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"Take everything but the delicious deals, guys. My mom loves them." said Eddie, as we grabbed some snacks.

"Hey, first you say the barrens, and now you're saying the sewer? I mean, what if we get caught?" asked Eddie

"I mean, when Y/n is there who is gonna pay attention to us?" asked Richie

"Oh, come on. I'm not that obvious" I said

"Are you kidding? You're the queen of the school! I mean come on, how many guys have you been with?" asked Richie

"R-r-richie!" screamed Bill in a warning.

"No it's ok. Well, this is gonna take you guys by surprise, but uhh, I'm still a virgin. I've never dated anyone" I said

"Holy shit! No guy has ever touched you?" asked Richie.

"I said I've never had sex, not never kissed anyone. Like, guys stop me in the halls to give me a peck, but honestly, it's annoying" I said, "Anyway, returning back to your question, Eddie, the sewers are public places, no one can say shit."

"Hey, Eddie, these your birth control pills?" asked Richie

"Omg are those for me?" I joked, but he blushed

"Ahaha! The girls got some humor!" said Richie, throwing his arm around me.

Then we went out of the kitchen, and out of Eddie's house....but.....

"Eddie bear, where are you boys off to in such a rush.....and who is that girl?" asked Sonia, I think was her name.

"Hello, Mrs. K. I'm Y/n L/n. The boys invited me for a hangout today." I said

"We're just going to my back yard, Mrs. K." said Bill

"Bill got a new croquet set." I said

"Okay. Oh, and sweetie, don't go rolling around on the grass. Especially if it's just been cut. You know how bad your allergies can get" said Sonia

"Yes, Mom. Let's go." said Eddie

"Aren't you forgetting something?" asked Sonia, Eddie sighed and went to give his mom a peck on the cheek. Richie held back a laughter.

"Do you want one from me too, Mrs. K?-- I was kidding" joked Richie, as Eddie pushed them out.

"Sorry, Mommy!" said Eddie

"You still call your mom "Mommy?"" I asked, Eddie blushed in embarrassment.

"Don't worry. It's cute. Reminds me of the good old childhood days" I said, he smiled. Then we grabbed our bikes, and went to the sewers.


"That's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy. And that's poison ivy" said Stan

"Where? W-where's poison ivy?" asked Eddie

"Nowhere. Stan's just overreacting. Besides if there even was a poison ivy, I've got some medicine to make the poison go away" I said

"Ok, well I'm starting to get itchy, now. And I'm pretty sure that is not good for my--" started Eddie

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" asked Richie, as we entered the sewers.

"Sometimes, yeah." said Eddie

"Then you probably have crabs" said Richie, I smirked

"That's so not funny" said Eddie

"Y/n thinks it is" said Richie

"Seriously?" asked Eddie

"I don't know. I just laugh every time someone cracks a joke. My way of being nice" I said

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