Chapter 4 - Whisper on The Breeze

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One Week Later...

As I sat in the library on campus, I couldn't help but look out at the clear blue sky out the window and dream of the future. I've always loved the idea of flying through the air, and so I've planned to be a pilot in the future. However, before I can go and try to become even a commercial one, I promised my family that I'd go to college and get a degree in something. And because of that, I've decided to major in meteorology.

Eventually realizing that my studying wasn't getting anywhere, I let out a sigh and decided I may as well go on a walk around campus to see if some sunlight will help me regain my focus, grabbing my bag and getting up. I headed out and began to wander around campus, letting my mind wander, and looking around at the area around me. I really have been struggling to focus since I saw my ex. I guess the bad memories coming up to the surface have been messing with me.

"Come on dude, you seriously need to let this crap go..." I muttered to myself as I walked.

In my wandering around the campus, I ended up by the sports fields and the like, it looks like they're currently practicing, so I'll just stay out of the way, and maybe on my way back to the library, try and find a spot outside that wouldn't be too bad to do some studying at.

However, as I walked by where the volleyball team was practicing, I saw that Rika was with them, off to the side having a water break. Wait, is she on the volleyball team? She already does so much that I can't really imagine it....

I shrug, figuring I'd just ask her about it later, and as I passed her, I simply said "Hey Rika."

"Oh hey Y/n, what's up?" Rika said, heading over towards me.

"Oh I was just getting some fresh air so I can hopefully focus on my studying a bit." I said "What about you? It looks like you're right at home with the volleyball team."

"I just come by to join them for practice sometimes, I love to get my body moving, and sports are so perfect for it." Rika said

"It figures somebody as active as you would be into them." I said, smiling

"Hey, how about you come join me sometime? Like play against me in volleyball?" Rika suggested

I do owe her for leaving so suddenly the other night, but I don't know how good of competition I'll be for her "Sure, I wouldn't be against that. But I oughta get back to my studying for now, so how about we do it another time?" I said

"Awesome!" Rika said, excitedly hugging my shoulder "Hey, how about we meet up tomorrow when we're both free and do it?"

"Y-yeah, sounds good." I said. I get that Rika is the kind of person who shows a lot of physical affection to the people she likes, but I'm still not great with it.

"Great! Now I gotta head back to playing with them. I'll see you tomorrow!" Rika said, smiling at me as she let go and headed back to volleyball field to join the next match

Taking that as my cue, I headed off myself, walking through the campus back towards the library, looking forward to hanging out with her tomorrow.

But wait, how do you play volleyball again? Like besides the basics I mean...


The next day, as afternoon came I headed out to meet up with Rika, the day just as sunny as the day before. In the end, I spent a chunk of the previous night making sure I understood the rules of volleyball to make sure I didn't do something stupid all because I didn't understand the rules. I mean I don't really care for sports much after all, and the main reason I'm good with playing some is because it's with Rika.

As I got to the volleyball field in clothes better for moving around in, I saw Rika was already there waiting for me. I waved and she stood up before starting to head my way "Hey Y/n, you ready to go?" Rika said

"That's right, and don't expect me to make things easy for you." I said, wondering to myself why I had put up the false bravado. I guess I just want to seem at least a little bit cool to Rika.

"Of course, I'll do the same." Rika said enthusiastically

As I stepped onto the volleyball field, it kinda dawned on me that it probably wasn't the greatest idea to get somebody who can keep up with the college's volleyball team pumped up, but it fully sank in when Rika first served, and after I barely was able to send the ball back to her, only for her to easily send it back again, flying quickly right past my left ear.

Things went better when I was the one served, but things still didn't go great at first. I mean I never did great, but I slowly got a little better and was able to keep up with Rika a bit more, who was having a really great time playing against me.

In the end, by the time we were done, I was breathing deeply, my lungs burning and I was sweating hard. As I sat down off to the side of the court to catch my breath, Rika walked over and handed me a water bottle.

"Thanks." I said, opening the water and taking a big sip.

"No prob." Rika said, sitting down beside me, a contented sigh on her face "Y/n, I can tell you aren't the most athletic, but you were doing pretty good by the end there."

"Thanks." I said, a small smile forming on my face

As we cooled off we continued to talk before deciding to go out and get something to eat together, figuring to spend a while longer together. While still sweaty, I get up to walk alongside Rika, smiling softly. I'm still exhausted after all of that, but I admittedly had a good time. Rika seems to make me want to try things I hadn't done before, and so I know that spending time with her is always gonna be great.

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