but I was too busy focusing on succeeding this mission to care. "Popping now!" Rooster said his jet immediately turning up into an upright position quickly climbing in altitude, with me doing the exact same behind. "Talk to me Fanboy, where's Maverick?" Rooster tried to communicate for the whereabouts of Maverick again. "He's 5 miles out, he's coming in fast!" He declared.

"Target in sight." I confirm to the two. "Where's my laser Fanboy!" Rooster questioned making him start to get ready to shoot. "Dead eye! Dead eye! Sorry it's no good, I can't get a lock!" He starts to get frustrated. "We're out of time, I'm dropping blind." Rooster breathed. "Damn it miss!" Rooster voiced again. We had no time to look back or even be annoyed that we could of done better because next was as Maverick called it, coffin corner.

As we began to climb, with both the G and altitude drastically increasing, we all found it harder and harder to breathe by the second, and I felt like I was about to fully blackout. I never thought I would say this, but thankfully we were caught, so we could pull away but Rooster didn't he continued.

"Rooster! Rooster do you copy." Maverick said trying to snap him out of his progressing blackout. Then the worst of the worst happened. He really had blacked out. "Bradley! Bradley come on snap out of it!" I yell. "Rooster, level wings." Maverick ordered but he clearly wasn't there. "He's in G lock!" I panic telling him. "He's gonna burn in!" If I was in a single Jet I would of gone after him straight away but if I go down he goes down. "I'm going after him!" Maverick says going down. "Come on Bradley, wake up." I whisper to myself. "Hey Eagle, I promise you he's gonna be fine." Fanboy reassures me. Just then I look over to see Bradley's plane in control again and I felt a huge flow of relief run through my body. "See I told ya." He gave me a quick smile.

"Rooster you ok?" Fanboy is the first to ask. "I'm ok." He heavily pants. "Well that's enough for you today." Maverick concludes. "That was close." I sigh. "Too close." Mavericks mutters. From afar I saw a flock of birds. "Shit!" I try to move the jet out of the way but it's too late. "Bird strike!" I shout. My screen starts to beep and I soon realised that my left engine is down, so I press the fire extinguisher. "Eagle the left engine is on fire!" Fanboy states. "I know, climbing." I pull the throttle back. "Throttling back. Shutting off fuel on the left engine. Extinguishing fire." I huff thinking all this is finally over. "Right engines out!" Fanboy informs. "It's still spinning try to restart it." I reply. "Eagle it's on fire don't start-" Maverick tries to say something but I can't hear what he said last but I soon was able to catch on to what he was about to tell me. "Oh shit!" I realise my mistake. "We're on fire! We're on fire!" Fanboy shouts. "Damn it!"

I extinguish the right engine and at this point, I knew we were gonna have to eject if I couldn't control the plane. "Eagle, Fanboy punch out! Punch out!" Maverick ordered. "I can't control it!" I fiddle with the control stick. "We're going down Eagle, we're going in we're going in!" Fanboy shouts. "You can't save it, eject, eject!" Maverick told us as we watch our altitude drastically fall. I finally gave in that we ultimately couldn't save the plane and we ejected. It was just moments before our plane crashed into a cliff going up in flames.


I ended up having to stay overnight in hospital for observation, as well as Fanboy having to do the same, but we were put in different wards. I was released the morning after.

I can't fly for two days they said, but the mission is soon and I need all the practice I can get or I'm not gonna get picked or worse, I get picked and fail.

A/n: I just wanted to say sorry for my recent inconsistency with updating this book, but I am going to be a lot more consistent in the coming days, but sorry about that tho x

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